[email protected] from July 2012 by subject

[ACTION-49] DataChannel issues

[Bug 17704] New: suggest a parameter in getUserMedia

[Bug 18335] New: PeerConnection should inherit EventTarget

[Bug 18443] New: getUserMedia() Test Error in Chrome

CfC: publish new version of webrtc draft

checking SDP errors in SessionDescription


Feedback on the PeerConnection API

IceServer / IceServers

Keeping up data channel

Making RTCSessionDescription and RTCIceCandidate much more flexible

misspelled callback function name in interface

New mailing list: test suites

problem with constraints algorithm

publish new version of webrtc draft

Real-time monitoring of Client

Removing RemoveStream (Re: Stats proposal, updated)

some comments on editor's draft

Stats proposal, updated

Summary of desired spec updates (Was: summary of some ongoing discussions)

Summary of some ongoing discussions

Using PAUSED to trigger API event

WebRTC, threat or opportunity for telcos?

When to fire onicecallback

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 July 2012 16:08:48 UTC