阳桃胚乳愈伤组织诱导和不定芽发生的研究 (Chinese)
Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration from Endosperm of Averrhoa carambola (English)
刘建福/LIU Jian-fu
吴清/WU Qing
杨道茂/YANG Dao-mao
欧阳明安/OUYANG Ming-an
首次成功建立阳桃胚乳组织培养并获得胚乳再生植株.胚乳愈伤组织诱导以培养基MS+2,4-D 2.0 mg L-1+BA0.2 mgL-1的效果最好,诱导频率可达94.7%,愈伤组织乳白色,结构致密,生长旺盛;将其接种在培养基MS+ZT3.0mgL-1+NAA0.2mgL-1上,愈伤组织由乳白色致密型转变为淡绿色致密型,进而形成绿色芽点,分化出不定芽,分化频率可达73.3%;胚乳植株在培养基MS+ZT 2.0-2.5 mg L-1+NAA 0.05 mg L-1上进行壮苗和营养繁殖.. (Chinese)
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Explants from endosperm of Averrhoa carambola were used to establish culture in vitro and regeneration system. (English)
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