Wikidata:Status updates/2021 09 06

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2021-09-06.

Tool of the week


Other Noteworthy Stuff

  • User:SuccuBot has made its 100.000.000th edit. It is the first user account in Wikidata to reach this milestone.
  • In the frame of a Google Summer of Code project a new tool, called WikidataComplete was created. The tool smoothly integrates in the Wikidata UI and proposes new statements extracted by machine learning algorithms. Editors are asked to either approve or reject them. To activate it check here for a short tutorial check here. Any feedback is welcome here.

Did you know?



  • Continued work on the Mismatch Finder. We are now working on creating the page where mismatches will be listed for review.
  • Worked on support for "separators" parameter for distinct value constraints (phab:T277855)
  • Made it possible to restrict constraints to certain entity types (phab:T269724)
  • Added a new constraint type to ensure that the Item has a label in a particular language (phab:T195178)
  • Added a button for the Query Builder to to make the Query builder discoverable (phab:T276210) - integration in the example dialog is still in progress (phab:T280229)
  • We started work on some behind-the-scenes improvements to the way Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects are notified about a change that affects their articles. (They need this notification so the article can be purged and show the latest data from Wikidata again. It is also required for showing the edit in the watchlist and recent changes on those wikis. This should have no visible impact for editors but is needed maintenance work.

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Monthly Tasks
