Saturday, October 24, 2009

Final Auctions Closing

Grow_pendant detail 1

Pendant by Shari Beaubien

All the auctions for A Charming Exchange are ending within the next three hours or so. Please come over and bid on some beautiful pieces. We still have one piece that has no bids! You can walk away with a gorgeous piece of jewelry and help raise money for Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Click this link to go straight there.

Pillow person details 002 

Pendant by Katie Kendrick

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Final Lots Listed in the Auction

Cover for A Charming Exchange_file

The final items from A Charming Exchange for the charity auction going to Susan G. Komen for The Cure have been added at Ebay. This last lot includes the very special bracelet which graces the book's cover.

Cover bracelet worn 

 It is a replica of the one designed for me by my precious friend, Ruth Rae, and more loving friends when I was diagnosed with cancer. It is really such a gorgeous piece.

Cover bracelet_charm details

 It has so many unique and amazing charms hanging from it's soft suede, pearl, and ribbon base. There's a tiny, tiny key that belonged to my grandfather. There's a miniscule light bulb shining with the word Life. There's a fine silver charm with an art tree cut into it. It is simply the most pretty bracelet you could ever have. And, if you win it you should know that this bracelet carries with it much love, blessing and light.

Cover bracelet_fabric holder

It will arrive in this beautiful fabric case made by Ruth.

Thank you all so much for your support in this endeavor. I've learned more about having a charity auction than you can imagine. I'll be much more informed next time around after many a hair-pulling hour. But, it has all been worth it. We've worked on this book for such a long time, with so many truly amazing artists. To be able to use the talents and gifts of us all together for good, is such a blessing.

Pillow person details 001

I was thinking last night about cancer. I was thinking about how once you have breast cancer your life is changed forever in so many different ways. In some ways, it is an upside down blessing because you learn so quickly to value every second that you have. And, it seems to me to be of the utmost importance to try in every way, big and small, to help other women from ever having to fight breast cancer.

Pillow person details 002

Did you know that 85% of the women who get breast cancer have No Family History of the disease? So, if you are like me, and your mom didn't have it, and your sister didn't have it, don't think that you will never get it. You don't have to be afraid but you do have to be proactive. Get screened. The mammogram is currently the best test we have to detect breast cancer. But, know that I found my cancer on my own before every having a mammogram. They're your boobs. Protect them. And the rest of your body, as well. Do self-exams, get your yearly mammogram and live your life to the fullest.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Charming Exchange Charity Auction

Braided bird_on book

Many items are closing in mere hours. If you are bidding or want to be bidding, jump on over via this link.


Secret sky ruth, lou, catherine

Once there you can sign up for a feed so that you can be notified as soon as new items are posting. I added several pieces yesterday and seven more this morning. So do your holiday shopping early and get a little something for your own stocking. 100% goes to Susan G. Komen for the Cure!!

Forest Floor_pendant detail front on crystal vase

Please, help me to spread the word on the auction. We've been working up to this day for the last two years and really appreciate your support all along the way. Help us to raise funds to stop breast cancer from affecting our mothers, our sisters, our grandmothers, our friends, our selves.

Thank YOU!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

A Charming Video and Giveaway for a GREAT Cause

Check out this video that Johanna shot of Kristen and I in Kristen's studio. The project we created was based on one of many amazing collaborations from A Charming Exchange written by myself and Kelly Snelling. Stay tuned for more information on the wonderful auction which will take place in October benefiting breast cancer.

The necklace created by myself and Kristen (seen in the above video) will be a special give away; to enter the give away post about the Charming Exchange Breast Cancer Auction on your blog making sure to add a link that takes readers to Leave your link in the comment section on A Charming Exchange and good luck. The drawing will take place on October 30th.
Thank you so much for your support and feel free to copy and paste this post directly to your blog.

Friday, March 13, 2009

something fun to try out!

Head on over to to download this free project from charming exchange .

And if you are inspired to make something please email me a image at [email protected] and I will post it on the charming exchange blog.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

book signing

Cover for A Charming Exchange_file

Kelly Snelling and I will be signing copies of A Charming Exchange on Sunday, March 22nd, at 2:00 p.m. at The Garden of Beaden.

The Garden of Beaden is located in historic, downtown Upland, California at 313 N. Second Ave.

Nature's Gift
collaborators on this necklace from top to right are:
chain construction:Ruth Rae. bird nest charm: Deryn Mentock. natures gift: Shari Beaubien.

Kelly and I will also have jewelry and artwork for sale. And we will have pieces from the book on display for your viewing pleasure.

up in the sky
Chain construction: Ruth Rae. fabric charms: Jade Pegler

We will share the details on collaborations and demonstrate a few techniques from our book.

collaborators on this bracelet from top to right are:
Chain construction: Ruth Rae. divine:Deborah Edwards. man on the moon:Kelly Snelling. postage stamp:Judith Thibaut

Please come by and see us!
we are sure to have a divine time!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

exciting update!

At long last the cover of the book!
we got to see it last week for the first time!
our wounderful art director Marissa did one amazing job!
to pass your art to another artist and then have there spin put into is just what this book is about... sharing what you do the best with some one that has a different skill then you and then steeping back and allowing the process unfold.

I want to also congratulate my fellow cover girls from right to left:
Deryn, Catherine, Jess and Crystal!

If you have enjoyed the brilliant works created by the artists in the Simply Charming exchange, be sure to look for even more amazing artistry next spring. An Artful Exchange: connect create collaborate is a fabulous collaborative mixed media jewelry art book from the minds of Ruth Rae and Kelly Snelling bursting with the handiwork of many of the original artists from the Simply Charming exchange plus additional spectacular guests. available from North Light Publishing, Spring 2008! You can pre-order your copy today here.