Papers by Natalia Gerodetti
Nouvelles Questions Feministes, Dec 6, 2023
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Jun 1, 2008
Social Politics, Feb 21, 2006
... figure. He influenced colleagues and pupils alike, such as Eugen Bleuler and Hans Maier, who ... more ... figure. He influenced colleagues and pupils alike, such as Eugen Bleuler and Hans Maier, who were both Forel's successors as directors of Zurich's psychiatric hospital Burghölzli (Aeschbacher 1998; Wottreng 1999). Bleuler ...
Journal of Historical Sociology, Sep 1, 2006
... couple. Figure 1. From Rimli and Wagner (1939) Das goldene Buch der Landesausstellung. p. 40.... more ... couple. Figure 1. From Rimli and Wagner (1939) Das goldene Buch der Landesausstellung. p. 40. image. Eugenicists were keen to educate the population and shape an awareness of their seemingly personal choices of a partner. ...
Modern & Contemporary France, May 1, 2013
break between 1973 and 1976). The book is divided into three parts, examining respectively Boulin... more break between 1973 and 1976). The book is divided into three parts, examining respectively Boulin’s political career, ministerial experience, and activities as mayor of Libourne. It tells us as much about Boulin as we will ever need to know. He entered national politics in that influx of Gaullist (UNR) deputes elected in 1958. Boulin owed his selection to a distinguished Resistance career and his role as an RPF militant. His first government post, Secretary of State for rapatriés (1961–62) was a sensitive one where he acquitted himself well despite a remark about the arrivals from Algeria being vacanciers not refugees. He next served in the Budget Ministry in the shadow of the Finance Minister Giscard d’Estaing. His first full ministerial post was Agriculture after May 1968. Throughout his career he occupied such technical ministries, developing the policies of his predecessors. Quiet competence was the secret of his success. When Chirac challenged the historic Gaullist Chaban-Delmas in 1974, Boulin was shocked. He saw Chirac as a demagogue who was betraying Gaullism and denounced Chirac’s ‘14 Brumaire’. This led to a period out of power when Chirac was Prime Minister. In 1976 Giscard invited him back into office to be minister of relations with Parliament, hoping he might be a bridge to the disaffected Gaullists. He was not at ease in this role: the hatred between the Gaullists and Giscard was too great for anyone to overcome. Boulin’s last post was as Minister of Labour when he might have been hoped to implement some of the ideas of social Gaullism which were dear to him. Instead he found himself having to deal with the effects of the economic crisis and defusing social tensions caused by the closures of steel works in Lorraine. Just before his death he was being mentioned as a possible future Prime Minister. In this volume the only reference to the events leading to his death is the suggestion that he was a victim of the atmosphere of scandals which blighted Giscard’s last years in power. There was a public appetite for press stories about alleged scandals. Boulin was not a Gaullist ‘baron’, he never made much impact in any portfolio he held but was an excellent gestionnaire. His unobtrusive normality reminds one of a figure like Henri Queuille. In what sense was he a ‘Gaullist’? He had a strong ethic of public service, loyalty to thememoryof the General, and a belief in social reconciliation. The longest chapter in this volume is about his becoming a Freemason in 1975 during the hiatus out of power. Perhaps he found here a replacement form of belonging after the split in the Gaullist family: Gaullism was compagnonnage as much as politics.
thirdspace: a journal of feminist theory & culture, 2004
Journal of Contemporary History, Apr 1, 2008
L' Homme, 2015
Metapher von close up und long shot auf wissenschaftliche Konzepte und Zugangsweisen ausdehnen, d... more Metapher von close up und long shot auf wissenschaftliche Konzepte und Zugangsweisen ausdehnen, die in dem vorliegenden Buch eine produktive und gar nicht so häufig zu findende Einheit bilden. Mikround Makrogeschichte, Text und Kontext, Theorie und empirische Fundiertheit, Filmwissenschaft und Historiographie korrespondieren bei Fritsche in einer Art und Weise, die ihr Buch sowohl zu einem grundlegenden Werk der Filmgeschichte wie auch und insbesondere der österreichischen Nachkriegsgeschichte macht. Wer die Filme zu dem Buch sehen will, kann ziemlich sicher davon ausgehen, dass der eine oder andere nach jahrzehntelangen reruns auch in Zukunft im öffentlichrechtlichen Fernsehen Österreichs und Deutschlands zu sehen sein wird.
Nouvelles Questions Feministes, 2016
Feminist Theory, Apr 1, 2006
... Young women got pregnant out of wedlock every-where and domestic service was a profession in ... more ... Young women got pregnant out of wedlock every-where and domestic service was a profession in which women could rather ... While she was there the direct train to Bern arrived in the station and departed, the suspect ... 'Great danger' was omnipresent as 'everywhere and always ...
Critical Social Policy, Jan 31, 2014
The Australian Feminist Law Journal, Jan 2, 2016
Feminist Theory, Jul 8, 2009
Page 1. Feminist Theory 2/147 The onli... more Page 1. Feminist Theory 2/147 The online version of this article can be found at: DOI: 10.1177/ 1464700109104921 2009 10: 147 Feminist Theory Natalia Gerodetti and ...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2016
Health Promotion International
There has been increasing interest in how green spaces and gardening contribute to people’s physi... more There has been increasing interest in how green spaces and gardening contribute to people’s physical, mental and social wellbeing, and this interest has increased due to COVID-19. This article explores the particular experiences of migrant gardeners and the implications for their health and wellbeing. It draws on a qualitative research project that involved conducting semi-structured interviews with participants with migration heritage in and around a city in the north of England. The participants were recruited through purposive and snowball sampling; of the 25 participants, some were allotment holders, whilst the rest cultivated crops in their gardens or even on their balcony. Thematic analysis of the interview transcripts generated themes that reflect current definitions of health, encompassing physical, mental and social wellbeing. However, whilst the findings confirm many positive effects of gardening, they also point to some ambivalence in relation to cultivation, outdoor prac...
Nouvelles Questions Féministes
Book Review
Papers by Natalia Gerodetti