Anders Persson
Biography: Anders Persson, M.D., Ph.D. Professor, senior physicianDirector Center for Medical Science and Visualization (CMIV) and professor Department of Medicine and Health, University of Linköping Sweden. 2003. Senior physician Radiology Linköping university Hospital. Guest Professor, Clinical Science Intervention and Technology Karolinska Institute Sweden.Prof. Persson has been working in the field of medical image applications for over 30 years. As a radiologist and researcher, he has worked on the introduction and validation of new visualization tools for the clinical environment and he has taught medical volume rendering in the clinical practice for more than 30 years. Currently his research is focusing on algorithms for specific clinical investigations (Photon counting CT and AI) in cardiovascular image field. He has been a Visiting professor Mayo clinic’s USA, May 2009 – lecturing forensic science. He has >300 Refereed journal and conference publications 2003-2020, >800 Invited talks and 12 book chapters. Several international and national awards such as H.M. The Kings Gold Medal H.M. for special merit in Medical Image Science Research, 2017, RSNA Cum Lade and Lennart Nilsson Award. The Royal Photographic Society Award U.K. 2011, Athena award for best medical research in Sweden. The Royal College Combined Scientific Gold Medal in UK. 2013.
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