06 October 2013

An update on life in general

Thanks to the Queen of Kammebornia, who left a comment on my last post, I came back and read my last entry. An update is in order!
Physically, I'm still working at the same ward as a year ago, but the patient category has changed completely. Turns out, the hospital needed more beds devoted to acute internal medicin and infection, so all of my colleagues moved to another facility with the medically completed patients. I couldn't commute there, so I chose to stay and see what will happen here. We started the "new" ward on 16th of September, so everything is still in the works and no routines have set yet. All of my co-workers are new at the ward, a couple are brand new nurses who graduated in June, and we can't ask the older and wiser nurse because she doesn't work here.
I am now a "section leader" which means I am the boss' right hand. It also means I am always on the run, helping people with everything and nothing - drawing blood, finding pillows, ordering drugs, cleaning book-cases and organizing in general. I try to help out on the floor as much as possible, but so far I've been far too busy making sure we have all the supplies we need. I enjoy it immensely, but I am as dead as a shot duck when I get home in the afternoon. Even so, I've managed to knit quite a lot in september - or perhaps it's because I needed it to relax?
I had fun making this collage, and I know I enjoy "end of the month"-collages when they end up on other blogs, so I'll see if I will do this again. I'm not making any promises though, I know myself well enough to know it might not happen...


jeamomentsinlife said...

Hei :)
Så flott at du spør ang Oh Sewwt Daisy luene :) Du skal felle X antall masker gjevnt fordelt på den omgangen hvor du strikker rett (altså første omgang etter vrangbord). Om du ser over oppskriften er det linket til en fellekalkulator sånn at du slipper å regne ut selv hvor du skal felle maskene :) Kanskje litt dårlig forklaring.. Men om du skriver hvordan str du tenker å strikke så kan eg skrive mer detaljert hvordan du skal felle på den første omgangen etter vrangborden.. Eller var det forklarlig?Håper du tar kontakt igjen visst det enda er utydelig :)

Ha en fin dag :)

Unknown said...
