Just about bordering on odd, I see things through different eyes.The heading says it all - I live, I love, I craft, I am me...
Showing posts with label baking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baking. Show all posts



 The verb 'weekending', to weekend, to do - so we did.


Knitter's Paradise  with Youngest and his lovely girl. 
The shop was in an old converted soap mill near Cullingworth - a treasure trove - will certainly return.

there was a lot of squishing and holding of hanks of yarn and bundles of wool - 
the temptation was impossible to fight off.
purchasing ....
coming away with delicious rich russets, burgundys and chocolate browns to add to the growing Woodland Ripple blanket and a couple of pieces of woven fabric from the mill - I have plans!
Walking ...

Somewhere new, Manor Heath Garden Park, Halifax. 
Met up with Eldest and his lovely girl, had a picnic lunch and a dog walk. 
Scones for Himself - with plant based milk and butter and topped with jam and coconut yoghurt - absolutely delicious. Becoming dairy intolerant post covid has been a bit of a trial but we are getting there.
Being sent a rediscovered photograph of a much loved and much missed little feline monkey.
I still 'see' her in the garden when I am working out there.
Crocheting ...
Adding the new yarns into the mix - the Woodland Ripple is growing - slowly but surely.
So - that was my weekend. Hope you had a good weekend too xxx



So...  What have I been doing? Well.....

Knitting ....

Himself - a moss green moss stitch pullover

Me - a simple scarf in garter stitch with left over wool. It was to be for me to wear at work but Himself has eyed it up, so I may be making another one soon....

And about to start a cardigan for me with chrimbly gifted wool in sea washed denim shades.

Cooking ...

Picture from website

Mushroom and lentil Hotpot - ye gods - absolutely delicious! (Recipe HERE)

Cranberry Muffins (Recipe HERE)

picture from website

Making ...

dozens (and dozens) of paper birds - for work, for friends and for home
Wire flowers and tiny houses to decorate the 'tree' for spring
Wreaths bases for work
Willow plant supports

Walking ...

Miles and miles in the Dales - Himself and I both losing ourselves in blue skies and gentle sunshine 

or in woodlands, breathing in deep earthy scents full of flavour and aromas

Repairing ....
Jeans, harem pants, Wool overcoat

That crystal clear scent of the first hyacinth bloom as it swirls around the room

Reading ....
Ichigo Ichie (Hector Garcia & Francesc Miralles) - still loving and learning and absorbing and trying to live by these words - and when I can put them in practise - it seems to make the day so much sweeter!

Also Vesper Flights (Helen Macdonald) - just dipped in and already enjoying it, 
and have Wakenhyrst (Michelle Paver) waiting to be picked up.

Gardening ....
At work mostly - hard wood cuttings, compost turning, woodchip mulching, glasshouse tidying,
 willow plant-support making, seed selecting(buying) 
and happy dancing when I spot a snowdrop in the woodland garden we are creating. 
Last autumn the volunteers and I planted thousands (and I do mean thousands) of bulbs - 
to see them beginning to appear is like a shot in the arm of pure delight.

Mandatory training for work - firefighting, H&S, emergency first aid (to include gunshot wounds, pierced eyes, first to the scene responder at a multiple car pile up and removing a splinter from a finger ....) - boy do I feel prepared (NOT!)


as much as I can, noticing the good, finding that moment of joy
(even when I want to grind my back teeth...!)

So - that is just a little of what I am up to - what you knitting? Reading? Eating? Making? Enjoying?

Go on spill the beans - I love to hear what you have been up to :)


Something to get your teeth into🍪❄️🎄

On Thursday - the only day we all had time spare - we baked our marathon-relay-tag-team gingerbread festive biscuits. Making sure we had enough to share and to scoff, there was a lot of rolling and cutting and cooking. 

Whilst we were waiting for the biscuits to dry, Moss took us for a quick dog-loop before the weather closed in
Once we'd returned there was a bit of a mini panic when I could not find my icing kit, so Himself and I galloped off to purchase a replacement icing nozzle set (which in the end meant going to five (yes 5) different shops until we eventually found enough to get started.

It could be said we had fun! We now have aliens, snowmen, gold and silver stars, festive trees and pigs ... yes pigs!

Despite all the 'taste testing' and 'pre-icing nibbling' we still managed to fill three jars - perfect for sharing😊🍪

And if you fancy a mad marathon baking sesh of the gingerbread kind - here is the recipe....

350g (12oz) self raising flour
10ml (2 tsp) ground ginger *
100g (4oz) butter
175g (6oz) light brown sugar
60ml (4 tblsp) golden syrup
1 egg - beaten

sift flour and ginger*, add sugar.
Soften butter in the microwave, stir in the syrup then add the egg - mix well

knead til smooth, roll out to about 5mm (¼ inch) thick. Choose your favourite seasonal cutters and have fun!
Lay on to baking trays (either greased or lined)
Bake at 190°c  (375°f) for about 10 - 15 mins until golden.
Cool slightly then finish on a wire track

Decorate to your heart's content and scoff!

* I doubled the ginger, added mixed spice and then for good measure a pinch of ground cloves - I wanted a very festive hit in each biscuit!

They don't last long...


Holly & Happy

 Thank you.

I have been greatly touched by your comments about my tentative return - I was not only surprised by it's sudden return to me but also by the fact I hadn't realised how much I had missed the interaction with you lovely folk whilst posting my version of normality💙💜

Sunday - today, is miserable. The weather has gone from that crisp Baltic blue sky winter to a driech mushy grey wet disappointment. 

So, Himself and I busied ourselves inside, trying to keep warm whilst tackling a few jobs which have been on our list of 'things to do' (some of them for quite a while).  I will share one of our tasks once the family have seen - don't want to spoil the surprise!

I can share with you (and heartily recommend) my latest baking - Mincemeat Shortbread from Jules of Along the Way. I have made them before, a couple of years ago but had forgotten how absolutely delicious they were.  I can see another batch needing making fairly quickly😊

The tree is up - over the years, I have not felt the need to plaster the house in festive decorations, paring it down each time until I feel gently satisfied with the result. This year is the most minimal (the most Scandinavian) I've ever gone and it feels right. 

Time to put the kettle on, Youngest and his lovely girl will be here shortly and I think those mincemeat shortbread will not eat themselves 😆

Before I go - are your decorations up? have you gone for all the glitz and pizazz you can to brighten up the season or simple and minimal?
And do try Jules' recipe and if you do - drop her (and me!) a note if you can and report back - coz they are definitely nom nom nom!

Wow - a second post, I think I might be on a roll.....



The last few days, well weeks really, have just merged into each other - not sure where one ends and the next begins. Thank goodness I take photos on my cellphone otherwise there are some days I can't even remember!

I worked the Saturday - I do remember that as because as much as I like my job - it absolutely riles me working alternate weekends. Fortunately this one coincided with the bank holiday so I did have two days off with Himself but most of it was spent just recovering from the previous week. 
Time at home was filled with gentle and simple joys - like having Pan choose to sit next to me whilst I was working on the laptop. As she gets older, she is becoming less crotchety and feral, so to be able to stroke a relaxed cat and be rewarded with a rusty chirrup and whispy purr - is wonderful.
I picked the first bunch of flowers from the garden for 2022. I have already started picking posies for sale at work and they just fly off the shelf but at home in my shady and damp garden, these woodlandly flowers - honesty, sweet cicely and lilac - in my hawthorn jug, make me smile.
I am not that fond of bulbs, finding that once they have finished and returned back to the soil, I tend to accidently dig them up when I am gardening. This year I have more bulbs that I have ever had - ever - and have planted them either in tubs and pots or beneath a perennial plant so that I (hopefully) reduce the chances of unearthing them - fingers crossed.
My weaving has sat ignored for a couple of weeks while I wait for my fingers to feel 'human' again (I knocked them against a wooden raised bed hard enough to think that I had broken them) so a few rows in the evenings felt rather cathartic -  I need to get back to doing more, I rather enjoy the escapism it brings.
Recently I stumbled across a new blog/IG account and one of the posts had a super simple (shortbread-esque) recipe for biscuits and by Monday evening I felt ready to do some baking and quickly made up a batch of pigs, rounds and oak leaf shapes. As usual Himself scoffed a fair few, leaving just enough for his lunch box today! The only evidence is this solitary photo of the dough ... they were very short, very yummy and certainly a do it again - if you want to try them yourself the recipe is here at Five in the Nest  Jane mentions that they cook quickly and they do, I peaked at them and they were still pale so decided to leave them for a moment or two longer, turned away to finish washing up and when I took them out - one or two (ok may be more like four or five) were a little darker than they should have been however they were still demolished with a mug of tea.

 Now it is Tuesday, I am about to set off for work and it is threatening rain - I am not sure to be relieved or annoyed! The gardens need watering but it is not enough to be give a good soaking or for me to call off working.

Hope the rest of your week goes gently - I am aware I have another hectic one waiting for me so I am bracing myself - so I better get myself to the launch pad (via the kettle of course!)


Thank Full for those small stories

Being thankful for the small stories of my day.

The precious moment when the cat decides that she could share a corner of the bed,
then falls asleep so soundly  I can hear her gently snore.😸

Keeping the house warm as the woodburner crackles away using up waste wood from a broken fence.

The scent of a candle as it fills the air with a warm fragrance of cinnamon and ginger.

Having time to play with the loom.

Eating cheese and mushroom toasties.

Arranging a gift of yellow roses into a glass jug.

Baking a marmalade fruit cake and a tray of Silverdale gingerbread brownies for my man.

Thankful for being warm and dry and inside.☔💨

Small stories making up a large part of my day.


Thank you to the lovely Vix (from Vintage Vixen) for the link to the photo-collage site xx


A Monday of many colours (not just blue!)

Today is supposed to be 'Blue Monday' - which was created by a travel company to boost sales during a rather dull January ... there is - apparently - nothing medically or scientifically proven yet it is still touted as an actual 'thing' and looking out the window now, I wouldn't mind a bit of a BLUE sky to admire as it is rather dreary and grey out there. Any hoo.

I have been wandering around inside my head deliberating a theme for today's post. There are a number of stories that are rumbling around and I've been rerunning them to evaluate their 'story-ness' worth.

I have toyed with the one where the postmistress and I laughed conspiratorially together behind the curtain of the photobooth, where the rather boring and essential task of having an image taken for a driver's license turned into a moment of shared silliness with a stranger. However, when I tried to write it - it was not as funny and the act of typing it lost the spontaneity and immediacy of the situation.

So I wondered about our most enjoyable walk - the  one we did yesterday with Youngest and his lovely GF. However, as beautiful the views were or how gently mild the weather - it was just a walk. Nothing outstanding. Nothing earthshattering. Just a gentle good humoured trundle around the hills, along the coastline and through a nature reserve with lovely people. One that leaves you with a happy heart but not necessarily a story.

On the baking front - I've tried something new, which I will share, just not right now.

The blanket is almost done, the border is the final push and then the last few ends to weave in.
Lots goes on, life rolls forward, days lengthen and clouds fill the sky. 

Nothing really worth waffling on about.

And in the interest of 'eye candy' I took the blanket in the van yesterday as we drove up to the South Lakes and with the 'assistance' 😆(I use that word hesitantly!!) of Youngest - I took a photo of said blanket draped on a wall. 

So if you'll excuse me I have a date with a crochet hook, a mug of tea and a blanket on the settee - speak to you soon xx


How dough you do it?!

Idly, a few nights ago, I came across a rather beautifully (probably professionally) gingerbread 'wreath' covered in iced gingerbread stars. I gazed upon this gloriously made confectionery and thought ... I want to try that!

So quick as a I could, I purchased some star cookie cutters and informed my co-conspirators (although at that point they did not know this is what they had become) and after a bit more research into recipes, I found the ones I wanted. One which produced a gentle hint of ginger in a golden biscuit and a second richly spiced punchy one in a dark dough.

The ingredients purchased, the dough made and chilled in the fridge overnight,  the cutters washed and ready - all that was needed was my co-conspirators to land with their icing kits and cookie cutters and their best icing ideas!

This afternoon we started. There was lots of rolling of dough, cutting and cooking in shifts, cooling and stacking until we were ready to mix the icing and blend the colours.

Some of the biscuits had windows cut into them and boiled sweets were crushed and added to make stained glass window panes.
We had tree and star shaped windows and the bubbles and dimples made the 'glass' look soooo good!
We all sat around the diningroom table and with mugs of tea and icing bags loaded and ready, we began to decorate the stars and festive tree shapes. The early decorations were stars and snowflakes but as the afternoon wore on slightly more wacky decorations began to appear  ..... headphones, Sydney Opera House, the cat and the dog, squid, Santa, flowers, and other strange designs!
We chose to make the colours wintery and frosty and had great fun adding (one drop at a time) the blue or the black to the lavender or three drops of blue to the white until we had the shades we were after.

Eventually Eldest's girlfriend was defeated and I had to go into the kitchen to start cooking the evening meal, leaving Youngest and his girlfriend to complete the icing and eventually all 130 (ish) biscuits were decorated and ready for their photographs! I say 130 - ish, we did not count them at the beginning, so we did a tot up of what we had 'sampled' as the afternoon went on and added them to the survivors on the table.
Then in the evening, after we'd eaten and washed up - we sat around the diningroom table again and played a boardgame and ate biscuits ... lots of biscuits... !
I think we may have started a new tradition although next time, I will probably make less dough - chuckle.