Phenolic Compounds from Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng. (English)
紫茎泽兰中的酚类化学成分 (Chinese)
Eupatorium adenophorum
1 reference
ZHANG Mei/张梅
ZHOU Zhong-yu/周忠玉
REN Hui/任慧
TAN Jian-wen/谭建文
WAN Fang-hao/万方浩
Eleven compounds were isolated from ethanol extract of Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng.. On the basis of spectral data, they were identified as caffeic acid (1), ferulic acid (2), sinapaldehyde (3), phenethyl ferulate (4), protocatechuic acid (5),… (English)
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从紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum… (Chinese)
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