During the colonial period, the old Inca nobility retained a very high position in Cusco. Members... more During the colonial period, the old Inca nobility retained a very high position in Cusco. Members of the pre-Hispanic elite found themselves in the new social system and accepted the Catholic religion introduced by the Europeans. However, the acculturation process triggered the need to preserve some elements of the old traditions. An important element of maintaining a separate identity was the possession and use of traditional Inca costumes during public and religious events. Despite the acceptance of the new order, both political and religious, the descendants of the Inca nobility felt the need to emphasize their own distinctiveness and position resulting from the historical legacy. This article aims to present the presence of the Inca nobility during the processions and festivals in Cusco, as well as to show the need for a cultural manifestation that took place through the use of traditional costumes during public events or performances referring to Inca history.
Royal catafalques, even those dedicated to the memory of a single person, as in this case, Queen ... more Royal catafalques, even those dedicated to the memory of a single person, as in this case, Queen Maria Amalia of Saxony of Spain, had a wide variety of architectural forms. The possibility of analyzing the artistic elements and iconographic programs, is limited by the surviving sources. In selecting the objects to be presented in this article (catafalques erected in Cartagena de Indias, Manila and Lima), I was guided by the existence of graphics showing the artistic form of the monuments under study; for all three catafalques characterized in the text, iconographic sources in the form of engravings have survived. The analysis of the form made it possible to present the tradition of royal enforcements common to the entire Spanish empire in its artistic renditions of local character.
The Beaterio de Nuestra Señora del Carmen in the light of an unpublished document of 1772 and the... more The Beaterio de Nuestra Señora del Carmen in the light of an unpublished document of 1772 and the current architecture of the tertiary house The document, dated 1772 and kept in the Archbishop's Archives in Cusco, presents a request from María Nicolasa de Christo, preposita of the Beaterio de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, demanding that her beaterio not be converted into a chaplaincy. The tertian describes the beaterio's institutional and economic situation. Her petition is supported by the testimonies of nine witnesses from Cusco who visited the homes and chapel of the tertian. The witnesses' descriptions give us a picture of the architecture and decor of the Nuestra Señora del Carmen beaterium in 1772. At the time, it was one of the most important in Cusco. The document serves as a pretext to reflect on the architecture of the beaterios in Cusco and their functions in the urban structure and multi-ethnic society of Cusco. In the 17th and 18th centuries, one can observe the hierarchization of the social structure, which depended on economic status, blood purity or gender, and the beaterias were a response to the need to create a living space for single women, very often lacking sufficient economic resources to support themselves
The image of Our Lady of the Rosary in Urubamba (Peru). History and cult
This article presents... more The image of Our Lady of the Rosary in Urubamba (Peru). History and cult
This article presents a multifaceted analysis of a painting depicting the image of Nuestra Señora del Rosario from the parish church in Urubamba. The canvas is an unusual work, especially in terms of iconography and in the context of the local rosary cult, which has a very well-established tradition. The painting itself carries a lot of information, the work tells its story through the portraits and inscriptions on it. Thanks to the analysis of the canvas, as well as archival documents, it became possible to reconstruct the context of the work's functioning
Most colonial religious paintings in the period from the late 16 th century to the early 19 th ce... more Most colonial religious paintings in the period from the late 16 th century to the early 19 th century were inspired by prints imported from Europe; the Jesuit order, present on most continents, played an extremely important role in the dissemination of models, at least until the order was abolished in 1773. Jesuit collections gathered in libraries accompanying colleges were also important. Artists creating compositions in colonial areas used illustrated book publications, ephemeral prints and individual prints. For the purposes of the discussion presented here, two subjects have been selected. The first one is two representations from the allegorical cycle showing the fate of the human soul on the road to salvation, based on prints by Boetius Adams Bolswert (Via vitae aeternae Antoon Sucquet, Antwerp, 1620), found in the sacristy of the Pauline church on Jasna Góra and the chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows in the Cathedral in Goa. The second subject is Jesuit themes inspired by the works of Peter Paul Rubens. We should also remember that the strategy of using paintings played a particularly significant role in the Jesuit evangelisation process.
Miraże natury i architektury. Prace naukowe dedykowane Profesorowi Tadeuszowi Bernatowiczowi, red. Alina Barczyk, Piotr Gryglewski, Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwesrsytetu Łódzkiego, 2021
The article presents eighteenth-century inventories as sources of knowledge about the details of ... more The article presents eighteenth-century inventories as sources of knowledge about the details of the decoration of the Jesuit sacred interiors in Cusco. The author focuses on presenting the colours in the interiors of the church and chapels. In the first section, the author analyses the content of the inventories themselves and the denominations of colours, briefly describing the names, use and meaning of each colour. In the second part of the study, the author discusses the colours of selected elements of the decoration, such as the tabernacles, antependia and costumes of sculptures in the altars. The problem was presented in the cultural context of the region, with both baroque and Andean aesthetics considered.
“Historia Revista”. Goiânia, v. 26, n. 1 (jan./abr. 2021), 2021
En el Virreinato del Perú existía la arquitectura jesuita que se puede describir como misionera y... more En el Virreinato del Perú existía la arquitectura jesuita que se puede describir como misionera y funcionó en varios ámbitos. Estamos hablando de templos de formas simples que los jesuitas construyeron en lugares donde la nueva fe recién se estaba introduciendo. Dicha arquitectura estaba determinada principalmente por su función, no sufriendo tantas modificaciones regionales, aunque algunos elementos decorativos y algunas variantes de la composición se pueden calificar como soluciones locales. En la ponencia quisiera presentar ambos aspectos mencionados, tanto encontrar los elementos globales de la arquitectura misionera de los jesuitas como destacar su diversidad en las regiones. Me gustaría caracterizar diferentes aspectos como: el mismo proceso de la construcción, la sobrevivencia de la tradición indígena, el uso de las formas y materiales, y también en la variedad de sus decoraciones. En este análisis quisiera centrarme en ejemplos de arquitectura creada por la Compañía de Jesús, en Colombia (Tópaga, Fontibón), Perú (Andahuaylillas y Juli), Bolivia (indios Mojos y Chiquitos), en las famosas misiones guaraníes en la actual Argentina, Paraguay y Brasil, y también en la arquitectura misionera de Chiloé.
Odnowienie doktoratu profesor Wandy Nowakowskiej W dniach 26 i 27 listopada 2015 r. w Pałacu Bied... more Odnowienie doktoratu profesor Wandy Nowakowskiej W dniach 26 i 27 listopada 2015 r. w Pałacu Biedermanna przy ul. Franciszkańskiej 1/5 odbyło się odnowienie doktoratów sześciorga uczonych polskich, którzy swoją karierę naukową rozpoczynali na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. Święto powiązane było z uroczystymi posiedzeniami Senatu UŁ. Odnowienie doktoratu to forma docenienia badaczy, którzy w wyjątkowy sposób zasłużyli się dla życia naukowego nie tylko swoim dorobkiem, lecz także postawą i charyzmą. To właśnie oni po półwieczu od otrzymania stopnia doktora zostali uhonorowani uroczystym odnowieniem pierwszego stopnia naukowego. W ten sposób społeczność akademicka oddała hołd profesorom, którzy dzięki swojej działalności zyskali w jej oczach wysokie uznanie. Taką formę wyróżnienia osób, które uzyskały stopień doktora na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim przed pięćdziesięcioma laty i w sposób szczególny zasłużyły się dla nauki lub kultury polskiej, ustanowił Senat UŁ w dniu 27 marca 2000 r. Dnia 26 listopada 2015 r. odbyło się spotkanie poświęcone trójce naukowców, podczas którego nastąpiło odnowienie trzech doktoratów: profesor Wandy Nowakowskiej (historyka sztuki), profesor Adeli Styczyńskiej (anglistki) i profesora Jacka Kolbuszewskiego (polonisty). Dla historyków sztuki i historyków najbardziej wzruszająca była czwartkowa uroczystość odnowienia doktoratu profesor Wandy Nowakowskiej, która przez wiele lat związana była z Wydziałem Filozoficzno-Historycznym UŁ. Na spotkanie w Sali Kominkowej Pałacu Biedermanna oprócz członków senatu przybyło wielu gości. Jako członek senatu, ale i badacz zaprzyjaźniony z profesor Nowakowską, w tych uroczystościach brał udział dziekan Wydziału Filozoficzno-Historycznego, prof. Zbigniew Anusik. Reprezentowane były
Paolo Mauricio, María Cecilia Avegno (eds.), Barroco. Mitos. Imaginería, La Paz (Bolivia): Fundac... more Paolo Mauricio, María Cecilia Avegno (eds.), Barroco. Mitos. Imaginería, La Paz (Bolivia): Fundación Visión Cultural, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, 2021, s. 101-114
International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal , 2020
The article analyses the royal proclamation of Ferdinand VI in Cusco (Peru) which took place on 2... more The article analyses the royal proclamation of Ferdinand VI in Cusco (Peru) which took place on 23 September 1747, on the birthday of the king. A reconstruction of the celebration was possible thanks to two sources: the city chronicle written in the mid-eighteenth century by Diego de Esquivel y Navía and an occasional print containing a description of the ceremony by José Antonio Santander (1748). The article discusses three aspects of the presented celebrations. First of all, it presents the general context, i.e. the problem of festival celebrations related to the royal family as a part of the Spanish crown policy. Secondly, it details artistic issues related to the celebrations. It includes a description of the artistic setting with the features of occasional architecture and ephemeral painting. Finally, the article examines the local, social and political contexts of the celebrations, read as a manifestation of the city’s emancipation efforts based on the emphasis of Cusco’s antiquity and its rich imperial tradition in the Pre-Hispanic period.
Este artículo se ha dedicado a los dos beaterios de Santa Rosa, que funcionaron en Cusco desde la... more Este artículo se ha dedicado a los dos beaterios de Santa Rosa, que funcionaron en Cusco desde la década de los ochenta del siglo XVIII. Originariamente, existía un único recogimiento bajo la advocación de esta Santa, que reunía tanto a españolas, como a indígenas y a mestizas (según los documentos). Sin embargo, a resultas del confl icto racial y social surgido en los años ochenta de ese siglo, el beaterio se dividió en dos instituciones, que a partir de entonces tendrían sedes separadas. En la calle de San Andrés se ubicaría el beaterio de las españolas, y en un callejón situado junto al monasterio de Santo Domingo el destinado a las indígenas y mestizas. El presente artículo recrea la historia de ambas instituciones a base de la rela-ción de José María Blanco, que data de 1834, y de varios documentos conservados, que proceden del siglo XVIII. Asimismo, se presentan datos estimativos referentes al interior de las capillas y a sus altares
Kaplice i oratoria w domach prywatnych kolonialnego Cusco i regionu kuzkeńskiego [in:] Piotr Gryg... more Kaplice i oratoria w domach prywatnych kolonialnego Cusco i regionu kuzkeńskiego [in:] Piotr Gryglewski, Tadeusz Bernatowicz, Daria Rutkowska-Siuda (reds.), Między architekturą nowoczesną a tradycją […] między konstrukcją a formą. Prace naukowe dedykowane Profesorowi Krzysztofowi Stefańskiemu, Lódź 2020, pp. 260-277
During the colonial period, the old Inca nobility retained a very high position in Cusco. Members... more During the colonial period, the old Inca nobility retained a very high position in Cusco. Members of the pre-Hispanic elite found themselves in the new social system and accepted the Catholic religion introduced by the Europeans. However, the acculturation process triggered the need to preserve some elements of the old traditions. An important element of maintaining a separate identity was the possession and use of traditional Inca costumes during public and religious events. Despite the acceptance of the new order, both political and religious, the descendants of the Inca nobility felt the need to emphasize their own distinctiveness and position resulting from the historical legacy. This article aims to present the presence of the Inca nobility during the processions and festivals in Cusco, as well as to show the need for a cultural manifestation that took place through the use of traditional costumes during public events or performances referring to Inca history.
Royal catafalques, even those dedicated to the memory of a single person, as in this case, Queen ... more Royal catafalques, even those dedicated to the memory of a single person, as in this case, Queen Maria Amalia of Saxony of Spain, had a wide variety of architectural forms. The possibility of analyzing the artistic elements and iconographic programs, is limited by the surviving sources. In selecting the objects to be presented in this article (catafalques erected in Cartagena de Indias, Manila and Lima), I was guided by the existence of graphics showing the artistic form of the monuments under study; for all three catafalques characterized in the text, iconographic sources in the form of engravings have survived. The analysis of the form made it possible to present the tradition of royal enforcements common to the entire Spanish empire in its artistic renditions of local character.
The Beaterio de Nuestra Señora del Carmen in the light of an unpublished document of 1772 and the... more The Beaterio de Nuestra Señora del Carmen in the light of an unpublished document of 1772 and the current architecture of the tertiary house The document, dated 1772 and kept in the Archbishop's Archives in Cusco, presents a request from María Nicolasa de Christo, preposita of the Beaterio de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, demanding that her beaterio not be converted into a chaplaincy. The tertian describes the beaterio's institutional and economic situation. Her petition is supported by the testimonies of nine witnesses from Cusco who visited the homes and chapel of the tertian. The witnesses' descriptions give us a picture of the architecture and decor of the Nuestra Señora del Carmen beaterium in 1772. At the time, it was one of the most important in Cusco. The document serves as a pretext to reflect on the architecture of the beaterios in Cusco and their functions in the urban structure and multi-ethnic society of Cusco. In the 17th and 18th centuries, one can observe the hierarchization of the social structure, which depended on economic status, blood purity or gender, and the beaterias were a response to the need to create a living space for single women, very often lacking sufficient economic resources to support themselves
The image of Our Lady of the Rosary in Urubamba (Peru). History and cult
This article presents... more The image of Our Lady of the Rosary in Urubamba (Peru). History and cult
This article presents a multifaceted analysis of a painting depicting the image of Nuestra Señora del Rosario from the parish church in Urubamba. The canvas is an unusual work, especially in terms of iconography and in the context of the local rosary cult, which has a very well-established tradition. The painting itself carries a lot of information, the work tells its story through the portraits and inscriptions on it. Thanks to the analysis of the canvas, as well as archival documents, it became possible to reconstruct the context of the work's functioning
Most colonial religious paintings in the period from the late 16 th century to the early 19 th ce... more Most colonial religious paintings in the period from the late 16 th century to the early 19 th century were inspired by prints imported from Europe; the Jesuit order, present on most continents, played an extremely important role in the dissemination of models, at least until the order was abolished in 1773. Jesuit collections gathered in libraries accompanying colleges were also important. Artists creating compositions in colonial areas used illustrated book publications, ephemeral prints and individual prints. For the purposes of the discussion presented here, two subjects have been selected. The first one is two representations from the allegorical cycle showing the fate of the human soul on the road to salvation, based on prints by Boetius Adams Bolswert (Via vitae aeternae Antoon Sucquet, Antwerp, 1620), found in the sacristy of the Pauline church on Jasna Góra and the chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows in the Cathedral in Goa. The second subject is Jesuit themes inspired by the works of Peter Paul Rubens. We should also remember that the strategy of using paintings played a particularly significant role in the Jesuit evangelisation process.
Miraże natury i architektury. Prace naukowe dedykowane Profesorowi Tadeuszowi Bernatowiczowi, red. Alina Barczyk, Piotr Gryglewski, Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwesrsytetu Łódzkiego, 2021
The article presents eighteenth-century inventories as sources of knowledge about the details of ... more The article presents eighteenth-century inventories as sources of knowledge about the details of the decoration of the Jesuit sacred interiors in Cusco. The author focuses on presenting the colours in the interiors of the church and chapels. In the first section, the author analyses the content of the inventories themselves and the denominations of colours, briefly describing the names, use and meaning of each colour. In the second part of the study, the author discusses the colours of selected elements of the decoration, such as the tabernacles, antependia and costumes of sculptures in the altars. The problem was presented in the cultural context of the region, with both baroque and Andean aesthetics considered.
“Historia Revista”. Goiânia, v. 26, n. 1 (jan./abr. 2021), 2021
En el Virreinato del Perú existía la arquitectura jesuita que se puede describir como misionera y... more En el Virreinato del Perú existía la arquitectura jesuita que se puede describir como misionera y funcionó en varios ámbitos. Estamos hablando de templos de formas simples que los jesuitas construyeron en lugares donde la nueva fe recién se estaba introduciendo. Dicha arquitectura estaba determinada principalmente por su función, no sufriendo tantas modificaciones regionales, aunque algunos elementos decorativos y algunas variantes de la composición se pueden calificar como soluciones locales. En la ponencia quisiera presentar ambos aspectos mencionados, tanto encontrar los elementos globales de la arquitectura misionera de los jesuitas como destacar su diversidad en las regiones. Me gustaría caracterizar diferentes aspectos como: el mismo proceso de la construcción, la sobrevivencia de la tradición indígena, el uso de las formas y materiales, y también en la variedad de sus decoraciones. En este análisis quisiera centrarme en ejemplos de arquitectura creada por la Compañía de Jesús, en Colombia (Tópaga, Fontibón), Perú (Andahuaylillas y Juli), Bolivia (indios Mojos y Chiquitos), en las famosas misiones guaraníes en la actual Argentina, Paraguay y Brasil, y también en la arquitectura misionera de Chiloé.
Odnowienie doktoratu profesor Wandy Nowakowskiej W dniach 26 i 27 listopada 2015 r. w Pałacu Bied... more Odnowienie doktoratu profesor Wandy Nowakowskiej W dniach 26 i 27 listopada 2015 r. w Pałacu Biedermanna przy ul. Franciszkańskiej 1/5 odbyło się odnowienie doktoratów sześciorga uczonych polskich, którzy swoją karierę naukową rozpoczynali na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. Święto powiązane było z uroczystymi posiedzeniami Senatu UŁ. Odnowienie doktoratu to forma docenienia badaczy, którzy w wyjątkowy sposób zasłużyli się dla życia naukowego nie tylko swoim dorobkiem, lecz także postawą i charyzmą. To właśnie oni po półwieczu od otrzymania stopnia doktora zostali uhonorowani uroczystym odnowieniem pierwszego stopnia naukowego. W ten sposób społeczność akademicka oddała hołd profesorom, którzy dzięki swojej działalności zyskali w jej oczach wysokie uznanie. Taką formę wyróżnienia osób, które uzyskały stopień doktora na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim przed pięćdziesięcioma laty i w sposób szczególny zasłużyły się dla nauki lub kultury polskiej, ustanowił Senat UŁ w dniu 27 marca 2000 r. Dnia 26 listopada 2015 r. odbyło się spotkanie poświęcone trójce naukowców, podczas którego nastąpiło odnowienie trzech doktoratów: profesor Wandy Nowakowskiej (historyka sztuki), profesor Adeli Styczyńskiej (anglistki) i profesora Jacka Kolbuszewskiego (polonisty). Dla historyków sztuki i historyków najbardziej wzruszająca była czwartkowa uroczystość odnowienia doktoratu profesor Wandy Nowakowskiej, która przez wiele lat związana była z Wydziałem Filozoficzno-Historycznym UŁ. Na spotkanie w Sali Kominkowej Pałacu Biedermanna oprócz członków senatu przybyło wielu gości. Jako członek senatu, ale i badacz zaprzyjaźniony z profesor Nowakowską, w tych uroczystościach brał udział dziekan Wydziału Filozoficzno-Historycznego, prof. Zbigniew Anusik. Reprezentowane były
Paolo Mauricio, María Cecilia Avegno (eds.), Barroco. Mitos. Imaginería, La Paz (Bolivia): Fundac... more Paolo Mauricio, María Cecilia Avegno (eds.), Barroco. Mitos. Imaginería, La Paz (Bolivia): Fundación Visión Cultural, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, 2021, s. 101-114
International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal , 2020
The article analyses the royal proclamation of Ferdinand VI in Cusco (Peru) which took place on 2... more The article analyses the royal proclamation of Ferdinand VI in Cusco (Peru) which took place on 23 September 1747, on the birthday of the king. A reconstruction of the celebration was possible thanks to two sources: the city chronicle written in the mid-eighteenth century by Diego de Esquivel y Navía and an occasional print containing a description of the ceremony by José Antonio Santander (1748). The article discusses three aspects of the presented celebrations. First of all, it presents the general context, i.e. the problem of festival celebrations related to the royal family as a part of the Spanish crown policy. Secondly, it details artistic issues related to the celebrations. It includes a description of the artistic setting with the features of occasional architecture and ephemeral painting. Finally, the article examines the local, social and political contexts of the celebrations, read as a manifestation of the city’s emancipation efforts based on the emphasis of Cusco’s antiquity and its rich imperial tradition in the Pre-Hispanic period.
Este artículo se ha dedicado a los dos beaterios de Santa Rosa, que funcionaron en Cusco desde la... more Este artículo se ha dedicado a los dos beaterios de Santa Rosa, que funcionaron en Cusco desde la década de los ochenta del siglo XVIII. Originariamente, existía un único recogimiento bajo la advocación de esta Santa, que reunía tanto a españolas, como a indígenas y a mestizas (según los documentos). Sin embargo, a resultas del confl icto racial y social surgido en los años ochenta de ese siglo, el beaterio se dividió en dos instituciones, que a partir de entonces tendrían sedes separadas. En la calle de San Andrés se ubicaría el beaterio de las españolas, y en un callejón situado junto al monasterio de Santo Domingo el destinado a las indígenas y mestizas. El presente artículo recrea la historia de ambas instituciones a base de la rela-ción de José María Blanco, que data de 1834, y de varios documentos conservados, que proceden del siglo XVIII. Asimismo, se presentan datos estimativos referentes al interior de las capillas y a sus altares
Kaplice i oratoria w domach prywatnych kolonialnego Cusco i regionu kuzkeńskiego [in:] Piotr Gryg... more Kaplice i oratoria w domach prywatnych kolonialnego Cusco i regionu kuzkeńskiego [in:] Piotr Gryglewski, Tadeusz Bernatowicz, Daria Rutkowska-Siuda (reds.), Między architekturą nowoczesną a tradycją […] między konstrukcją a formą. Prace naukowe dedykowane Profesorowi Krzysztofowi Stefańskiemu, Lódź 2020, pp. 260-277
Papers by Ewa Kubiak
The document, dated 1772 and kept in the Archbishop's Archives in Cusco, presents a request from María Nicolasa de Christo, preposita of the Beaterio de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, demanding that her beaterio not be converted into a chaplaincy. The tertian describes the beaterio's institutional and economic situation. Her petition is supported by the testimonies of nine witnesses from Cusco who visited the homes and chapel of the tertian. The witnesses' descriptions give us a picture of the architecture and decor of the Nuestra Señora del Carmen beaterium in 1772. At the time, it was one of the most important in Cusco. The document serves as a pretext to reflect on the architecture of the beaterios in Cusco and their functions in the urban structure and multi-ethnic society of Cusco. In the 17th and 18th centuries, one can observe the hierarchization of the social structure, which depended on economic status, blood purity or gender, and the beaterias were a response to the need to create a living space for single women, very often lacking sufficient economic resources to support themselves
This article presents a multifaceted analysis of a painting depicting the image of Nuestra Señora del Rosario from the parish church in Urubamba. The canvas is an unusual work, especially in terms of iconography and in the context of the local rosary cult, which has a very well-established tradition. The painting itself carries a lot of information, the work tells its story through the portraits and inscriptions on it. Thanks to the analysis of the canvas, as well as archival documents, it became possible to reconstruct the context of the work's functioning
The document, dated 1772 and kept in the Archbishop's Archives in Cusco, presents a request from María Nicolasa de Christo, preposita of the Beaterio de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, demanding that her beaterio not be converted into a chaplaincy. The tertian describes the beaterio's institutional and economic situation. Her petition is supported by the testimonies of nine witnesses from Cusco who visited the homes and chapel of the tertian. The witnesses' descriptions give us a picture of the architecture and decor of the Nuestra Señora del Carmen beaterium in 1772. At the time, it was one of the most important in Cusco. The document serves as a pretext to reflect on the architecture of the beaterios in Cusco and their functions in the urban structure and multi-ethnic society of Cusco. In the 17th and 18th centuries, one can observe the hierarchization of the social structure, which depended on economic status, blood purity or gender, and the beaterias were a response to the need to create a living space for single women, very often lacking sufficient economic resources to support themselves
This article presents a multifaceted analysis of a painting depicting the image of Nuestra Señora del Rosario from the parish church in Urubamba. The canvas is an unusual work, especially in terms of iconography and in the context of the local rosary cult, which has a very well-established tradition. The painting itself carries a lot of information, the work tells its story through the portraits and inscriptions on it. Thanks to the analysis of the canvas, as well as archival documents, it became possible to reconstruct the context of the work's functioning