sad him

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You broke every promise you made, betrayed me and then Judas kissed me. How could you be so careless with the hearts of those who have only helped you throughout your life. You owe us so much more than that. But that would take honor and real love. I should never have trusted you with my love but I followed my heart and thought you were my family. I did what was right, you followed after the world's ways. You betrayed me, hurt me and made me remember why people should not be trusted.
With excluding and all the talk about not allowing you to talk but yet all you to is close down n close off..when I wanted communication....yet again so sorry I wasnt to share my experience with tou if I could relate..bit forgot it was always to be about you....oh well...tou had Joanne n gals n whoever else tou rather share time n convo with..all good ...hope you dind your happy