Kocaeli University
Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü
The main aim of this study is to determine in what level the teachers at secondary schools display organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) according to the perceptions of the school administrators. The data of this study, which is... more
Leadership is a process directing to a target of which followers, the participators are shared. For this reason leadership has an important effect on succeeding organizational targets. More importance is given to the leadership studies in... more
The purpose of this research is to determine the trust basis of public primary school teachers towards the school managers in the Ministry of National Education,. In the model Qualitative research, the open-ended survey question "If you... more
The purpose of this descriptive study was to investigate pre-service teachers’ beliefs about classroom discipline interms of different variables. The sample of the study was 731 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year pre-service teachers from seven... more
- by Soner Polat
This study aims to develop a scale for measuring the aesthetic leadership (AL) characteristics of the school directors and to show that it can be applicable. The population of the study is composed of the teachers who are on duty in the... more
This study aims to compare Swiss and Turkish candidate teachers' attitudes towards multiculturalism and intercultural education and also to investigate whether there is a correlation between multiculturalism and intercultural education.... more
- by Soner Polat
The purpose of this research is to determine the corporate image of secondary schools in Kocaeli according to students' and parents' opinions. The population of the research is the private secondary schools in Kocaeli. Of the thirteen... more
The aim of this research is to reveal the effect of organizational support perception of teachers on the organizational trust perception of their schools who work in the primary schools. The research is a descriptive scanning model type... more
- by Soner Polat
The aim of the research is to determine the relation between organizational image and organizational trust in public primary schools depending on views of teachers, students and parents. The universe of this relational screening model... more
- by Soner Polat
The aim of this study is to investigate perceptions of primary student teachers' about the concept of "academician" through metaphor analysis who are studying at Kocaeli University Primary Teaching Department. The data were collected from... more
- by Soner Polat
Öğretmenlik, bireylerin öğrenmelerinin belli bir amaç doğrultusunda baĢlatılması, yönlendirilmesi ve gerçekleĢtirilmesi sürecine iliĢkin etkinlikleri kapsar. Bu etkinlikleri yapan kiĢi de öğretmendir. Öğretmenlerin üstlenmiĢ oldukları... more
- by Soner Polat
The aim of this study is to determine the perception levels of secondary school vice directors towards organizational justice and organizational trust and establish their inter-relations. This research of descriptional nature covers vice... more