On the quest to superfandom

If there's one thing I'm good at, it's being a fan. This board will help me on my way to greatness, aiding my quest for spreading kindness, inspiration, and loads of team spirit with a smile. It's basically tutorials for bracelets and hair bows that I think I could potentially make in orange, light blue, and black, but who knows? I could be creating an empire.
12 Pins
Fun Party Balloon DIYs
Simple ways to take your party balloon to the next level! http://www.stylemepretty.com/living/2016/03/11/20-simple-ways-to-take-your-balloons-to-the-next-level/
DIY EASY no-sew CHEER BOW. Like our page https://www.facebook.com/CheerAmericaRoseville/
How To Make Boutique Hair Bow--3--Center Knot : Hip Girl Boutique LLC, Free Hairbow Instructions, Ribbons, Hair Bows and Clips, Hairbow Hardware and More
How To Make Boutique Hair Bow--3--Center Knot : Hip Girl Boutique - , Ribbons, Hair Bows, Hair Clips, Hairbow Hardware, Free Hairbow Instructions
Hip Girl Boutique Free Hair Bow Instructions--Learn how to make hairbows and hair clips, FREE!
DIY Tutorial on how to make this bow.
Pinwheel Bow with a Sally's Clip
Homemade bows...I always forget how to make these so I'm pinning for later.
Hair Bow Tutorials
Over 50 FREE Hair Bow Tutorials – Hair Bow Instructions made easy by Hairbow Supplies, Etc.! Simple to follow DIY video instructions to make hair bows for your little girl! www.hairbowsuppliesetc.com
Ribbon pony tails for the girls (might make ahead) to wear during the cheer portion of the party.
Paint clothespins to look like footballs for your food labels.
Tulle pom poms make a super easy team garland. | 39 Clever Tailgating DIYs To Get You In The Spirit