Inspirational Words & Quotes

The Power of Words. Section 1: I Resonate. Words describing what I believe, my character & what I love. Section 2: Informative: Factual, I invite you to read one a day expanding your worldy knowledge, general knowledge & interesting facts. Section 3: Prayer. Pray to resolve a problem, ask for help, Prayers for different situations, miracle prayers, prayers to saints, roseary, medaillions etc. With soothing repetitive words to sooth your soul. Main Body Section: Quotes & Quotes on Decor.
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3 Sections
"We are the FIRST generation to feel the effects of climate change and the LAST generation who can do something about it." - President Obama. ⛽ A transition from fossil fuels will be costly and will take decades. A transition to global veganism is free and can happen today. A plantbased diet saves: 1,100 gallons of water. 30 sq feet of forested land. 45 lbs of grain. ☁ 20 lbs of C02 equivalent. One animal's life. ‼‼‼PER DAY‼‼‼
I always do the same
Creating pristine seascapes with crystal clear water , it's my intent to bring awareness to the importance of keeping our oceans & waterways clean & healthy for all sea life .
Humanity Isn't Black And White
We must be the change we want to see in society today and not waste another second. It is on us, as fellow Americans and citizens of this world, to make an impact.
maxitrend = mensen worden de laatste paar jaar gewaarschuwd voor het opwarmen van de aarde: WAKE UP Humans! YOU'RE ENDANGERED, TOO.
Weather Underground
CAUSE; Infographic: Climate Change Today | Weather Underground. Information about the effects of climate change and what it is doing to our planet.