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Can you belive this is the first spider I've done? I thought for sure I had before, I guess not though 😅 This Hidden Key Journal will be $200 available on August 31st at 3pm CST 🕷🕸 My HKJs hold an A5 or 9x6 book/notebook, when it's done you just replace it ✨️ Other items in this update can been seen on my profile page 💖 #hiddenkeyjournal #spider
Casting Positive Spells Boosts Self-Confidence.
Casting positive spells, metaphorical affirmations and empowering actions, becomes a catalyst for self-confidence. Through these intentional gestures, individuals cultivate a reservoir of belief in their abilities, unlocking a newfound sense of assurance and capability. The enchantment of positivity fuels the ascent of self-esteem and personal empowerment.
This may contain: an old book with the title handmade grimoires and notebooks
Cadernos Artesanais incríveis para você @salamearte
Acessar a página da @salamearte e escolher o seu • https://vitrine.elo7.com.br/salamecadernos/produtos
DIY Galaxy & Floral Painted Book Edge | Sea Lemon
DIY Lightning Bolt Stitch Bookbinding | Sea Lemon - YouTube
Polymer Clay Journal Cover Tutorial | Leafy Nature Fantasy DIY Book Cover - YouTube
Grimoire with Me // Imbolc Correspondences Page for my Happy Grimoire Happy Planner Bullet Journal
Grimoire with Me // Imbolc Correspondences Page for my Happy Grimoire Happy Planner Bullet Journal - YouTube
Grumpylokeanelder Follow Just a reminder: Heathenry does have a term for smoke-cleansing. Recaning. To recan. (Or reocan, in Old West Saxon.) This is cleansing via smoke, whether through incense or a bundle of herbs put together for a particular type of cleansing. Juniper and mugwort are both favorites for this. In case you're wondering how to pronounce it, it sounds like reekening. The word "reeks" is actually derived from it, signifying a potent smell. For Old Norse fans, this seems to be related to the work reykr. In case you were wondering, Reykjavik in Iceland translates to "Smoky Bay". By breelandwalker Follow *dances around the entire pagan community waving this post like a fucking banner* THANK YOU. Just a little addendum: Mugwort can be dangerous due to mildly psychoactive properties in the herb. Use with caution and avail yourself of the following list of free-use alternatives: e Basil (any kind, noting that Sweet Basil smells the best) e Sage (any type, but keep in mind that White Sage is becoming endangered) e Rosemary e Peppermint e Lavender e Cedar Tips or Shavings Thyme (especially Lemon) This literally makes me delightfully happy but it also wants to make me smack every person who didn't take the time to learn this and instead just took something from Native Americans. yeuwereteld teld NO} The ancient Greek term is 8uULAaTEvW or thumiateuo which is usually translated as "fumigate". The Latin is suffire, which is usually translated the same. Both mean to cleanse with incense smoke. - iFunny