Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cheese Cupcakes

When i saw the pictures from Anncoo's cupcake, i told myself that i must make this!!! Her cheese cupcakes are so tempting!!! Later on, I found that many bloggers are baking this little cupcakes. Without looking into details for the recipes, you won't know that they are all sharing the SAME recipe! They all looks different!!

This cheese cupcake tastes a little savory due to the cheddar cheese. Therefore, do not reduce the sugar from the recipe. As for the butter cream cheese, i found it too much butter taste to my liking. For those who shares the tastebud like me, you may reduce the unsalted butter. It's a fattening >;<
Original recipe from :Muffin & Cupcake(makes 13 cupcakes)
Cheese Cupcake:
180g Butter
130g Sugar (I used 100g only)
3 Eggs
165 Self raising flour
80g Grated Cheddar cheese
2 tbsp Full cream milk

Butter Cream Cheese
125g unsalted butter
75g cream cheese
50g sugar

1. Beat butter & sugar until creamy and pale.
2. Add in eggs, one by one after well mixed.
3. Pour in half the flour, mix at low speed for a minute.
4. Add in the milk, and remaining flour, stir well. Lastly add in the grated cheddar cheese.
5. Use a rubber spatula mix well and scoop batter into cupcake cases.
6. Bake at 160C for 35 mins.
7. Cool on wire rack. Decorate with butter cream cheese.
Read more:

Monday, June 28, 2010

when Cream Cheese falling in love with Brownie “芝士布兰妮”

I would like to compare my previous bakes of Cream Cheese Brownie & Marble Cheese Brownie to this recipe.

From the previous bakes, the texture is more on cake so no need to keep in the fridge. More on chociolate taste with mild cheese favour.

When Cream Cheese falling in love with Brownie, this is a chilled cheese cake "lying on" the brownie. Need to be refrigerated. Rich cheese taste, a real cheese cake!

Recipe from Pynn :芝士布朗尼
100g Dark Chocolate
100g butter
50g sugar
2 eggs
20ml milk
90g super fine flour
10g cocoa powder
1/4 tsp baking powder
250g Cream Cheese
40g sugar
1 egg
150g Whipping Cream (original recipe require dairy, but i used non-dairy)
10g corn flour

Chocolate drizzing:
Spare two spoonful of cheese batter mix with some cocoa powder (I add in some non-dairy whipping cream as well)

1. Double boil the cooking chocolate until melt.
2. Beat butter and sugar until creamy and pale.
3. Add in the beated eggs (Drizzle bits by bits and mix well, continue)
4.Add in milk and mix well.
5. Add in the melted chocolate batter, stir well.
6. Add in the sifted flour, baking powder, and cocoa powder. Stir until well mix.
7. Pour the brownie batter into a 7" round pan.
8. Whisk cream cheese with sugar until well mix. Add in eggs.
9. Add in whipping cream, stir well.
10. Add in the corn flour, stir well.
11. Pour the cheese batter on top of the brownie batter.
12. Decorate with the chocolate drizzing as disire.
13. Steam Bake 160C for 1hour. Leave cool and keep in the fridge for overnight.

Deep Fried Glutinuos Rice Balls *豆沙煎堆*

My favourite snack -- Glutinuos Rice Balls with Red Bean Paste!!

Whenever i saw this snack at stalls / hawker center, they are mostly wrapped with peanut paste. However, peanut is not my cup of tea. Therefore, i always got disappointed when i was told it's peanut inside.

When i saw Angie post this recipe in her blog. I was glad and copied the recipe without second thought.

I made 20 small balls. They taste FANTASTIC!!! I gave away all the balls to relatives, and got very good comments from them. The most satisfaction and happinesss which was the words from my super-picky hubby, "比外面卖的还好吃!"......

My admended recipe as follows:

Skin :
100g mashed sweet potato
150g glutinious rice flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
70g castor sugar
100ml water (add slowly until u got the right texture, might not need to finish all)
Red bean paste

sesame seed

1. Skin :Mix all the ingrediant, knead until dough is formed, divide into 20 small balls
2. Filling: Form the red bean paste into 20 balls
3. Wrap filling with the skin and form balls. Dip in water and coat with sesame seeds.
4. Heat oil, medium low, deep fry balls until golden brown. Dish and drain.
Do not dip fried too many glutinuos balls at a time. The balls will expand when frying, too squeeze or little space will affect its shape. I fried the 20 small balls in 3 times.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


这款饼干真是可爱极了(是从Lee Kuan那儿偷来的食谱)!对他充满了期待。。。


巧克力酱装饰后的娃娃饼干味道应该不错。是我懒惰,不用擀面团的木棒推平面团;用手掌按了又压,压了又按,才会影响面团筋,使得口感起来变化。不酥松了~~ (会是这个原因吗?)





Saturday, June 12, 2010

My first attempt for whipping cream decoration

a href="">I bake this cake by using a 28cm X 28cm square pan. At first, i intend to do a chocolate swiss roll from Ching's blog 巧克力蛋糕卷 . I forgot to ask her the size of the swiss roll pan she used. But based on the ingredients from recipe, i think i will bake a "thick" swiss roll by the size of my swiss roll pan. (The weight of the flour +cocoa powder has been 130g)

Threrefore i made some admendment for the proportion of the ingredients. The siwss roll really rise up "thick", and it's spongy and light. I also realise that this is the same recipe as Pynn草莓巧克力蛋糕. So, i change my mind on the spot and decided to make it a layer cakes with whipping cream decoration!!!

I divided the square swiss roll into 4 parts (just cut it horizontally and diagonally).

I started to prepare the whipping cream topping.

I tried to decorate the cake, but failed a few times. Quite difficult to control the curl / flower by whipping cream.

DONE!!! I am quite satisfy with this small and cute cream cake!

Let's share my recipe with u:

A. Egg yolk mixture:

4 egg yolks

35g sugar

a pinch of salt

35g vegetable oil

100 superfine flour

10 cocoa powder

1/2 tsp baking powder

90ml milk

B. Egg white mixture

4 egg white

1/2tsp cream of tartar

60g sugar

C. Topping

200ml Non-diary whipping cream


1. Preheat oven to 160C for 10mins.

2. Mix egg white, sugar and salt until well combined.

3. Add in milk and vegetable oil, mix well.

4. Add in superfine flour , cocoa powder and baking powder slowly and stir well.

5. Beat egg white and cream of tartar until bubbles. Add in sugar 2 times to beat until hard-peak foam.

6. Mix 1/3 egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture. Stir well with spatular. Then pour the mixture into egg white again to combine well by spatular (slowly and gently, not to break the bubble).

7. Pour the batter into a greased paper swiss roll pan 28cm X 28cm. Bake at 160C for 40 mins.

8. Leave cold. Cut 2 knife to divide the square swiss roll into 4 parts. Decorate with whipping cream.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Marble Butter Cake

I am hunger for the Lemon Butter Cake for some while since this recipe scored excellent remarks from Net-pals. I bought the Golden churn Butter a week ago while shopping, thinking of buying the lemons later on at the grocery shop. I was so unlucky that the lemons turn out all rotten at the grocery shop yesterday. Nothing can be done to console my disappointment.

To satisfy my baking needs, i insisted to try the recipe. But, Ching has reminded that it tastes different without the lemon juicen and zests. So, i try the same recipe but modify it to be the Marble Butter Cake.

The results turn out excellent!!! Not too buttery, but fluffy and soft. I will try the original recipe with the lemon soon.....

125g butter
90g sugar
2 large eggs
175g self-raising flour
6tbsp milk
60g milo

1. Beat the butter with the sugar until fluffy.
2. Add in the eggs one by one, mixing well.
3. Fold in the flour and milk, combine well.
4. Divide the batter into two. Fold in milo into one of the batter, and mix well.
5. Althernately pour into the cake pan with original batter and milo batter.
6. Bake in pre-heated oven at 160C for 60mins.