Class 2

32 Pins
Cooking verbs en ingles- Verbos que puedes usar en la cocina en inglés
#aprendeinglesgratis #clasesdeinglesbasicogratis #librosinglesfluido #cursodeinglesavanzado #inglesfluido#englishcareu#dominaelingles#inglescantando#inglesgratis#instaingles#inglesfacilyrapido#inglesparaniños#inglesparaadultos#inglesespañol#inglesconpronunciacion#lecturaeningles#leereningles#inglesparabrutos#inglescuentas#ing
Parts of a Plant Poster
Check out all the great resources Super Teacher Worksheets has for teaching the parts of a plant. Hang this colorful poster in your classroom and let the learning begin!
Common Noun and Proper Noun Examples
A common noun is used to name general things, places, ideas, events, or people. such as – boy, man, girl, doctor, teacher, washerman, students, country, city, street, animal, fan, mobile, cookies, year, month, week, etc.
Grade 4 Maths Resources (7.1 Time – 12-hour & 24-hour Clock Printable Worksheets)
Grade 4 Maths Resources (7.1 Time - 12-hour & 24-hour Clock Printable Worksheets) - Lets Share Knowledge
Grade 3 Grammar Topic 6: Nouns Worksheets
Grade 3 Grammar Topic 6: Nouns Worksheets – Lets Share Knowledge