蝎尾蕉属植物的组织培养与快速繁殖 (Chinese)
In vitro Propagation of Heliconia Plants (English)
曾宋君/ZENG Song-jun
郭少聪/GUO Shao-cong
吴坤林/WU Kun-lin
张奕奇/ZHANG Yi-qi
陈国华/CHEN Guo-hua
以蝎尾蕉属植物的吸芽为外植体,经灭菌处理后接种到MS+BA 2-10 mg L-1+NAA 0.2-1.0 mg L-1培养基上,能进行不定芽的诱导和增殖,不同品种的增殖倍率相差较大,所需最适BA的浓度也不同.生根培养基以MS+NAA 0.5 mg L-4+0.5%活性炭的效果较好.以沙,或泥炭土:沙=1:1,或珍珠岩:河沙=1:1三种基质移栽的试管苗,成活率达到90%以上.. (Chinese)
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New buds obtained by dark culture from the rhizomes of ten species or cultivars and hybrids of Heliconia were used as explants which were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 2-10 mg L-1 BA and 0.2-1.0 mg L-1 NAA. The experiments showed that the… (English)
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