Papers by Jeroen M.J. Chorus
Revue Du Nord, 1993
Cauchies Jean-Marie, Martinage Renée, Lorgnier Jacques, Martyn Georges, Moorman van Kappen O., An... more Cauchies Jean-Marie, Martinage Renée, Lorgnier Jacques, Martyn Georges, Moorman van Kappen O., Annaert Philippe, Roelofsen C.-G., Funck Charles, Demars-Sion Véronique, Platelle Henri, Chorus Jeroen M.J. Société d'histoire du Droit et des Institutions des Pays flamands, picards et wallons. Journées internationales de Furnes-Ostende, 28-31 mai 1992. In: Revue du Nord, tome 75, n°299, Janvier-mars 1993. pp. 205-220
European Review of Private Law
Under Dutch Law juridical acts may conflict ? by their mere accomplishment, their content, or the... more Under Dutch Law juridical acts may conflict ? by their mere accomplishment, their content, or their purport ? with a statute, good morals, or public order. This may be a ground for nullity, produce other effects, or have no consequences at all. Though not conflicting with law in such a way, a juridical act will not be (fully) enforceable, if a performance under an act would result in a violation of statute, good morals, or public order. The Dutch condictio indebiti also covers performances other than giving money or any other property, e.g. services rendered. The Dutch Law of Restitution is remarkable in that generally both parties may reclaim what they performed on an illegal contract. Under the 1992 Civil Code, unlike beforehand, there is now some room for the in pari delicto defence, albeit very little. Only where a particular performance made by one party is so repugnant that it defies assessment of its value, this party may, sometimes, avail itself of this defence against the c...
Revue internationale des droits de l'antiquité, 2018
How did the praetor and iudex work when in integrum restitutio was ordered? B. Kupisch' c... more How did the praetor and iudex work when in integrum restitutio was ordered? B. Kupisch' contribution (1974) to our understanding of this remedy under classical Roman law is recalled. Judicial and praetorian restitutio. Actio quod metus causa. Digest 4.2: hardly any interpolations. Kaser's evaluation and reception of Kupisch' views. Dig. 4.2.1; and 8;
Revue Du Nord, 1993
Cauchies Jean-Marie, Martinage Renée, Lorgnier Jacques, Martyn Georges, Moorman van Kappen O., An... more Cauchies Jean-Marie, Martinage Renée, Lorgnier Jacques, Martyn Georges, Moorman van Kappen O., Annaert Philippe, Roelofsen C.-G., Funck Charles, Demars-Sion Véronique, Platelle Henri, Chorus Jeroen M.J. Société d'histoire du Droit et des Institutions des Pays flamands, picards et wallons. Journées internationales de Furnes-Ostende, 28-31 mai 1992. In: Revue du Nord, tome 75, n°299, Janvier-mars 1993. pp. 205-220
Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d'histoire du droit / The Legal History Review
Évocation brève de la genèse des Libri feudorum depuis la fin de l'XIe siècle. Enseigneme... more Évocation brève de la genèse des Libri feudorum depuis la fin de l'XIe siècle. Enseignement d'Obertus de Orto à Milan vers 1150. Le premier apparat (incomplet) sur les LF: Pillius à Modène vers la fin du XIIe siècle. Accurse reprend et élargit cet apparat à Bologne, vers 1225. L'enseignement sur l'investitura, au sens 'propre' (de possession) et au sens 'abusif' (de l'acte formel per hastam). Malentendu de Pillius et des feudistes savants postérieurs. Investitura per hastam: descendant du transfert formel du droit lombard? Dans les LF, investitura ne signifie jamais transfert de possession.
Fundamina: a Journal of Legal History, 2014
Until recently it was generally taught that in classical Roman law ownership could not be transfe... more Until recently it was generally taught that in classical Roman law ownership could not be transferred only for a definite time or under a resolutive condition, though exceptions were allowed. That a dogma (1) of the impossibility of transfer of ownership only for a given time, and (2) of the impossibility of temporary ownership formed part of Roman law, was thought to be evidenced by two texts: Fragmenta Vaticana 283, an imperial rescript dating from 286 AD, and a Scholion to Basilica 16.1.4, taken from the commentary on the Digest by the Antecessor Stephanos (536-542 AD). As a third source one could add the interpolated version of that rescript, Codex 8.54.2. The interpretation of Fragment 283 has been the topic of considerable controversy. Recently a new explanation was proposed, which, however, is shown to have no sound foundation. The argument occasions revisiting the two texts. It is submitted that dogma 1 cannot be deduced from either of them, but that dogma 2 was known by Ste...
contribution Société d'Histoire du Droit, Lausanne, 2023
On sait que le droit canonique a abondamment emprunté des arguments au droit romain1. Ainsi, plus... more On sait que le droit canonique a abondamment emprunté des arguments au droit romain1. Ainsi, plus de deux cents textes de droit romain ont été incorporés dans le Décret de Gratien, notamment dans l'édition définitive qui date des années 1140. Ces textes proviennent directement et principalement du Digeste et du Code de Justinien, y compris les Authenticae insérées dans ce Code vers 1100. Un seul texte a été pris directement de l'Authenticum, la traduction en latin d'une collection des Novelles de Justinien. Quelque vingt autres textes de droit romain proviennent de collections de droit canonique précédant le Décret 2. Après 1140, les liens entre le droit canonique et le droit romain se sont renforcés davantage. Mais nous voulons traiter de la théologie morale. Qu'on pense aux Sommes pour la pastorale, comme celle de S. Antonin de Florence3 (parue vers 1454), ou aux Sommes pour les prêtresconfesseurs, comme celle de S. Raymond de Peñafort4 (parue vers 1230). Il est moins connu que, au bas Moyen Âge et au début de la période moderne, la morale se servit aussi du droit romain5. Autrement dit, la question de savoir si un comportement constituait un péché mortel fut tranchée à l'aide du droit romain. Il pouvait s'agir du droit romain cité dans le Décret de Gratien, les décrétales des Papes, ou les écrits des canonistes; mais la morale emprunta aussi des textes directement aux sources de droit romain. Concentrons-nous sur Adrien d'Utrecht 6. Né à Utrecht, aux Pays-Bas, le 1 er mars 1459, il est devenu pape sous le nom d'Hadrien VI en janvier 1522 à l'âge de 62 ans. Il est mort à Rome, le 14 septembre 1523, après un pontificat d'environ 20 mois, aussi bref que tragique. Étant néerlandais, il étudia à l'université de Leuven, à l'époque la seule université des Anciens Pays-Bas7. Il y étudia pendant deux années les artes et la philosophie (1476-1478), puis la théologie, pendant douze années, comme il était habituel à l'époque (1478-1490). Durant ses études de théologie, il se consacra aussi quotidiennement aux droits romain et canonique8. Ayant obtenu un professorat à Leuven vers 14909, il y enseigna la théologie jusqu'en 1509. Dans son enseignement, il ne négligea pas la dogmatique,
Fundamina, 2019
Hans (Johan Albert) Ankum was born on 23 July 1930 in a family originally coming from Germany 1 w... more Hans (Johan Albert) Ankum was born on 23 July 1930 in a family originally coming from Germany 1 with a socialist background. His father was appointed burgomaster in Koog aan de Zaan, a small town north of Amsterdam in 1946 and his mother was a teacher of French. He was the elder of two brothers. After secondary school in Zaandam, where he studied Greek and Latin, he studied law at the Amsterdam Municipal University. He hesitated momentarily because of his musical talents. The Conservatory could be another attractive option, but he eventually chose the law faculty in the Municipal University of Amsterdam as his future domain. Among his Amsterdam teachers were Marcel Henri Bregstein (1900-1957), a brilliant professor of private law, and Hendrik Richard Hoetink (1900-1963), professor of Roman law. He certainly was a very good student and after his master's degree (1953) he went to Paris with a Dutch scholarship where he lived in the Dutch Pavilion in the Cité Universitaire for two years (1954-1956). There he started the research for what was to be a voluminous doctoral thesis on the actio Pauliana and its history. 2 Moreover, he made many friends amongst the French Romanists and legal historians. After 1956 he was an assistant of Professor Hoetink.
Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis
SummaryThis article reviews C.J.H. Jansen’s attempt to write the history of Private Law (except f... more SummaryThis article reviews C.J.H. Jansen’s attempt to write the history of Private Law (except for Commercial Law) doctrine in The Netherlands during the 19th Century. Regrettably, Jansen’s book does next to nothing discuss academic and other scholarly writings on the Law of Property and of Obligations, and does not at all discuss such writings on the Law of Persons and the Family, of Juristic Persons and of Succession. It only deals with aspects of methodology, of sources of law and of extra-legal factors which inspired some authors, apart from pouring out over the reader lots of facts unconnected with Private Law doctrine. The book’s title is misleading.
The Legal History Review, 1990
The Legal History Review, 1990
Philip of Leyden's treatise De Cura reipublicae et sorte principantis (on the care of the sta... more Philip of Leyden's treatise De Cura reipublicae et sorte principantis (on the care of the state and the role of the ruler), completed 1355 - 1378 approximately, was first printed in 1516 and, again, in 1701 (the latter edition was re-issued, with a new title, in 1705). The treatise is usually thought not to have attracted much interest in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, though it was not unknown in that period (see R. Feenstra's Introduction to the 1971 reprint of the 1516 editio princeps). Its reception between 1516 and 1701 may be deduced from four modern sources: R. Fruin's seminal study (1864, first publ. 1865), R. Feenstra's 1967 David Murray lecture (first publ. 1970), P. Leupen's book on Philip of Leyden (1981) and the latter's contribution to Ad fontes ... [essays for] C. van de Kieft (1984). Indicated are there, as writings from that period which mention Philip of Leyden and De Cura, one publication from 1517 and some eight from the seventee...
The Legal History Review, 1993
Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis
SummaryThis article reviews C.J.H. Jansen’s attempt to write the history of Private Law (except f... more SummaryThis article reviews C.J.H. Jansen’s attempt to write the history of Private Law (except for Commercial Law) doctrine in The Netherlands during the 19th Century. Regrettably, Jansen’s book does next to nothing discuss academic and other scholarly writings on the Law of Property and of Obligations, and does not at all discuss such writings on the Law of Persons and the Family, of Juristic Persons and of Succession. It only deals with aspects of methodology, of sources of law and of extra-legal factors which inspired some authors, apart from pouring out over the reader lots of facts unconnected with Private Law doctrine. The book’s title is misleading.
Bulletin de la Société Arch. et Hist. de l'Orléanais. Études néerlandaises de droit et d'histoire, 1985
Le pacte contraire à quelque loi que ce soit n'est pas valable: dogme des juristes romains. Dans ... more Le pacte contraire à quelque loi que ce soit n'est pas valable: dogme des juristes romains. Dans les cas où l'on peut s'écarter d'un droit, on agit à l'encontre de ce droit mais non pas contra legem. À l'encontre de la Glose, Révigny reste fidèle à ce dogme, qui trouvera son dernier défenseur dans le tribun Andrieux, 1801. Mais le mos italicus sera le vainqueur: c'est sa doctrine qui est confirmée dans l'article 6 Cc. - Avec édition de la Lectura Digesti Veteris de Révigny, ad D. 2.14.28pr, 2.14.31 et 2.14.38, d'après MS Leiden, D'Ablaing 2.
Meditationes de iure et historia. Essays Laurens Winkel, 2014
Until recently it was generally taught that in classical Roman law ownership could not be transfe... more Until recently it was generally taught that in classical Roman law ownership could not be transferred only for a definite time or under a resolutive condition, though exceptions were allowed. That a dogma (1) of the impossibility of transfer of ownership only for a given time, and (2) of the impossibility of temporary ownership formed part of Roman law, was thought to be evidenced by Vat. 283 (imperial rescript from 286 AD) and scholion 1 (taken from Stephanos, 536-542 AD) ad Basilica 16.1.4. Vat. 283 has been the topic of much controversy. A recent new interpretation (Zwalve) is shown to have no sound foundation. It is submitted that dogma 1 cannot be deduced from these texts, but that dogma 2 was in fact known by Stephanos.
Marco Cavina (ed), L'insegnamento del diritto (secoli XII-XX) [Actes SHD Bologna 2018], p. 207-220, 2019
Évocation brève de la genèse des Libri feudorum depuis la fin de l'XIe siècle. Enseignement d'Obe... more Évocation brève de la genèse des Libri feudorum depuis la fin de l'XIe siècle. Enseignement d'Obertus de Orto à Milan vers 1150. Le premier apparat (incomplet) sur les LF: Pillius à Modène vers la fin du XIIe siècle. Accurse reprend et élargit cet apparat à Bologne, vers 1225. L'enseignement sur l'investitura, au sens 'propre' (de possession) et au sens 'abusif' (de l'acte formel per hastam). Malentendu de Pillius et des feudistes savants postérieurs. Investitura per hastam: descendant du transfert formel du droit lombard? Dans les LF, investitura ne signifie jamais transfert de possession.
A. Deroche (ed), La responsabilité. Actes SHD Tours 2017, 2019
Rabelais et le droit. Procès idéal selon Rabelais: le cas Baisecul contre Humesvesne (Pantagruel ... more Rabelais et le droit. Procès idéal selon Rabelais: le cas Baisecul contre Humesvesne (Pantagruel ch. 10-13). Le juge Bridoye est bon et honnête homme, mais il n'est pas bon juge: il juge suivant le hasard des dés. Les idées de Rabelais sur la responsabilité du juge de siège. Sanction disciplinaire applicable au juge Bridoye. L' art. 45 Loi organique [française] relative au statut de la magistrature ne connaît cette même sanction que depuis 2007.
Papers by Jeroen M.J. Chorus