武夷山国家级自然保护区黄山松天然林自然稀疏规律研究 (Chinese)
The Self-thinning Law of Pinus taiwanensis Natural Forest in Wuyishan National Nature Reserve (English)
Pinus taiwanensis
1 reference
蔡小英/CAI Xiao-ying
洪伟/HONG Wei
吴承祯/WU Cheng-zhen
张艳艳/ZHANG Yan-yan
郭研/GUO Yan
夏鑫/XIA Xin
张彩云/ZHANG Cai-yun
林存炎/LIN Cun-yan
邓慧华/DENG Hui-hua
张尚炬/ZHANG Shang-ju
钱永平/QIAN Yong-ping
张文娟/ZHANG Wen-juan
选择平均直径、平均木断面积和林分总断面积作为林木个体大小的指标,研究林木株数与林木大小的关系.应用-3/2法则,建立黄山松天然林自然稀疏过程中林分密度与平均直径、平均木断面积、总断面积的相关关系.结果表明:黄山松天然林种群密度对林分平均胸径、平均木断面积、林分总断面积均存在显著作用.因此,在经营黄山松天然林时,必须切实重视林分密度控制管理.. (Chinese)
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The mean diameter, mean basal area of individual and total basal area of stands were collected as the indices for studying the relationship between the number of trees and the size. (English)
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