Hi having trouble with the email feature, for some reason no email is sent. The logs show no errors, but the warnings below are logged on form submission. Config included below:
Any tips on further steps/things to try would be great.
PHP Warning: Undefined array key " --list_style_type " in /var/www/my.wiki/htdocs/mediawiki/extensions/CIForms/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Css/Style.php on line 1964
PHP Warning: Undefined array key " --list_style_type " in /var/www/my.wiki/htdocs/mediawiki/extensions/CIForms/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Css/Style.php on line 1971
Config for extension:
#CI Forms setup
wfLoadExtension( 'CIForms' );
$wgCIFormsDataAccess = 'staff' ;
$wgCIFormsSuccessMessage = 'The form has been sent, thank you!';
$wgCIFormsErrorMessage = 'We couldn\'t send your form, please try again or contact the support at $wgEmergencyContact.';
$wgCIFormsMailer = 'smtp';
$wgCIFormsSMTPHost = 'mail.sameserver.mediawik.uses';
$wgCIFormsSMTPUsername = 'the-user';
$wgCIFormsSMTPPassword = 'password-is-correct';
$wgCIFormsSMTPPort = 25;
$wgCIFormsEmailTo = 'account(at)mywiki';
$wgCIFormsSenderEmail = 'forms(at)mywiki';
$wgCIFormsSenderName = 'Form Submission';
#0 form overrides default, 1 default overrides form, 2 both email addresses
$wgCIFormsDataAccessGlobalMode = 0;
#0 form overrides default, 1 default overrides form, 2 both email addresses
$wgCIFormsEmailToGlobalMode = 0;