Papers by Renāte Siliņa-Piņķe
Latvian Language Institute of the University of Latviа, Dec 5, 2016
Digitālās humanitārās zinātnes Latvijā
Elektroniskā bibliogrāfija aptver no pētniecības pirmsākumiem 19. gadsimtā līdz 2019. gadam tapuš... more Elektroniskā bibliogrāfija aptver no pētniecības pirmsākumiem 19. gadsimtā līdz 2019. gadam tapušos valodnieciskos pētījumus par latviešu valodas 16.–18. gadsimta tekstiem. Tajā apkopoti dažāda ap- joma pētījumi, sākot no zinātnisko konferenču tēzēm un beidzot ar vairāku sējumu izdevumiem.
Linguistik Online
In the course of several centuries, Latvian personal names were recorded only in foreign-language... more In the course of several centuries, Latvian personal names were recorded only in foreign-language texts and their spelling was adapted to the languages of these sources – namely, it did not reflect Latvian pronunciation. Nevertheless, it is known that since the 13th century the increasingly widespread Christian personal names (just like lexical borrowings) were adapted to the Latvian language and pronunciation. This article is looking at the Latvian personal names recorded in the substantial 1638 revision of manors in the so-called Swedish Livonia, and in the first German-Latvian dictionary published in the same year. On the basis of the limited material of personal names in the dictionary and on the usual patterns of loanword adaptation, we are trying to identify or reconstruct the Latvian personal names of the 17th century. According to the rules, the auditors carrying out the revision had to swear in the peasants they were questioning to obtain information, thus the procedure cer...
Aktuālas problēmas literatūras un kultūras pētniecībā, Mar 10, 2022
The aim of the article is to describe in brief previous experiences with preparing early written ... more The aim of the article is to describe in brief previous experiences with preparing early written Latvian texts for publication in recent times; we review the first attempts carried out by a working group dealing with the modernization of the Corpus of early written Latvian, examine the process and results of the conversion of early texts into modern spelling, and discuss the terminology associated with this conversion. The topic of this article is early written Latvian texts (16th–18th cc.), modernization of the Corpus of early written Latvian and conversion of early written texts into modern spelling. By means of descriptive analytics, conversion rules are developed. The process of conversion currently in force comprises the following steps: creation of conversion tables; application of the tables in a software algorithm; automated conversion; post-editing; re-reading and detection of mistakes in the converted source (the whole text or part of it if the text is large); analysis of mistakes and supplementation or correction of the conversion tables estimating the usefulness of corrections; repeated automated conversion; quality estimation. 25 conversion tables have been created till now. The process of conversion covers unambiguous, positional, and individual correspondences, which are detected for every single text source. The number of correspondence rules varies from 37 for The Lord’s Prayer by Bruno (1520) to 897 rules for ‘Undeudsche Psalmen’ (1587). In light of the development of Latvian spelling, the number of rules covering the conversion over time gradually decreases because the number of individual rules goes down as the spelling becomes more universal. Due to the fact that the orthography of the 18th c. texts is close to the spelling dominating at the end of the 17th c., we hope to create a conversion pattern that with minor variation could be applied for the bulk of the sources from 18th c.
Latvian Language Institute of the University of Latviа, Dec 5, 2016
Aktuālas problēmas literatūras un kultūras pētniecībā, Mar 10, 2022
The aim of the article is to describe in brief previous experiences with preparing early written ... more The aim of the article is to describe in brief previous experiences with preparing early written Latvian texts for publication in recent times; we review the first attempts carried out by a working group dealing with the modernization of the Corpus of early written Latvian, examine the process and results of the conversion of early texts into modern spelling, and discuss the terminology associated with this conversion. The topic of this article is early written Latvian texts (16th–18th cc.), modernization of the Corpus of early written Latvian and conversion of early written texts into modern spelling. By means of descriptive analytics, conversion rules are developed. The process of conversion currently in force comprises the following steps: creation of conversion tables; application of the tables in a software algorithm; automated conversion; post-editing; re-reading and detection of mistakes in the converted source (the whole text or part of it if the text is large); analysis of mistakes and supplementation or correction of the conversion tables estimating the usefulness of corrections; repeated automated conversion; quality estimation. 25 conversion tables have been created till now. The process of conversion covers unambiguous, positional, and individual correspondences, which are detected for every single text source. The number of correspondence rules varies from 37 for The Lord’s Prayer by Bruno (1520) to 897 rules for ‘Undeudsche Psalmen’ (1587). In light of the development of Latvian spelling, the number of rules covering the conversion over time gradually decreases because the number of individual rules goes down as the spelling becomes more universal. Due to the fact that the orthography of the 18th c. texts is close to the spelling dominating at the end of the 17th c., we hope to create a conversion pattern that with minor variation could be applied for the bulk of the sources from 18th c.
Die Rigaer Rufnamen im 15. Jahrhundert werden anhand des Kämmerei-Registers der Stadt beschrieben... more Die Rigaer Rufnamen im 15. Jahrhundert werden anhand des Kämmerei-Registers der Stadt beschrieben und analysiert. Die mittelniederdeutsch verfasste Quelle umfasst die Zeitperiode von 1405 bis 1475 und ist sowohl als Original, wie auch als Edition vorhanden. Das Korpus bilden 105 Rufnamen, die von 645 Personen getragen wurden und in 4014 Belegen niedergeschrieben sind. Da die Amts- und Verkehrssprache in den oberen und mittleren gesellschaftlichen Schichten im mittelalterlichen Riga mittelniederdeutsch war, sind hier viele Rufnamen in ihren niederdeutschen Formen zu erwarten. Quellenbedingt kann die untere, vor allem lettisch sprechende, gesellschaftliche Schicht nicht mitanalysiert werden. Die Rufnamen werden traditionsgemäß in germanische und biblische oder Heiligennamen gegliedert. Ebenfalls werden die frequentesten Namen ermittelt. Die Resultate werden mit ähnlichen Forschungen über die Rufnamen in Norddeutschland verglichen, um auf eine eventuell gemeinsame Rufnamenlandschaft zu...
Digitālās humanitārās zinātnes Latvijā
Renāte Siliņa-Piņķe Priekšvārdi Rīgā 15. gadsimtā pēc ķemerejas reģistra materiāliem. Promocijas ... more Renāte Siliņa-Piņķe Priekšvārdi Rīgā 15. gadsimtā pēc ķemerejas reģistra materiāliem. Promocijas darbs ir starpdisciplinārs pētījums vēsturiskajā antroponīmikā. Tajā tiek analizēti Rīgas ķemerejas reģistrā (1405-1474) fiksētie 142 priekšvārdi (4485 minējumi). Centrālais pētījums ir par 111 rīdzinieku priekšvārdiem. Lingvistiskās analīzes daļa ir veltīta to cilmei, formveidei, tai skaitā viduslejasvācu valodas iezīmēm, rakstībai un locīšanai. Īpaša uzmanība ir pievērsta alonīmiem. Sociolingvistiskās analīzes daļā ir apskatīts rīdzinieku priekšvārdu biežums un izplatība gan kopumā, gan atsevišķi pa ķemerejas reģistrā fiksētajiem sociālajiem slāņiem, nacionālās īpatnības priekšvārdu došanā, kā arī priekšvārdi ģimenes tradīcijās. Izplatītākie rīdzinieku priekšvārdi ir salīdzināti ar izplatītākajiem priekšvārdiem Ziemeļvācijas pilsētās atbilstošajā laika posmā. Atsevišķi īsumā tiek apskatīti arī 73 Rīgas viesu priekšvārdi.Renāte Siliņa-Piņķe First Names in Riga in the 15th C. by Entries ...
Latvian Language Institute of the University of Latviа, Dec 5, 2016
The great impact of Middle Low German on the Latvian language during the 13–16th century is a wel... more The great impact of Middle Low German on the Latvian language during the 13–16th century is a well-known and rather widely researched fact. However, the main focus of linguists' attention has so far been on the apellative vocabulary. This article therefore aims to highlight the traces of Middle Low German on Latvian proper names – placenames and personal names (both first names and surnames) – during the time of their appearance and also nowadays (also touching upon the issue of onyms that have disappeared during previous centuries). The system of Latvian personal names (as the ancient Baltic two-stem personal names gradually disappeared during the 13–14th century), was largely built on the basis of Christian names in their Middle Low German versions. Among these Latvian names, borrowed from Middle Low German and still in use in the 21st century, we can note Ģederts, Indriķis, Jurģis, Tenis, Ints, Inta etc. In the context of placenames, one must take into account the historical ...
Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusPromocijas darbs ir starpdisciplinārs pētījums vēsturiskaj... more Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusPromocijas darbs ir starpdisciplinārs pētījums vēsturiskajā antroponīmikā. Tajā tiek analizēti Rīgas ķemerejas reģistrā (1405-1474) fiksētie 142 priekšvārdi (4485 minējumi). Centrālais pētījums ir par 111 rīdzinieku priekšvārdiem. Lingvistiskās analīzes daļa ir veltīta to cilmei, formveidei, tai skaitā viduslejasvācu valodas iezīmēm, rakstībai un locīšanai. Īpaša uzmanība ir pievērsta alonīmiem. Sociolingvistiskās analīzes daļā ir apskatīts rīdzinieku priekšvārdu biežums un izplatība gan kopumā, gan atsevišķi pa ķemerejas reģistrā fiksētajiem sociālajiem slāņiem, nacionālās īpatnības priekšvārdu došanā, kā arī priekšvārdi ģimenes tradīcijās. Izplatītākie rīdzinieku priekšvārdi ir salīdzināti ar izplatītākajiem priekšvārdiem Ziemeļvācijas pilsētās atbilstošajā laika posmā. Atsevišķi īsumā tiek apskatīti arī 73 Rīgas viesu priekšvārdi.Doctor’s thesis is an interdisciplinary work on historical anthroponymics. 142 first names recorded (4485 times i...
Vidzeme, one of the cultural and historical regions of Latvia, became a part of the kingdom of Sw... more Vidzeme, one of the cultural and historical regions of Latvia, became a part of the kingdom of Sweden during the 17th century. Subsequently, Swedish cartographers mapped the estates of Vidzeme and then compiled maps of larger territories then called castle districts. The present research inspects 11 of these late 17th century maps and analyzes the microtoponyms found there. For an illustration, the maps of Sāviena (Sawensee) and Aburti (Lüggen) estates are chosen. This paper consider as microtoponyms not only the names of meadows, forests, swamps and hills, but also some hydronyms denoting smaller rivers and lakes that had not yet been academically analyzed, in total names of 26 objects. The majority of these microtoponyms denote what was then called streijgabali – remote parts of agricultural land that belonged to a central property but did not have a direct border with it. These maps depict some no longer existing lakes and swamps (e.g. Linn Siöö, Linne Purwe, Werdig purw), contai...
Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fond
Aktuālas problēmas literatūras un kultūras pētniecībā, Mar 10, 2022
Elektroniskā bibliogrāfija aptver no pētniecības pirmsākumiem 19. gadsimtā līdz 2019. gadam tapuš... more Elektroniskā bibliogrāfija aptver no pētniecības pirmsākumiem 19. gadsimtā līdz 2019. gadam tapušos valodnieciskos pētījumus par latviešu valodas 16.–18. gadsimta tekstiem. Tajā apkopoti dažāda ap- joma pētījumi, sākot no zinātnisko konferenču tēzēm un beidzot ar vairāku sējumu izdevumiem.
Papers by Renāte Siliņa-Piņķe