Background: Sepsis is a common dangerous body response to infection that can deteriorate into sep... more Background: Sepsis is a common dangerous body response to infection that can deteriorate into septic shock. Both sepsis and septic shock require early and timely managed care, which can be implemented by using the Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock. The purpose of this study was to examine the literature related to the effect of implementing SSC guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock on adult patients' mortality rate in Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Methods: The method of Whittemore and Knafl was used to guide this integrative literature review. The literature search revealed 16 eligible quantitative research studies between 2004 and 2018. The quality of methods used in the included articles was assessed and data were analyzed. Results: Results showed that implementing SSC guidelines reduced the mortality rate among adult patients in ICUs. In addition, implementing selected practices from SSC guidelines, such as collecting blood cultures and administration of a broad-spectrum antibiotic and vasopressors were found to decrease the mortality rate among adult patients in ICUs. The SSC guidelines need to be taught to nurses and nursing students to increase their awareness and capability of implementing these guidelines in clinical practice.
Introduction Newly graduating nurses should be able to enter clinical practice as safe, accurate,... more Introduction Newly graduating nurses should be able to enter clinical practice as safe, accurate, competent, and compassionate professionals in health care settings that necessitate them to be learners who can easily get familiar with a broad diversity of clinical practice settings. Purposes The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of high-fidelity simulation experiences on self-satisfaction and self-confidence among the pediatric nursing students. Methods A quasi-experimental design, post-test, was carried out through the recruitment of a convenience sample of 150 nursing students from Arab American University. The students were randomly assigned to the study ( n = 75) or control ( n = 75) groups. Data were collected using learner satisfaction and self-confidence scales. Results The results of the post-test revealed that there was a significant difference between both groups in self-satisfaction ( t (148) = 11.14, P < .001) and self-confidence ( t (148) = 13....
Purpose This study aims to review the lived experience of patients suffering from stroke and desc... more Purpose This study aims to review the lived experience of patients suffering from stroke and describe their perception of palliative care needs. Design/methodology/approach A literature review search was conducted. Web of Sciences, SAGE, CINAHL, PubMed and Jordanian Database for Nursing Research databases were used to search the literature. Findings The findings of 37 articles were address palliative care approaches for patients with stroke, lived experiences of patients suffering from stroke and the experience, barriers and facilitators related to health-care service for stroke survivors. Originality/value This review indicated the importance of recognizing palliative care needs among patients suffering from stroke to improve post-stroke recovery. This study recommends further research, especially in low- and middle-income countries, to understand patients’ experiences and recognize the main palliative care needs that can be incorporated into interventions designed to improve the q...
Background: early detection of perinatal anxiety using appropriate measures helps in reducing mat... more Background: early detection of perinatal anxiety using appropriate measures helps in reducing maternal and fetal complication. WHO guidelines for instrument translation and adaptation provide rigor and transparent method for Perinatal Anxiety Screening Scale (PASS) translation and expand the knowledge in diversity cultural contexts. Aim: to describe the process of cultural adaptation of the PASS into the Jordanian context based on the WHO framework for instrument translation and adaptation. Methods: PASS was completed by a convenience sample of 31 pregnant women. In which PASS went through WHO framework for instrument translation and adaptation process includes forward translation, expert panel, blind back translation, pre testing and cognitive interview, and the final version is ready for piloting. Some comments were added to three items by five expert panel, then the modified version was ready for piloting. Result: the internal consistency reliability of PASS was 0.869 and five experts who reviewed PASS confirmed the scale appropriateness and clarity after a slight modification to three items. Participants found PASS in general easy to complete but some of them found difficulties in understanding two items located in the Perfectionism, control and trauma subscale where they need an explanation of their meaning to answer them. Conclusion: using WHO guidelines for instruments translation considered a rigorous method and revealed that PASS is reliable and valid tool to be used within the Jordanian context to measure perinatal anxiety. However, the focus on explaining items 11 and 14 to participants is important due to difficulty in understanding their meaning.
Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSSs) are defined as computer-based tools using ... more Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSSs) are defined as computer-based tools using scientific knowledge to generate patient specific advice or interpretation to help health professionals in making clinical decisions. The use of computers has been driven not only by the increasing need to manage large amounts of information, but also by the imperative to make evidence-based and costeffective decisions on a daily basis. Computer aided medical tools address the growing information needs of the busy health care provider, decrease medical errors and improve healthcare processes as well as patient outcomes. So this paper aimed at presenting different issues related to application, benefits and recent advances of CDSSs within the health care delivery system.
Background The unprecedented abrupt shift to remote online learning (OL) within the context of th... more Background The unprecedented abrupt shift to remote online learning (OL) within the context of the national lockdown due to the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) highlights the importance of addressing students' preparedness in managing their first experiences with OL. Purpose To investigate the experiences of undergraduate nursing students during their first uses of OL to increase the understanding of their encountered opportunities and challenges. Design A descriptive qualitative design guided by a phenomenological approach was used. Methods The study used a purposive sampling technique to recruit 18 undergraduate nursing students from two universities. Data were collected using two focus group discussions, and the discussions with participants were audio/video recorded through the online platform Zoom due to the national imposed curfew. Content analysis employed Colaizzi's steps to derive the themes/categories. Results The study revealed four themes: experience of helplessness, burdens, and burnout; the need for social and technical support to manage OL; the propensity to consider OL as a positive opportunity; and the deficiency of OL in fulfilling the educational outcomes of clinical courses. Conclusions Abrupt remote OL was a challenge to clinical encounters. This format was very stressful; however, it was also useful. The current study highlighted the need for further research on the effectiveness of remote OL platforms in regard to the achievement of the intended learning outcomes of clinical courses.
Purpose: The purpose of this review was to identify the short-term and long-term outcomes of preg... more Purpose: The purpose of this review was to identify the short-term and long-term outcomes of pregnancy in women suffering from congenital heart disease (CHD). Methods: An integrative review is used to identify the pregnancy outcomes in women with CHD. Data search was between 2010 and
Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD is a common behavioral problem among ch... more Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD is a common behavioral problem among children in the world as in Jordan. However, Children with ADHD were significantly less likely to have appropriate health care services when they need health care. Thus, phenomenological study is important and needed as a gap exists in the literature concerning the health care experiences and needs of children with ADHD from the parents' perspective. Accordingly, this study will conduct to gain an in-depth understanding of the healthcare experiences and needs of children with ADHD. Aim: The aim of the current qualitative study is to explore and describe the health care experiences and health care needs of children with ADHD from their mothers' perspectives within the context of the phenomenological approach. Study Method: Descriptive phenomenological research design. Semi-structured interview will be conducted with the mothers of children with ADHD who will be recruited purposefully from special Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders Medical Clinics in order to ensure and to confirm the diagnosis from the specialist there. Data will be transcribed, managed and analyzed using descriptive, phenomenological analysis. The Jordan University Ethics Committee approved the study. Discussion: The findings of this study will make an original contribution to our knowledge about the health care experiences and health care needs of children with ADHD from their mothers' perspectives within the context of the phenomenological approach, in order to help health care providers in general, and nurses, in particular, to provide optimal health care services for children with ADHD that address the children physical and mental health care needs of the highest priority from mothers' perspectives.
Parents' participation in the care of their hospitalized children is recognized as a key comp... more Parents' participation in the care of their hospitalized children is recognized as a key component of effective child health care. The current study aimed to investigating the congruence between nurses' desired for parent' participation in the care of their hospitalized children, and the parents' actual participation in the care. A descriptive correlation cross-sectional design was used by utilizing a self-administered questionnaire. 227 nurses working at pediatric wards and 294 parents of hospitalized children aged 12 years and under were a convenience sample of this study. Two categories were derived from the study: activities related to physical care and psycho-social support. There were positive correlations between parents’ participation in care and parents' experience to hospitalization to experts' females' nurses holding BSc. degree, children with chronic disease, less than six years aged, with prolonged staying at hospital. Recognizing the value of parents' participation, as an important issue and one that must not be ignored, health care managers and policy makers need to play a more visible and instrumental role in developing policies related to parents' participation.
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship
Background Nursing education was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as most institutions shifted t... more Background Nursing education was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as most institutions shifted to e-learning. The aim of the current study was to examine students’ engagement and satisfaction levels with e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods A descriptive correlation design was used to guide this study. A voluntary response sampling method was used to recruit undergraduate nursing programs in Jordan. Data were collected using an electronic link to a self-reported questionnaire. Results A total of 1,562 undergraduate nursing students responded to the questionnaire. The study showed that most students have high engagement in the emotional, skills, and performance subscales and low engagement in the participation subscale. Further, they were moderately satisfied with e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusions Students identified several issues regarding their e-learning, which must be considered to improve their engagement and satisfaction. Further, the study reve...
Background Stroke is a prevalent neurological disease that can have a profound impact on women’s ... more Background Stroke is a prevalent neurological disease that can have a profound impact on women’s physical, psychosocial, and spiritual well-being. In many cases, women living with stroke may have marginalized palliative care needs that are often not adequately addressed by healthcare providers. Unfortunately, the experience of women with stroke and their specific palliative care needs have been largely overlooked in research conducted in Jordan. Aim The purpose of this study is to examine the specific palliative care needs of women who have experienced a stroke and are currently living in Jordan. By conducting this research, we aim to identify the various physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of women with stroke and gain a better understanding of how these needs can be addressed through palliative care interventions. Methods This research utilized a phenomenological descriptive study approach to explore the experiences of twelve women recruited from the outpatient clinic...
Background: To explore how Jordanian nurses participate in the end-of-life (EoL) decision-making ... more Background: To explore how Jordanian nurses participate in the end-of-life (EoL) decision-making process. Methods: Interviews with 10 patients and family caregivers, and focus group discussions with seven healthcare professionals (HCPs), were conducted. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed following inductive thematic analysis. Findings: The participants agreed that nurses are not fully engaged and did not have a direct role in the EoL decision-making process. However, the participants highlighted that ‘nurses bridge the gaps in the decision-making process', where nurses act as mediators to facilitate the decision-making process. Lastly, nurses were viewed as ‘nurturers and supporters during the journey of the patient's illness’; they were always available to answer their questions, offer help and advise when necessary during palliative referral and throughout the illness. Conclusions: Although nurses did not directly participate in EoL decisions, they ha...
Background: Stroke is a common neurological disease. Women with stroke suffer many physical, psyc... more Background: Stroke is a common neurological disease. Women with stroke suffer many physical, psychosocial, and spiritual needs. Consequently, women living with stroke may have many marginalized palliative care needs as perceived by health care providers. However, the experience of women living with stroke and palliative care needs is understudied in Jordan. Aim: This study aimed to explore the palliative care needs among women living with stroke in Jordan. Methods: A qualitative descriptive phenomenological approach was employed with a purposive sample recruited from twelve women living with stroke Data were collected using face-to-face semi-structured interviews. The Colaizzi (1978) method was used for data analysis. Results: The study revealed three main emerging themes that reflected the palliative care needs of women living with stroke, which are: living with bothersome symptoms, receiving bad news, and spiritual practices, beliefs, and needs. Discussion: This study sheds light ...
Adolescents are more likely to engage in risky health practices related to COVID-19. Their compli... more Adolescents are more likely to engage in risky health practices related to COVID-19. Their compliance with infection control measures is a key factor to mitigate the spread of the disease. The purpose of this study was to explore the knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward COVID-19 and their correlates among Jordanian adolescents. An online cross-sectional survey was utilized. A total of 1,054 Jordanian adolescents aged 12–18 completed and returned the survey. Overall, Jordanian adolescents showed a good base of knowledge regarding COVID-19 (regardless of their demographic characteristics) and tended to hold positive attitudes toward the country’s curfew and other protective measures. The majority of adolescents reported that television and social media were their main source of information on COVID-19, while few reported receiving such information from their schools. The majority reported practicing effective health protective behaviors to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which w...
This study aims to explore the challenges in involving patients and their families in decision ma... more This study aims to explore the challenges in involving patients and their families in decision making near end of life and to provide recommendations to overcome these challenges. A qualitative descriptive phenomenological approach was used with a purposive sample of 8 patients, 7 family caregivers, 7 nurses, and 6 physicians from 2 institutions that provide palliative and end-of-life care services in Jordan. Data were collected using interviews with patients and family caregivers and focus group discussions with nurses and physicians. Colaizzi's method was used to analyze the data. The thematic analysis revealed 5 themes representing the participants' experiences of challenges with decision making near end of life. The identified challenges are (1) struggle with lack of information; (2) improper communication; (3) patient's or family's decision: the cultural taboo; (4) health care providers prefer staying in their comfort zone; and (5) the paradox of surviving and letting go. In addition, the participants endorsed several recommendations to raise public awareness of palliative and end-of-life care, amplify the patients' voice, and raise the bar of communication sensitivity. Decision making near the end of life is a challenge. However, the current study highlighted several areas for improvement that can improve the process and optimize patients' and their families' involvement.
Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on ... more Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and information website. Elsevier hereby grants permission to make all its COVID-19-related research that is available on the COVID-19 resource centre-including this research content-immediately available in PubMed Central and other publicly funded repositories, such as the WHO COVID database with rights for unrestricted research re-use and analyses in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for free by Elsevier for as long as the COVID-19 resource centre remains active.
Background: involving patient in end of life decision is important to understand their wishes and... more Background: involving patient in end of life decision is important to understand their wishes and preference, which will help health care providers in improving the quality of dying and minimizing suffering. Aim: the aim of this review was to provide a detailed examination of the available literature related to patients' involvement in decision making at end of life. Design: a systematic review following the PRISMA protocol was used, the review protocol was registered on PROSPERO: CRD42019128556. Data sources: we conducted a literature search in two electronic databases "CINAHL and Medline" during March-April 2019. The retrieved articles were included if they were: research reports or literature review; examined patient involvement in end of life discussions; full text publications, written in English and published from 2000-2019. Results: a total of (22) articles were included in the review; there was diversity in the purposes and design approach of the retrieved studies. The available literature explored patient's involvement at end of life decision making through; describing current practices; understanding perspectives of end of life discussions; investigating the impact and identifying the barriers and facilitators of patients' involvement in end of life discussions. Conclusion: involvement in end of life discussions improved the recognition of patients' wishes, improved death experience, and decreased posttraumatic stress, depression, and anxiety among family members. Despite the documented benefits, some barriers against patient's involvement in EOL decisions were recognized; lack of awareness; lack of education, training and experience; concerns about ethical and legal issues; and personal preferences of doctors or nurses were among the most commonly identified barriers.
BackgroundUndergoing surgery is an anxious experience for children. Applying anxiety reduction ag... more BackgroundUndergoing surgery is an anxious experience for children. Applying anxiety reduction age‐appropriate programs by nurses would be beneficial in reducing anxiety to children.AimTo test the effectiveness of age‐appropriate preoperative information session in reducing anxiety levels of school‐age children undergoing elective surgery in Jordan.DesignThe study used a quasi‐experimental design.MethodsOne hundred and twenty‐six children were recruited from an educational hospital in Amman from January to June 2012 and were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. The anxiety levels of children were assessed using the State Anxiety Scale for children, and children's levels of cooperation after surgery were assessed using Children Emotional Manifestation Scale. The heart rate and blood pressure of children were also measured 1 hour before going to operation room.ResultsThe study results revealed that children in the intervention group reported lower anxiety levels a...
Background: Sepsis is a common dangerous body response to infection that can deteriorate into sep... more Background: Sepsis is a common dangerous body response to infection that can deteriorate into septic shock. Both sepsis and septic shock require early and timely managed care, which can be implemented by using the Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock. The purpose of this study was to examine the literature related to the effect of implementing SSC guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock on adult patients' mortality rate in Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Methods: The method of Whittemore and Knafl was used to guide this integrative literature review. The literature search revealed 16 eligible quantitative research studies between 2004 and 2018. The quality of methods used in the included articles was assessed and data were analyzed. Results: Results showed that implementing SSC guidelines reduced the mortality rate among adult patients in ICUs. In addition, implementing selected practices from SSC guidelines, such as collecting blood cultures and administration of a broad-spectrum antibiotic and vasopressors were found to decrease the mortality rate among adult patients in ICUs. The SSC guidelines need to be taught to nurses and nursing students to increase their awareness and capability of implementing these guidelines in clinical practice.
Introduction Newly graduating nurses should be able to enter clinical practice as safe, accurate,... more Introduction Newly graduating nurses should be able to enter clinical practice as safe, accurate, competent, and compassionate professionals in health care settings that necessitate them to be learners who can easily get familiar with a broad diversity of clinical practice settings. Purposes The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of high-fidelity simulation experiences on self-satisfaction and self-confidence among the pediatric nursing students. Methods A quasi-experimental design, post-test, was carried out through the recruitment of a convenience sample of 150 nursing students from Arab American University. The students were randomly assigned to the study ( n = 75) or control ( n = 75) groups. Data were collected using learner satisfaction and self-confidence scales. Results The results of the post-test revealed that there was a significant difference between both groups in self-satisfaction ( t (148) = 11.14, P < .001) and self-confidence ( t (148) = 13....
Purpose This study aims to review the lived experience of patients suffering from stroke and desc... more Purpose This study aims to review the lived experience of patients suffering from stroke and describe their perception of palliative care needs. Design/methodology/approach A literature review search was conducted. Web of Sciences, SAGE, CINAHL, PubMed and Jordanian Database for Nursing Research databases were used to search the literature. Findings The findings of 37 articles were address palliative care approaches for patients with stroke, lived experiences of patients suffering from stroke and the experience, barriers and facilitators related to health-care service for stroke survivors. Originality/value This review indicated the importance of recognizing palliative care needs among patients suffering from stroke to improve post-stroke recovery. This study recommends further research, especially in low- and middle-income countries, to understand patients’ experiences and recognize the main palliative care needs that can be incorporated into interventions designed to improve the q...
Background: early detection of perinatal anxiety using appropriate measures helps in reducing mat... more Background: early detection of perinatal anxiety using appropriate measures helps in reducing maternal and fetal complication. WHO guidelines for instrument translation and adaptation provide rigor and transparent method for Perinatal Anxiety Screening Scale (PASS) translation and expand the knowledge in diversity cultural contexts. Aim: to describe the process of cultural adaptation of the PASS into the Jordanian context based on the WHO framework for instrument translation and adaptation. Methods: PASS was completed by a convenience sample of 31 pregnant women. In which PASS went through WHO framework for instrument translation and adaptation process includes forward translation, expert panel, blind back translation, pre testing and cognitive interview, and the final version is ready for piloting. Some comments were added to three items by five expert panel, then the modified version was ready for piloting. Result: the internal consistency reliability of PASS was 0.869 and five experts who reviewed PASS confirmed the scale appropriateness and clarity after a slight modification to three items. Participants found PASS in general easy to complete but some of them found difficulties in understanding two items located in the Perfectionism, control and trauma subscale where they need an explanation of their meaning to answer them. Conclusion: using WHO guidelines for instruments translation considered a rigorous method and revealed that PASS is reliable and valid tool to be used within the Jordanian context to measure perinatal anxiety. However, the focus on explaining items 11 and 14 to participants is important due to difficulty in understanding their meaning.
Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSSs) are defined as computer-based tools using ... more Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSSs) are defined as computer-based tools using scientific knowledge to generate patient specific advice or interpretation to help health professionals in making clinical decisions. The use of computers has been driven not only by the increasing need to manage large amounts of information, but also by the imperative to make evidence-based and costeffective decisions on a daily basis. Computer aided medical tools address the growing information needs of the busy health care provider, decrease medical errors and improve healthcare processes as well as patient outcomes. So this paper aimed at presenting different issues related to application, benefits and recent advances of CDSSs within the health care delivery system.
Background The unprecedented abrupt shift to remote online learning (OL) within the context of th... more Background The unprecedented abrupt shift to remote online learning (OL) within the context of the national lockdown due to the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) highlights the importance of addressing students' preparedness in managing their first experiences with OL. Purpose To investigate the experiences of undergraduate nursing students during their first uses of OL to increase the understanding of their encountered opportunities and challenges. Design A descriptive qualitative design guided by a phenomenological approach was used. Methods The study used a purposive sampling technique to recruit 18 undergraduate nursing students from two universities. Data were collected using two focus group discussions, and the discussions with participants were audio/video recorded through the online platform Zoom due to the national imposed curfew. Content analysis employed Colaizzi's steps to derive the themes/categories. Results The study revealed four themes: experience of helplessness, burdens, and burnout; the need for social and technical support to manage OL; the propensity to consider OL as a positive opportunity; and the deficiency of OL in fulfilling the educational outcomes of clinical courses. Conclusions Abrupt remote OL was a challenge to clinical encounters. This format was very stressful; however, it was also useful. The current study highlighted the need for further research on the effectiveness of remote OL platforms in regard to the achievement of the intended learning outcomes of clinical courses.
Purpose: The purpose of this review was to identify the short-term and long-term outcomes of preg... more Purpose: The purpose of this review was to identify the short-term and long-term outcomes of pregnancy in women suffering from congenital heart disease (CHD). Methods: An integrative review is used to identify the pregnancy outcomes in women with CHD. Data search was between 2010 and
Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD is a common behavioral problem among ch... more Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD is a common behavioral problem among children in the world as in Jordan. However, Children with ADHD were significantly less likely to have appropriate health care services when they need health care. Thus, phenomenological study is important and needed as a gap exists in the literature concerning the health care experiences and needs of children with ADHD from the parents' perspective. Accordingly, this study will conduct to gain an in-depth understanding of the healthcare experiences and needs of children with ADHD. Aim: The aim of the current qualitative study is to explore and describe the health care experiences and health care needs of children with ADHD from their mothers' perspectives within the context of the phenomenological approach. Study Method: Descriptive phenomenological research design. Semi-structured interview will be conducted with the mothers of children with ADHD who will be recruited purposefully from special Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders Medical Clinics in order to ensure and to confirm the diagnosis from the specialist there. Data will be transcribed, managed and analyzed using descriptive, phenomenological analysis. The Jordan University Ethics Committee approved the study. Discussion: The findings of this study will make an original contribution to our knowledge about the health care experiences and health care needs of children with ADHD from their mothers' perspectives within the context of the phenomenological approach, in order to help health care providers in general, and nurses, in particular, to provide optimal health care services for children with ADHD that address the children physical and mental health care needs of the highest priority from mothers' perspectives.
Parents' participation in the care of their hospitalized children is recognized as a key comp... more Parents' participation in the care of their hospitalized children is recognized as a key component of effective child health care. The current study aimed to investigating the congruence between nurses' desired for parent' participation in the care of their hospitalized children, and the parents' actual participation in the care. A descriptive correlation cross-sectional design was used by utilizing a self-administered questionnaire. 227 nurses working at pediatric wards and 294 parents of hospitalized children aged 12 years and under were a convenience sample of this study. Two categories were derived from the study: activities related to physical care and psycho-social support. There were positive correlations between parents’ participation in care and parents' experience to hospitalization to experts' females' nurses holding BSc. degree, children with chronic disease, less than six years aged, with prolonged staying at hospital. Recognizing the value of parents' participation, as an important issue and one that must not be ignored, health care managers and policy makers need to play a more visible and instrumental role in developing policies related to parents' participation.
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship
Background Nursing education was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as most institutions shifted t... more Background Nursing education was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as most institutions shifted to e-learning. The aim of the current study was to examine students’ engagement and satisfaction levels with e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods A descriptive correlation design was used to guide this study. A voluntary response sampling method was used to recruit undergraduate nursing programs in Jordan. Data were collected using an electronic link to a self-reported questionnaire. Results A total of 1,562 undergraduate nursing students responded to the questionnaire. The study showed that most students have high engagement in the emotional, skills, and performance subscales and low engagement in the participation subscale. Further, they were moderately satisfied with e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusions Students identified several issues regarding their e-learning, which must be considered to improve their engagement and satisfaction. Further, the study reve...
Background Stroke is a prevalent neurological disease that can have a profound impact on women’s ... more Background Stroke is a prevalent neurological disease that can have a profound impact on women’s physical, psychosocial, and spiritual well-being. In many cases, women living with stroke may have marginalized palliative care needs that are often not adequately addressed by healthcare providers. Unfortunately, the experience of women with stroke and their specific palliative care needs have been largely overlooked in research conducted in Jordan. Aim The purpose of this study is to examine the specific palliative care needs of women who have experienced a stroke and are currently living in Jordan. By conducting this research, we aim to identify the various physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of women with stroke and gain a better understanding of how these needs can be addressed through palliative care interventions. Methods This research utilized a phenomenological descriptive study approach to explore the experiences of twelve women recruited from the outpatient clinic...
Background: To explore how Jordanian nurses participate in the end-of-life (EoL) decision-making ... more Background: To explore how Jordanian nurses participate in the end-of-life (EoL) decision-making process. Methods: Interviews with 10 patients and family caregivers, and focus group discussions with seven healthcare professionals (HCPs), were conducted. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed following inductive thematic analysis. Findings: The participants agreed that nurses are not fully engaged and did not have a direct role in the EoL decision-making process. However, the participants highlighted that ‘nurses bridge the gaps in the decision-making process', where nurses act as mediators to facilitate the decision-making process. Lastly, nurses were viewed as ‘nurturers and supporters during the journey of the patient's illness’; they were always available to answer their questions, offer help and advise when necessary during palliative referral and throughout the illness. Conclusions: Although nurses did not directly participate in EoL decisions, they ha...
Background: Stroke is a common neurological disease. Women with stroke suffer many physical, psyc... more Background: Stroke is a common neurological disease. Women with stroke suffer many physical, psychosocial, and spiritual needs. Consequently, women living with stroke may have many marginalized palliative care needs as perceived by health care providers. However, the experience of women living with stroke and palliative care needs is understudied in Jordan. Aim: This study aimed to explore the palliative care needs among women living with stroke in Jordan. Methods: A qualitative descriptive phenomenological approach was employed with a purposive sample recruited from twelve women living with stroke Data were collected using face-to-face semi-structured interviews. The Colaizzi (1978) method was used for data analysis. Results: The study revealed three main emerging themes that reflected the palliative care needs of women living with stroke, which are: living with bothersome symptoms, receiving bad news, and spiritual practices, beliefs, and needs. Discussion: This study sheds light ...
Adolescents are more likely to engage in risky health practices related to COVID-19. Their compli... more Adolescents are more likely to engage in risky health practices related to COVID-19. Their compliance with infection control measures is a key factor to mitigate the spread of the disease. The purpose of this study was to explore the knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward COVID-19 and their correlates among Jordanian adolescents. An online cross-sectional survey was utilized. A total of 1,054 Jordanian adolescents aged 12–18 completed and returned the survey. Overall, Jordanian adolescents showed a good base of knowledge regarding COVID-19 (regardless of their demographic characteristics) and tended to hold positive attitudes toward the country’s curfew and other protective measures. The majority of adolescents reported that television and social media were their main source of information on COVID-19, while few reported receiving such information from their schools. The majority reported practicing effective health protective behaviors to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which w...
This study aims to explore the challenges in involving patients and their families in decision ma... more This study aims to explore the challenges in involving patients and their families in decision making near end of life and to provide recommendations to overcome these challenges. A qualitative descriptive phenomenological approach was used with a purposive sample of 8 patients, 7 family caregivers, 7 nurses, and 6 physicians from 2 institutions that provide palliative and end-of-life care services in Jordan. Data were collected using interviews with patients and family caregivers and focus group discussions with nurses and physicians. Colaizzi's method was used to analyze the data. The thematic analysis revealed 5 themes representing the participants' experiences of challenges with decision making near end of life. The identified challenges are (1) struggle with lack of information; (2) improper communication; (3) patient's or family's decision: the cultural taboo; (4) health care providers prefer staying in their comfort zone; and (5) the paradox of surviving and letting go. In addition, the participants endorsed several recommendations to raise public awareness of palliative and end-of-life care, amplify the patients' voice, and raise the bar of communication sensitivity. Decision making near the end of life is a challenge. However, the current study highlighted several areas for improvement that can improve the process and optimize patients' and their families' involvement.
Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on ... more Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and information website. Elsevier hereby grants permission to make all its COVID-19-related research that is available on the COVID-19 resource centre-including this research content-immediately available in PubMed Central and other publicly funded repositories, such as the WHO COVID database with rights for unrestricted research re-use and analyses in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for free by Elsevier for as long as the COVID-19 resource centre remains active.
Background: involving patient in end of life decision is important to understand their wishes and... more Background: involving patient in end of life decision is important to understand their wishes and preference, which will help health care providers in improving the quality of dying and minimizing suffering. Aim: the aim of this review was to provide a detailed examination of the available literature related to patients' involvement in decision making at end of life. Design: a systematic review following the PRISMA protocol was used, the review protocol was registered on PROSPERO: CRD42019128556. Data sources: we conducted a literature search in two electronic databases "CINAHL and Medline" during March-April 2019. The retrieved articles were included if they were: research reports or literature review; examined patient involvement in end of life discussions; full text publications, written in English and published from 2000-2019. Results: a total of (22) articles were included in the review; there was diversity in the purposes and design approach of the retrieved studies. The available literature explored patient's involvement at end of life decision making through; describing current practices; understanding perspectives of end of life discussions; investigating the impact and identifying the barriers and facilitators of patients' involvement in end of life discussions. Conclusion: involvement in end of life discussions improved the recognition of patients' wishes, improved death experience, and decreased posttraumatic stress, depression, and anxiety among family members. Despite the documented benefits, some barriers against patient's involvement in EOL decisions were recognized; lack of awareness; lack of education, training and experience; concerns about ethical and legal issues; and personal preferences of doctors or nurses were among the most commonly identified barriers.
BackgroundUndergoing surgery is an anxious experience for children. Applying anxiety reduction ag... more BackgroundUndergoing surgery is an anxious experience for children. Applying anxiety reduction age‐appropriate programs by nurses would be beneficial in reducing anxiety to children.AimTo test the effectiveness of age‐appropriate preoperative information session in reducing anxiety levels of school‐age children undergoing elective surgery in Jordan.DesignThe study used a quasi‐experimental design.MethodsOne hundred and twenty‐six children were recruited from an educational hospital in Amman from January to June 2012 and were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. The anxiety levels of children were assessed using the State Anxiety Scale for children, and children's levels of cooperation after surgery were assessed using Children Emotional Manifestation Scale. The heart rate and blood pressure of children were also measured 1 hour before going to operation room.ResultsThe study results revealed that children in the intervention group reported lower anxiety levels a...
Papers by Inaam A Khalaf