Halloween tree DIY made from random materials around my yard

Building a home made creepy old tree for your haunted Halloween decorations. I built all my props with materials around the yard and great stuff expandable foam. Base of the tree is a Bigfoot footing for a deck. 12" corrugated Pipe section , metal wire (heavy gauge" bed sheet , great stuff foam insulation. Spray paint or regular house paint. I've never pinned before these decorations so I'm learning as I go. Any help or suggestions, please feel free to comment. Thanks. M.
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Here is a sneak peak of the spray foam sprayed with a dark brown paint. I've since sprayed it with gray and some black paint. I'll be adding brown on top of it and will be adding moss around the base and areas of the tree.
Another angle of the spray foam insulation on the frame and bed sheet. It's looking pretty good !
Another angle of the tree with the branches and a darker coat of paint applied ... It's my first attempt at building a tree for Halloween. Let me know what you guys think !
You can see here I've attached the bed sheet to the framework and have begun to spray expanding foam insulation in vertical lines to make the appearance of bark.
Finished product minus the red light installed inside it. Just a shop light w a red bulb.
After securing the trunk/metal wire to the base I wrapped the trunk with an old bed sheet I had laying around. You can see the metal structure underneath it. Sorry I didn't take pictures of the metal prior to this step. I wasn't intending to post up a tutorial.
I wasn't real careful when I shaped the wire frame of the branches. I wanted some distortion and odd bends. I tapered the circumference of the branch and also added a gusset or brace under the branch, also made from the same wire. It's used to add extra girth and is used as a support.
I then created the branches of the tree then removed the lower heavy guide wire to allow the longer wires to pierce through the fabric which then allowed me to secure them to the trunk cage by wrapping or twisting them around the wire on the trunk.
You can see I didn't space them even, I wanted a random look like natural roots would appear
I then stapled cardboard to the wooden pieces I secured to the base.
Base of the tree with corrugated pipe section to secure metal for trunk.
Heavy gauge livestock wire I had laying around. Measure the circumference of the plastic corrugated pipe to place around it. Twist the metal ends around one another to secure tightly around base
I screwed random pieces of wood from my firewood scrap pile to the base. No particular place, just random places to use as roots