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Dexter, Brad, 1917-2002

LC control 92022710
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDexter, Brad, 1917-2002
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Milanovich, Boris, 1917-2002
Mitchell, Barry, 1917-2002
Birth date1917-04-09
Death date2002-12-12
Place of birthGoldfield (Nev.)
Place of deathRancho Mirage (Calif.)
Field of activityActing Motion pictures--Production and direction Television--Production and direction
Profession or occupationActors Motion picture producers and directors Television producers and directors
Found inShampoo [MP] 1975: credits (cast, Brad Dexter)
Halliwell's filmgoer's comp., 1988 (Dexter, Brad; b. 1922)
LATimes, Dec. 14, 2002, sect. B, p. 20 (Brad Dexter, name originally Boris Milanovich; d. Dec. 12, 2002, age 85 [sic])
IMDb, Apr. 9, 2008 (Brad Dexter, b. Apr. 9, 1917)
IMDb, July 6, 2019: (Brad Dexter, actor, director ; b. April 9, 1917 in Goldfield, Nevada, USA ; d. December 12, 2002 (age 85) in Rancho Mirage, California, USA)
Sinbad the sailor, 2012: cast credits (Barry Mitchell)
IMDb, Feb. 17, 2025: Brad Dexter, 197-2022 page (played the character Muallin in Sinbad, the sailor; credited as Barry Mitchell)
Associated languageeng