Papers by Wouter Biesbrouck

Transition metal (Fe, Co, Ni) complexes on carbon nanomaterials are promising candidates as elect... more Transition metal (Fe, Co, Ni) complexes on carbon nanomaterials are promising candidates as electrocatalysts towards the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). In this paper, nitrogen-doped hollow carbon spheres with embedded Co nanoparticles were successfully prepared via a controllable synthesis strategy. The morphology characterization shows that the hollow carbon spheres possess an average diameter of~150 nm with a narrow size distribution and a shell thickness of~14.5 nm. The content of N doping ranges from 2.1 to 6.6 at.% depending on the calcination temperature from 900 to 1050 • C. Compared with commercial Pt/C, the Co-containing nitrogen-doped hollow carbon spheres prepared at 900 • C (CoNHCS-900) as an ORR electrocatalyst shows a half-wave potential shift of only ∆E 1/2 = 55 mV, but a superior stability of about 90.2% maintenance after 20,000 s in the O 2-saturated 0.1 M KOH at a rotating speed of 1600 rpm. This could be ascribed to the synergistic effects of N-containing moieties, CoN x species, and Co nanoparticles, which significantly increase the density of active sites and promote the charge transfer during the ORR process.
Reviews in Religion & Theology, 2019
Theology, 2017
Theology 120.2, March/April 2017

Transition from central planning to market allocation processes, Marvin Jackson markets and busin... more Transition from central planning to market allocation processes, Marvin Jackson markets and business competition - the institutional and economic framework - Wouter Biesbrouck and Marvin Jackson industrial restructuring and marketization in Hungary - an assessment of trends and policies - Adam Torok strategy of marketization and problems of the competitiveness of industry in the former Czechoslovakia, Vladislav Flek trade liberalization and market distortions - an assessment of Bulgarian manufacturing trade, Rumen Dobrinsky structural change and its motivation in Polish industry, Adam Lipowski and Jan Kulig restructuring and competition in Slovenian industry, Peter Stanovnik and Milan Lapornik problems in the structure of Romania's economy, Lucian-Liviu Albu and George Georgescu Romania's strategy for industrial restructuring - an evaluation, Olga Mihaescu with Wouter Biesbrouck.
Unemployment and employment policy in Central and Eastern Europe - similarities and differences, ... more Unemployment and employment policy in Central and Eastern Europe - similarities and differences, Jeno Koltay Romania - the challenge of unemployment, Mihaela Miron unemployment and the labour market in former Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, Kamil Janacek recent labour market developments in former Czechoslovakia, Alena Nesporova unemployment in transition economies - the case of Slovenia, Sonja Drobnic and Veljko Rus unemployment in Poland in the period of transition, Janusz Witowski unemployment and the prospects for employment policy in Hungary, Janos Kollo.
Louvain Studies, 2017
This article interacts with D’Costa’s Chapter 4 ‘The Council and the Muslims: Worshipping the Sam... more This article interacts with D’Costa’s Chapter 4 ‘The Council and the Muslims: Worshipping the Same God?’ by looking for ways in which his research can bear fruit in Evangelical theology of interreligious dialogue and in the Muslim-Evangelical interreligious dialogue. The wider question tackled is ‘Can Evangelicals learn from Catholics with respect to theology of interreligious dialogue?’ and more specifically ‘Does D’Costa’s book offer help in this respect?’ The article also investigates whether a recent discussion among Evangelicals on the issue of ‘do Christians and Muslims worship the same God’ can also contribute to D’Costa’s analysis and the wider Roman Catholic-Muslim dialogue. This article, then is not merely an exercise in theology of religions, but also in ecumenical theology.

Louvain Studies, 2013
This article is a systematic theological discussion and evaluation of the contemporary use of Chr... more This article is a systematic theological discussion and evaluation of the contemporary use of Christ’s descent into Hades in relation to the salvation of adherents of other religions. It does this by linking this article of the Apostles’ Creed to its historical roots and evolution of the idea in the history of church and theology. We start with a discussion of the origin of the conviction that Christ descended into Hades and what its major interpretations were. Next, we give both a historical sketch of the relation between Christ’s descent and the salvation of non-Christians and an evaluation of a contemporary proposal that Christ’s descent plays a role in the salvation of adherents of other religions. Finally, we evaluate this locus theologicus in the light of the conviction that salvation is mediated socio-historically, and we close with an alternative proposal about the intermediate state.
Gregorianum, Dec 2013
Roman Catholic theologian Gavin D'Costa is a recognized authority in theology of religions. He is... more Roman Catholic theologian Gavin D'Costa is a recognized authority in theology of religions. He is a well-published author, with several monographs, edited books, contributions to edited books and many articles in scholarly journals. As such, he has become a reference point in Roman Catholic theology of religions. This makes a careful analysis of his methodology worthwhile. D'Costa calls himself a textual theologian 1 , i.e., he «works to explicate the tradition found in the texts of scripture, tradition and magisterial teachings» 2 .
Collationes: Tijdschrift voor Theologie en Pastoraal
Theologie van de religies en comparatieve theologie:
Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift, Dec 2013
Het concept 'realistisch verhaal' bij Hans Frei: Betekenis en verwijzing bij evangelieverhalen HA... more Het concept 'realistisch verhaal' bij Hans Frei: Betekenis en verwijzing bij evangelieverhalen HANS FREI'S CONCEPT OF 'REALISTIC NARRATIVE': SENSE AND REFERENT OF GOSPEL NARRATIVES.
Book Reviews by Wouter Biesbrouck

Reviews in Religion and Theology, 2021
This book, published in 2017, is one of many that was published in the wake of the 500 th anniver... more This book, published in 2017, is one of many that was published in the wake of the 500 th anniversary of the Reformation. It is unique, though, in that it is written in an ecumenical spirit by a Roman Catholic theologian, addressing the issues that were essential for Luther in his appraisal of the need for a thorough reformation of the Roman Catholic Church. The book is also unique because a leading conservative Catholic theologian clearly states that the Reformation was not a mistake ('To call the Reformation a "mistake" in such a context would be absurd.' (31)). The context Levering refers to is one of 'popes … often engaged in fornication, greed, and warmongering… .' (31). This is quite a concession Levering makes. But lest the reader imagines that Levering is on the verge of turning Protestant, one should note that this book is equally a book of Catholic apologetics. This is a further reason the book is special. Being published and commissioned by an Evangelical publisher, one may correctly assume that the intended audience is primarily Evangelical. The ecumenical intention and the intended audience is made clear by the invited response included in the book, by Kevin Vanhoozer. Vanhoozer is one of the leading theologians in Evangelicalism. He wrote a 40 pages response from the viewpoint of 'mere Protestantism' (i.e., 'it celebrates what Protestants have in common' (191)). This approach enables dialogue between Catholics and Protestants, without leaving the Protestants too confused, because an Evangelical voice has the final word. Matthew Levering is well placed to write such a book. He is a prolific writer, with focus on several topics such as Scripture and revelation, Thomas Aquinas and Vatican II. His ecumenical credentials towards Evangelicals are well established. He has been active in 'Evangelicals and Catholics together', but also has both Quakers and Evangelicals as family members. The list of Evangelicals mentioned as friends in the acknowledgments looks like an extended list of prime North American Evangelical theologians and biblical scholars.
Review in Religion and Theology, 2018
Anthony Thiselton is an eminent scholar and has been a trustworthy guide for many years both as a... more Anthony Thiselton is an eminent scholar and has been a trustworthy guide for many years both as a biblical scholar and a specialist in hermeneutics. He is also a priest and canon in the Church of England, serving on its Doctrine Commission for three decades. The biblical, doctrinal, pastoral and hermeneutical expertise are all evident in this work.
Roelf Haan, Vergeten vragen: humanisme in economisch-theologisch perspectief, vertaald door Greetje Witte-Rang, Vught: Skandalon, 2016, 247 p., 16 x 23 cm, ISBN 978-94-92183-19-4, € 22,50 [orig. Theology and Economics: The Hermeneutical Case of Calvin Today, 2012] Collationes. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Theologie en Pastoraal, 2017
Roelf Haan, Vergeten vragen. Humanisme in economisch-theologisch perspectief, Skandalon, Vught, 2... more Roelf Haan, Vergeten vragen. Humanisme in economisch-theologisch perspectief, Skandalon, Vught, 2016.
Reviews in Religion and Theology, 2019
volume in this series. Previous volumes looked at christology (2013), trinitarian theology (2014)... more volume in this series. Previous volumes looked at christology (2013), trinitarian theology (2014) and atonement theology . The conference is focused on dogmatic theology with a serious engagement with Scripture and tradition. The series' audience and of this volume is primarily
published in Questions Liturgiques / Studies in Liturgy 97 (2016)

Amos Yong is een van de meest toonaangevende pentecostaalse systematisch theologen van onze tijd,... more Amos Yong is een van de meest toonaangevende pentecostaalse systematisch theologen van onze tijd, die ook in de bredere theologie als een boeiend denker wordt omschreven. Hij is een veelschrijver. Sinds zijn doctoraatsproefschrift gepubliceerd werd in 1999 heeft hij reeds meer dan vijftien monografieën op zijn naam staan, naast meer dan twintig werken waarvan hij (co-)redacteur is. Kenmerkend voor Yong, die vooral bekend voor zijn werk in de theologie van de interreligieuze dialoog en de comparatieve theologie, is een traditie-specifieke benadering toegepast op een breed spectrum van onderwerpen, waarbij hij oog heeft voor globale, oecumenische, interreligieuze en interdisciplinaire impulsen. Het onderhavige werk is daar een mooi voorbeeld van. Het werk is bedoeld als handboek voor tweedejaars theologiestudenten die gedurende één semester een inleiding krijgen in de systematische theologie. In de eerste plaats is dit een handboek voor evangelicale en pentecostaalse theologiestudenten en het kan voor die doelgroep van harte aangeprezen worden. Ook voor de lezer van TvT is het echter een interessant werk zijn, en dat niet beperkt tot theologen die geïnteresseerd zijn in theologie van de oecumene en de interreligieuze dialoog. In het bijzonder de methodologische insteek van dit werk en de uitwerking daarvan is boeiend voor alle theologen. De insteek is deze van wat Yong de " renewal Christianity " noemt. Dit zijn vormen van het christendom die gekenmerkt worden door de Pinksterbeweging en charismatische vernieuwing in globale context. Het wereldwijde christendom wordt in toenemende mate gekenmerkt door invloeden van de Pinksterbeweging en de charismatische vernieuwing. Dit omvat zowel lokale onafhankelijke kerkgemeentes als de meer gevestigde kerken (Rooms-Katholiek, Orthodox, Anglicaans, Presbyteriaans, …) die in toenemende mate door deze tendensen gekleurd worden. De insteek is dan zowel charismatisch als oecumenisch en globaal, met veel aandacht voor niet-Westerse uitdrukkingen van het christendom. Het is deze aanpak die dit werk boeiend maakt, ook voor lezers die niet direct geïnteresseerd zijn in de theologie van de Pinksterbeweging. De structuur van zijn systematische theologie volgt de traditionele trinitaire driedeling van de geloofsbelijdenis, maar dan in omgekeerde volgorde. Elk hoofdstuk is een uiteenzetting van een artikel van de geloofsbasis van de World Assemblies of God Fellowship, beginnend bij de eschatologie en eindigend bij de Almachtige Vader, schepper van hemel en aarde. Dit is een bewuste keuze vanuit zijn traditie-specifieke benadering: De artikelen gelinkt aan de Heilige Geest (eschatologie, het christelijk leven, de kerk en de sacramenten) komen eerst aan bod omdat dit de manier is waarop mensen met het geloof in aanraking komen. Yong probeert dus systematische theologie niet enkel vanuit een cognitieve manier te benaderen, maar ook de affectieve dimensie een plaats te geven. Dit krijgt ook op een heel concrete manier vorm in dit werk. De theologische uiteenzetting is gelardeerd met foto's van meer dan vijftig (vaak christelijke) kunstwerken die toegelicht worden door Jonathan Anderson. De bedoeling is om op deze manier ook de verbeelding en het verlangen aan te spreken. Het wil de lezers visueel engageren door uit te nodigen tot verbeeldend denken over en met de tekst (" Renewal spirituality insists that theology functions at the abstract cognitive level, but also at the imaginative, affective and embodied level of human life " (xxiv)). Elk hoofdstuk volgt een gelijkaardige structuur, startend (1) met een korte narratieve reflectie op een bijbels personage. Daarna (2) wordt de historische context van het geloofsartikel geschetst, in een breder oecumenisch perspectief geplaatst, en worden hedendaagse en globale uitdagingen die relevant zijn voor het geloofsartikel geschetst. Vervolgens (3) volgt er een Schriftuurlijke evaluatie van het geloofsartikel, vanuit een literaire en hermeneutische aanpak. Tenslotte (4) volgt de constructieve theologisch taak waarin het geloofsartikel geherformuleerd en gecontextualiseerd wordt.
Theology 120.2, March/April 2017
published in Reviews in Religion & Theology, Vol 23 3 July 2016 pages 411-414
Papers by Wouter Biesbrouck
Book Reviews by Wouter Biesbrouck
In the course of this dissertation the Roman Catholic approach of Gavin D’Costa is studied and compared with that of two Evangelical theologians (Gerald McDermott and Amos Yong). All three of them have legitimation issues with respect to the majority opinion amongst theologians in their tradition, although we are aware that theological legitimation takes on a different form in Roman Catholicism than in Evangelicalism. In a simplistic conservative-liberal analysis, we could say that D’Costa has moved to a more conservative position than the mainstream of his tradition, whilst McDermott and Yong take positions that are considered to be more liberal within Evangelicalism. What makes this interesting for our research question, is that all three authors must defend how their position does justice to their theological and ecclesial tradition.
Our dissertation consists of seven chapters in three parts. Part One deals with the status questionis in theology of religions, Part Two discusses three tradition-specific approaches, and Part Three brings together meta-reflections on the similarities and differences between these three cases.
means that God reveals himself as his loving self with the purpose
of inviting creation into fellowship with him. The distinction
between general and special revelation, perhaps helpful for heuristic purposes,
tends to lead to an unhealthy bifurcation between God as Creator
and God as Redeemer. This is especially relevant for a Christian theology
of interreligious dialogue where the question of the particularity of God’s
ultimate revelation in Christ and his universal salvific will comes strongly
to the fore. We argue that there are good biblical and theological arguments
to be made that God does indeed provide the necessary revelation
and means of grace to everyone, in such a way that their particular contexts,
including the religious, can provide the holy ground where one can
encounter God. Drawing on sources from different Protestant families
and from Roman Catholic contributions we try to argue our case such
that it is plausible for the particular theologies of both traditions. We
specifically combine the Neo-Calvinist concept of ‘common grace’ with
a participatory ontology and a dispositional soteriology. In this way we
hope to demonstrate the cross-fertilization of an ecumenical and tradition-specific
approach to theology of interreligious dialogue.
The aim of this chapter is to highlight three interrelated themes in recent
Evangelical theology of religions. These three themes, mentioned in the title of this contribution, are: (1) the divine and demonic, which refers to the fact that the search for the Holy Spirit’s presence in other religions goes hand in hand with a conviction that the churchmust also be aware of the potential presence of other (evil) “spirits”; (2) dialogue, referring to the focus on (interreligious) dialogue, which is relatively new in Evangelicalism; and (3) discernment, which refers to the importance of this notion in Evangelical theology of religions.
The grappling of Evangelical theology with these issues is not merely
interesting for Evangelicals, but, as I will point out, contributes to the fecundity of theology of interreligious dialogue in general.
This article studies the doctrine of the inerrancy of Scripture, more particularly its development in Roman Catholic and evangelical theologies since the end of the nineteenth century up till today. The focus, though, is not primarily historical, but doctrinal and ecumenical. We show that looking at this doctrine from both theological traditions helps in establishing crucial issues. It equally makes possible the cross-fertilization of theological development. Finally, we hope that it can help to foster ecumenical rapprochement precisely in an area where Protestants and Catholics have long been divided – their doctrine of Scripture.