Papers by ibrahim dadandı
Akdeniz eğitim araştırmaları dergisi., Dec 24, 2019
Bu calismada ortaokul ogrencilerinin akademik basarilarinin, genel yetenek duzeylerinin ve akadem... more Bu calismada ortaokul ogrencilerinin akademik basarilarinin, genel yetenek duzeylerinin ve akademik oz-yeterlik inanclarinin anne egitim durumu, baba egitim durumu ve aile gelir duzeylerine gore farklilasip farklilasmadiginin incelenmesi amaclanmaktadir. Arastirma grubu Trabzon’un Ortahisar ilcesindeki bes farkli ortaokulda ogrenim goren 346 (K= 166, E= 180) ogrenciden olusmaktadir. Arastirmanin verileri, arastirmaci tarafindan gelistirilen kisisel bilgi formu, Temel Yetenekler Testi (6-8) ve Akademik Oz-Yeterlik Olcegi araciligiyla toplanmistir. Veri analiz teknikleri olarak Kruskal Wallis-H testi, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U ve Bagimsiz t Testi kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin sonuclarina gore ogrencilerin akademik basarilarinda, genel yetenek duzeylerinde ve akademik oz-yeterlik inanclarinda anne egitim, baba egitim ve aile gelir duzeyi degiskenleri acisindan anlamli farkliliklar bulunmaktadir. Arastirmanin sonuclari dogrultusunda ebeveyn egitim duzeyi ve aile geliri bakimindan dezavantajli konumdaki ogrencilere yonelik politikalar uretilmesi ve mudahale programlari gelistirilmesi onerilmektedir.
International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research
University students are susceptible to psychological issues due to various academic and social st... more University students are susceptible to psychological issues due to various academic and social stressors. Low life satisfaction among university students can bring about various negative outcomes that can impact their overall well-being and academic success. This study aims at examining the mediating role of psychological distress in the association between social support and life satisfaction. This cross-sectional study included 368 (F= 243, 66%; M= 125, 34%) university students from a public university in Yozgat, Turkey. The data were collected using the Brief Symptom Inventory, Satisfaction with Life Scale and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. The findings demonstrated that social support positively predicted life satisfaction and negatively predicted psychological distress. In addition, psychological distress negatively predicted life satisfaction. Moreover, the SEM analysis indicated that psychological distress played a partial mediating role in the associ...
Psychiatria Danubina, Dec 16, 2022
Background: Along with its physical effects, COVID-19 pandemic has brought along a rise in mental... more Background: Along with its physical effects, COVID-19 pandemic has brought along a rise in mental health issues in the general population. This study aims to examine the predictive effects of psychological vulnerability and social support on the psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the mediating role of the fear of COVID-19 in these relationships. Subjects and methods: This is a correlational study. The sample includes 783 (F=515, M=268) Turkish adults aged between 18 and 67 years (x =28.76; SD= ±12.21). Results: Psychological vulnerability positively predicted both fear of COVID-19 and psychological distress. Social support positively predicted fear of COVID-19 but negatively predicted psychological distress. Moreover, fear of COVID-19 played a complementary mediating role in the relation between psychological vulnerability and psychological distress, and a competitive mediating role in the relation between social support and psychological distress. Conclusion: These results provide important evidence about psychosocial risk factors and their interactions with fear of COVID-19 in predicting mental health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bu calismanin amaci ozgul ogrenme guclugu olan ogrencilerin bulundugu siniflarda derse giren Turk... more Bu calismanin amaci ozgul ogrenme guclugu olan ogrencilerin bulundugu siniflarda derse giren Turkce ogretmenlerinin karsilastiklari sorunlari belirlemektir. Nitel arastirma deseninin benimsendigi bu calismada veriler yari yapilandirilmis gorusmeler yoluyla toplanmistir. Calisma, ozgul ogrenme guclugu olan ogrencilerin bulundugu siniflarda derse giren 10 Turkce ogretmeniyle yurutulmustur. Veriler icerik analizi kullanilarak cozumlenmistir. Arastirmada, Turkce ogretmenlerinin ozgul ogrenme guclugu olan ogrencilere yonelik hazirlanan bireysellestirilmis egitim programlarinin uygulanmasinda, bu ogrencilere temel dil becerilerinin kazandirilmasinda, bu ogrencilerin bulundugu siniflarda sinif ici etkilesimde ve bu ogrencilerin aileleriyle iletisimde cesitli sorunlarla karsilastiklari belirlenmistir. Yapilan uygulamalarin etkililiginin artirilabilmesi icin hizmet ici egitim kurslari yoluyla ogretmenlerin ozel egitim yeterliklerinin artirilmasi, velilere yonelik birtakim seminerler duzenlen...
Journal of Human Sciences, 2016
Learning disability is a developmental disorder that manifests itself in the acquisition of acade... more Learning disability is a developmental disorder that manifests itself in the acquisition of academic skills including reading, writing, and mathematics. School counselors play a crucial role in identification and diagnose of students with learning disability. Moreover, school counselor office take necessary steps for prevention and intervention of learning difficulties in school settings. The goal of the study was to scrutinize school counselors’ thoughts and perceptions about these students’ guidance needs and problems in elementary grade classrooms. The current study participants comprised 12 school counselors in Trabzon and Ankara. The data were collected using a semi-structured interview technique. Descriptive and content analyses were conducted through the NVivo 9.0 program. Findings indicated that participant counselors reported consistent information regarding the psychosocial problems and these students’ guidance needs. In addition, the school counselors concluded that they...
Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, 2016
The relationships between self-handicapping tendency and narcissistic personality traits, anxiety... more The relationships between self-handicapping tendency and narcissistic personality traits, anxiety sensitivity, social support, academic achievement Objective: Successful experiences in life increase motivation of individuals and support their efficacy perceptions, whereas unsuccessful experiences reduce their motivations. Individuals who generally avoid failures can sometimes prefer to be unsuccessful as a self-handicapping strategy. The basic psychological reason underlying this situation is individual's effort to protect him/herself through attributing reasons of failure to external factors. The main aim of this study is to examine relationships between self-destroying tendency and narcissistic personality traits, anxiety sensitivity, perceived social support and academic achievement. In this context, expression of "narcissistic personality traits, anxiety sensitivity, social support and academic achievement explain self-handicapping tendency significantly" is the main hypothesis of the study. Methods: Sample size consists of 483 university students (female=351 [72.7%]); male=132 [27.3%]). The mean age was 21.25±3.44 years. The data collection tools were Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3, Self-handicapping Scale, Narcissistic Personality Inventory, Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale and the Personal Information Form. Results: Established regression model explained 31% of total variance in self-handicapping tendencies (F [9;482]=25.16, p<0.01). As narcissistic personality inventory subscales, authority (ß=0.08, p<0.05), self-sufficiency (ß=-0.18, p<0.01) and entitlement (ß=0.11, p<0.01) contributed to regression model significantly, while contribution of superiority (ß=-0.02, p>0.05), exhibitionism (ß=-0.01, p>0.05) and exploitation (ß=-0.03, p>0.05) was not significant. Additionally, anxiety sensitivity (ß=0.39, p<0.01), perceived social support (ß=-0.11, p<0.01) and academic achievement (ß=-0.19, p<0.01) had significant contributions to the model. Conclusions: Self-handicapping is explained significantly by anxiety sensitivity, perceived social support, academic achievement and subscales of narcissism, such as authority, self-sufficiency and entitlement.
Technology, Knowledge and Learning
The present study aimed to examine the mediator role of academic self-efficacy and the moderator ... more The present study aimed to examine the mediator role of academic self-efficacy and the moderator role of gender in the relation between attitude towards distance education and academic life satisfaction. The Study Group consisted of 452 participants who were studying at 3 different state universities in Turkey. The Attitude Scale towards Distance Education Applied in the Period of the Outbreak, Academic Self-efficacy Scale, and Academic Life Satisfaction Scale were used as the data collection tools. The data were analyzed by using the SPSS package program. As a result of the analyses, it was found that academic self-efficacy plays a partial mediating role in the relation between the attitude towards distance education and academic life satisfaction. Another important finding of the study was that the mediating effect of academic self-efficacy was moderated by gender in the relation between attitude towards distance education and academic satisfaction. Although the attitude towards distance education in women had a significant impact on self-efficacy belief, it was not the same in men. The findings of the study were discussed in the light of similar studies in the literature.
İlköğretim Online, 2019
Öz. Bu çalışmada akademik öz-yeterlik ile akademik başarı arasındaki ilişkide akademik motivasyon... more Öz. Bu çalışmada akademik öz-yeterlik ile akademik başarı arasındaki ilişkide akademik motivasyonun ve sınav kaygısının aracılık rollerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma grubu Trabzon ilindeki liselerde öğrenim gören, 186'sı kız, 201'i erkek olmak üzere toplam 387 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Veri toplama araçları olarak Akademik Öz-Yeterlik Ölçeği, Akademik Güdülenme Ölçeği ve Revize Edilmiş Sınav Kaygısı Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Veriler SPSS ve AMOS istatistik paket programları ile analiz edilmiştir. Korelasyon analizlerinin sonucunda, araştırmada yer alan tüm değişkenler arasında anlamlı ilişkiler olduğu bulunmuştur. Yol analizinden elde edilen bulgular akademik motivasyonun ve sınav kaygısının, akademik öz-yeterlik ile akademik başarı arasındaki ilişkide kısmi aracılık rolünün olduğunu göstermektedir. Araştırmanın sonuçları alan yazındaki teorik açıklamaların ve benzer araştırmaların ışığında tartışılmıştır.
Papers by ibrahim dadandı