Papers by Kestutis Bieksa
Routledge eBooks, May 16, 2023
The quantity of energy resources in the region depends on physical and geographical conditions. T... more The quantity of energy resources in the region depends on physical and geographical conditions. The quality depends on energy technologies: The price of energy depends on economic aspects which influence the social environment. However, environmental problems sometimes are neglected because linear economic growth increases the consumption of all types of resources, whether fossil (oil, natural gas, coal) or renewable (wind, solar, water, biomass). The transition from fossil fuel to the renewable energy economy mitigates the environmental problems, but negative impacts on the environment cannot be avoided. Finding an optimal environmental friendly solution for regional energy development is a challenging task. The main scientific problem is how to develop the regional energy economy and increase the use of renewable energy resources (RES) with minimal impact on the environment. The object of scientific research is the evaluation of regional economic development through the analysis of the environmental footprint (EF) index of energy production technologies. The aim of the research is, upon the assessment of the EF index, to identify the opportunities for sustainable regional economic development in the European Union (EU) countries. The research has been carried out by analysing the scientific literature and applying EF methodology to evaluate regional energy economic development. The analysis of the EF of the regional energy economy shows that it is important to coordinate national energy action plans in EU countries. The research showed that the development of RES reduces the EF but there are physical, territorial, and environmental limitations.
The article analyses sustainable economic development of EU countries according to the sustainabl... more The article analyses sustainable economic development of EU countries according to the sustainable development goals (SDGs), by using indices of integrated sustainable development and environmental footprint. Sustainable economic initiatives can be driven by economic, environmental and social aspects, applying principles of innovation and knowledge. However, development requires skills, human and financial resources; in turn, it increases productivity, efficiency, competitiveness, profit, and promotes a better working environment. In general, sustainable business initiatives contribute to SDGs and reduce the environmental footprint. The scientific problem is how to develop a sustainable economy while ensuring the achievement of SDGs and at the same time reducing the environmental footprint. The object of the scientific research is the evaluation of sustainable economic development through the analysis of integrated sustainable development indicators. The aim of the research is, upon...
Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, 2017
Effective management of agricultural machinery helps to save financial and material resour-ces, a... more Effective management of agricultural machinery helps to save financial and material resour-ces, and also reduces environmental pollution. Traditional environmental impact assessment me-thods do not involve the life cycle analysis, so environmental footprint method can help to evaluate farming, identifying threats and measures of mitigation the negative impacts. Growing amount of tractors used in agricultural sector increase the negative impacts to environment, so it becomes im-portant to properly assess farming. The aim of this paper is to determine the environmental footprint of wheeled tractors of Lithuanian farmers and agricultural companies and its development trends using sustainable process index method. The object of the research is the environmental footprint of wheeled tractors used for farming in Lithuania. Investigation showed that field works of tractors ac-counts the largest share of the total environmental footprint. Environmental footprint of tractors’ field works mai...
Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, 2016
Economic activities developed in the framework of sustainable development concept have to ensure ... more Economic activities developed in the framework of sustainable development concept have to ensure balanced economic and technological development without weakening the social and natural environmental conditions. Environmental impact assessment using ecological footprint method helps to choose sustainable economic activities and technologies which are appropriate to sustainable development concept and has less impact to environment. This method is usually used as a public ecological and environmental educational tool and sometimes applied for creation of measures and programs for sustainable regional and economic development. The research problem is to determine whether the ecological footprint method is an appropriate tool to measure environmental impact of agricultural entities in accordance with sustainable development aspects. The paper aim is to evaluate the cereal farms using sustainable process index which is a member of ecological footprint method. The analysis was performed ...
Regional Formation and Development Studies, 2022
Straipsnyje analizuojami darnaus vystymosi įgūdžiai ugdymo įstaigose. Atliktas ugdymo įstaigų vei... more Straipsnyje analizuojami darnaus vystymosi įgūdžiai ugdymo įstaigose. Atliktas ugdymo įstaigų veiklų ekspertinis ir poveikio aplinkai vertinimas, taikant ekologinio pėdsako metodą. Skatinant ugdymo įstaigų bendruomenes domėtis aplinkos apsauga ir ugdyti darnaus vystymosi įgūdžius, nuo 2015 metų vykdoma Darnios mokyklos programa, kur dalyvauja įvairių lygių Lietuvos ugdymo įstaigos (nuo ikimokyklinio, bendrojo, profesinio lavinimo iki neformaliojo ugdymo) ir joje dirbantys (besimokantys) bendruomenės nariai. Darnaus vystymosi įgūdžiai analizuoti, įgyvendinant naujas praktines veiklas, kurios mažino ugdymo įstaigų ekologinį pėdsaką. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad aktyviausios bendruomenės buvo tos, kurios į veiklas įtraukė daugiau dalyvių ir socialinių partnerių. Darnaus vystymosi įgūdžių formavimo procesas sudarė sąlygas į aplinkosauginio ugdymo veiklas įtraukti įvairaus amžiaus ir grupių žmones. Vykdytos aplinkosauginės priemonės bendruomenėms padėjo aktyviau dalyvauti vykdant aplinkosaugin...
Energies, 2021
The environmental footprint (EF) indicator has emerged as a tool to measure human demand for prod... more The environmental footprint (EF) indicator has emerged as a tool to measure human demand for productive land and water and it is used for the evaluation of the impact of products or economic activities on the environment. There are many indicators that are used in the decision making for the investment in the power sector, however, predominant are the economic indicators which underestimate the depreciation of natural capital (environment) and the value added generated by the public services. Many research studies have been carried out in an attempt to demonstrate the versatility of the EF by extending its applicability not only to environmental assessment, but also to use it, among other economic indicators, when assessing sustainable investment. Sustainable investment (SI) combines fundamental analysis and engagement with an evaluation of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors. The purpose of this article is, upon evaluating the EF, to identify the opportunit...
UDK 658(474.5)(06) Va24 REDAKCIJOS KOLEGIJA EDITORIAL BOARD Atsakingasis redaktorius Chief Editor... more UDK 658(474.5)(06) Va24 REDAKCIJOS KOLEGIJA EDITORIAL BOARD Atsakingasis redaktorius Chief Editor Prof. habil. dr. J. Ramanauskas Klaipėdos universitetas (Lietuva) Klaipėda University (Lithuania) Nariai Members Assoc. prof. dr. A. Gargasas Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetas (Lietuva) Aleksandras Stulginskis university (Lithuania) Assoc. prof. dr. V. Kafidov Sankt Peterburgo valstybinis serviso ir ekonomikos universitetas
Eneregies, 2020
Environmental footprint (EF) indicator has emerged as a tool to measure human demand for producti... more Environmental footprint (EF) indicator has emerged as a tool to measure human demand for productive land and water and it is used for the evaluation of the impact of products or economic activities on the environment. There are many indicators that are used in the decision making for the investment in the power sector, however, predominant are the economic indicators which underestimate the depreciation of natural capital (environment) and the value added generated by the public services. Many research studies have been carried out in an attempt to demonstrate the versatility of the EF by extending its applicability not only to environmental assessment, but also to use it, among other economic indicators, when assessing sustainable investment. Sustainable investment (SI) combines fundamental analysis and engagement with an evaluation of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors. The purpose of this article is, upon evaluating the EF, to identify the opportunities ...
Eneregies, 2020
Environmental footprint (EF) indicator has emerged as a tool to measure human demand for producti... more Environmental footprint (EF) indicator has emerged as a tool to measure human demand for productive land and water and it is used for the evaluation of the impact of products or economic activities on the environment. There are many indicators that are used in the decision making for the investment in the power sector, however, predominant are the economic indicators which underestimate the depreciation of natural capital (environment) and the value added generated by the public services. Many research studies have been carried out in an attempt to demonstrate the versatility of the EF by extending its applicability not only to environmental assessment, but also to use it, among other economic indicators, when assessing sustainable investment. Sustainable investment (SI) combines fundamental analysis and engagement with an evaluation of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors. The purpose of this article is, upon evaluating the EF, to identify the opportunities for the EF reduction through sustainable investment in the electricity production sector in EU countries. Environmental footprint analysis has been performed by using sustainable process index program SPIonExcel (SPI), which is one of the methods in the EF family. SPI is a useful tool for assessing ecological problems and finding sustainable solutions in the life cycle of energy production process. This research has revealed that the function of the footprint reduction depends directly on investments in renewable energy source (RES) technologies, but not all investments can be sustainable. Countries mainly invest in the development of wind energy and solar PV technologies and gradually reduce their inland production capacities from fossil fuel. Although SI in RES technologies reduces the EF, this is not enough to reduce it substantially because there are limitations for installing new power capacities. Consequently, countries tend to invest in the development of electricity networks. The conclusion can be drawn as follows: the reduction of the EF of electricity could be achieved by developing RES technologies since the major part of electricity is produced by using non-renewable resources. It is essential to develop new technologies as soon as possible in order to reduce EF as much as possible, and this can only be achieved through systematic sustainable investment.
Mokslo Lietuva, 2020
Klaipėdos universiteto, Socialinių ir humanitarinių mokslų fakulteto, Vadybos katedros mokslinink... more Klaipėdos universiteto, Socialinių ir humanitarinių mokslų fakulteto, Vadybos katedros mokslininkai nuo 2020 metų rugsėjo 1 d. pradėjo vykdyti Europos Sąjungos fondų investicijų veiksmų programos 9 prioriteto „Visuomenės švietimas ir žmogiškųjų išteklių potencialo didinimas“ 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 priemonės „Mokslininkų, kitų tyrėjų, studentų mokslinės kompetencijos ugdymas per praktinę mokslinę veiklą“ projektą „Ūkio subjektų darnaus vystymosi įgūdžių formavimas taikant aplinkosauginio pėdsako metodus“. Šio projekto metu bus siekiama įvertinti ūkio subjektų veiklos poveikį aplinkai, taikant aplinkosauginio pėdsako metodus, analizuojant aplinkos būklę pagal oro, vandens, dirvožemio taršą, taip pat pagal bendrą poveikį ekosistemai, atsižvelgiant į atsinaujinančių ir iškastinių išteklių suvartojimo apimtis, kurių reikia ūkinės veiklos procesams ir jų metu susidariusių atliekų kiekiui absorbuoti. Projekto metu bus suformuotos ūkio subjektų darnaus vystymosi gairės, skatinant ūkio subjektų aplinkosauginį sąmoningumą, suteikiant žinių ir gebėjimų reikalingų, kuriant darnias gamybos ir paslaugų veiklas bei gebančias veiksmingai valdyti ir naudoti išteklius, derinant aplinkos apsaugą, socialinį teisingumą ir ekonomikos vystymąsi.
Energy Policy, 2014
RES integration into the regional energy development scenarios is done. Innovative process networ... more RES integration into the regional energy development scenarios is done. Innovative process network system (PNS) analysis method is used. PNS method is used to optimize the use of local and renewable resources. Analysis of energy flow in region using PNS method is done.
Energy Policy, 2014
RES integration into the regional energy development scenarios is done. Innovative process networ... more RES integration into the regional energy development scenarios is done. Innovative process network system (PNS) analysis method is used. PNS method is used to optimize the use of local and renewable resources. Analysis of energy flow in region using PNS method is done.
Economic activities developed in the framework of sustainable development concept have to ensure ... more Economic activities developed in the framework of sustainable development concept have to ensure balanced economic and technological development without weakening the social and natural environmental conditions. Environmental impact assessment using ecological footprint method helps to choose sustainable economic activities and technologies which are appropriate to sustainable development concept and has less impact to environment. This method is usually used as a public ecological and environmental educational tool and sometimes applied for creation of measures and programs for sustainable regional and economic development. The research problem is to determine whether the ecological footprint method is an appropriate tool to measure environmental impact of agricultural entities in accordance with sustainable development aspects. The paper aim is to evaluate the cereal farms using sustainable process index which is a member of ecological footprint method. The analysis was performed by analyzing the cereal farms which are growing wheat, rye and oats crops in Austria and Lithuania. The calculation was carried out using SPIonExcel software program. The results showed that the most significant environmental impacts arise from the use of fertilizers and the use of agricultural machinery (tractors and harvesters and the biggest share from the total ecological footprint goes to the pollution of air and water. The research also showed that if the ecological footprint method is used with a support service this can be a useful instrument for farmers showing how to improve farming from the ecological viewpoint and how to increase energy efficiency and reduce the use of primary resources.
Papers by Kestutis Bieksa