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The Ultimate Guide to Concrete Crafts
Are you looking for concrete crafts? Concrete isn’t just for sidewalks and driveways anymore. The versatility and durability of this material have made it popular for a wide range of DIY concrete crafts and projects. These crafts range from beginner-friendly planters to sophisticated concrete pendant lamps. So, get your bag of concrete ready as we dive into this amazing world of concrete creativity.
Water to Cement Ratio for Crafts - What's Correct?
The secret to durable and beautiful concrete crafts is in this guide from Artsy Pretty Plants. Learn the perfect water to cement ratio for your DIY projects. Whether you're a seasoned DIY cement crafter or a beginner, learn how to mix like a pro with this tutorial.
Betonschalen in Blätteroptik🤗 🌿🩵🍃🌈🍁🤩🌿🌺🍃☀️ Dafür habe ich den super feinen Bastelbeton und die Outdoorfarben, beides gibt’s beim @desdaverlag , verwendet🥰 Das echte Blatt einfach mit der Unterseite nach oben auf ein Sandhäuflein legen und oben drauf kommt der Beton. Ich habe den Beton nach Packungsanweisung “zum Kneten” angemischt.🥳 Danke für’s Zuschauen 🤗🩵🧡💛 Hoffe die Anleitung ist nicht zu lang😅 Wenn ich etwas so toll finde, schaffe ich es einfach nicht, mich kürzer zu fassen😬😂 #binebrändle...
Concrete Elephant Ear leaf cast in Gold and Copper.
Huge Elephant Ear leaf grown in my garden. This is my copper and gold series. Black base coat with dry brush acrylic in metallic copper and gold. Food grade sealer. Main veins hand painted.
How to Make Concrete Shiny & Smooth (for Crafts)
This tutorial from Artsy Pretty Plants will show you how easy it is to make concrete shiny and smooth. Learn which methods you can use and why the simplest one works the best for cement crafts. This shiny finish has an aesthetic appeal, and it also increases the durability of your concrete.