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hi there, just wondering if any more community copies will be released into the wild before Christmas. Just looking for a bunch of games to play as I don’t have family to spend the holidays with

Thank you 

Thanks for reminding me! I just added some more.

Sorry, another question! For the life of me I can't find an official rule for when prevailing heroes draw their dice rolls. It happened twice in our last game and seems to matter as a draw means it's undecided who's Best. We resolved it with a roll off.

Am I missing something obvious (probably)?

Thanks in advance, John. Looking forward to playing through our second Trial tomorrow.

See page 30, last sentence of the first paragraph.

Thank you!

Hi John, thanks for all you do. Hugely looking forward to playing Agon and Chamber as Blades knocked me for six 

Can I just check a rulesy thing? On page 30 is there a typo in the example? It says that Xentropa earns 11 Glory as that it equal to the target number, but the target number mentioned on the preceding pages is 12. Presumably Xentropa should earn 12 Glory, or have I misunderstood? 

Sorry, not being a pedant, just trying to get everything straight in my head before running a game on Friday! Thanks again.

Hello! That is, indeed, a typo. Xentropa should earn 12 Glory in that case.

Cheers. Really loving these rules and excited to see how they shake out in play

Hello, when will be added again some community copies? I Wish to prepare a campaign with this! Seems awesome

New community copies are available now.

Thank you so much! :)

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I really don’t mean to pressure, I just finished my yearly marathon of the Fast Saga and I was wondering if Ride or Die is still in development

Love your games John! (Currently running bitd in omm while it’s available <3)

It is! But it's not first in the queue. :) If you need a quick fix, I highly recommend the Fast & Furious: Highway Heist boardgame.

That’s great to hear! I’ll check that one, thanks John!


Grabbed this game a couple days ago, and then yesterday our friend who runs our Friday D&D game said they could not run. 

I shoved this into my friend's faces, we learned the game within an hour, and I ran the first island. We had a blast! We cannot wait to play this again.

Also, the organization is spectacular, and as a neat-freak, the formatting ticked all the right boxes. Thank you for doing such an incredible job on this game!


That's great to hear! Glad you and your group enjoyed it. :)

I tried running Nimos for one player and they were trounced in every contest. Do you have any ideas on how to balance it for one pc? I set the strife level to 4;  wondering if I should try adding another d6 to rolls for an extra epithet of Lone Hero or something like that.

Hi. I have a physical copy of agon and it refers to a strife players booklet, battle sheet, and a downloadable character sheet. Where can I find these? (scroll down to "Downloads")

Thank you!

Hi there, do you still refill community copies? I want to introduce this game to some friends :)


I just added a new batch.


got one, thank you :)

Love the game, just nabbed the updated player kit. Got one burning question: how is "Agon" officially pronounced? Is it like "wagon" or "uh gone"?


I don't know the official pronunciation, but I pronounce it rhyming with "way gone" with emphasis on the first syllable.

Hey John, love the game! Earlier this year you showed off an updated character sheet in the Agon discord; is that sheet going to be added here? My players find the improvements very helpful!


Ha! I got busy with other stuff and forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder. I just added it to the zip file here on itch.


Happy to help! I am greatly looking forward to Realms of Khaos :)

Just purchased. The .zip file is corrupted.

Yeah. Tried three times already. The .zip file is corrupt. For what I could see this is an issue that must be resolved here in the game page. Can someone help me?

I just double checked it and the file downloaded and extracted without any errors. I can email it to you, if that's of any help.

Hi John.

Thx for the reply!

If you can e-mail it to me, I would be very grateful! Another possibility is that you can share via OneDrive or GoogleDrive.

My e-mails

[email protected]  (main)

[email protected] (secondary)

Thx a lot!


John, never mind. Tried to download it in my smartphone and it went with zero issues. It must be some problem with my PC or browser, I guess.


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Yep, I add new copies on Mondays.

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Hi, is there a blank generic "Vault of Heaven"? We're starting a game next week and I'm going to write up a science-fantasy style and maybe a Japanese mythlogy setting as possibles for my players... so Hera/Zeus etc. not necessarily great.

Deleted 1 year ago

Yeah, send me an email (it's on the copyright page of the game) and I can take care of it for you.

Thanks that's great. I sent it.


I just bought a physical copy of this from my FLGS, is there any way to buy a copy just for the community copies?


Thanks! I went ahead and added an extra community copy to the batch to count your physical purchase :)


Oh awesome thank you! I'm happy to donate a community copy if I can


Hi, John!! I'd absolutely love to play this game. Unfortunately, I have no way of paying for it due to exchange rates (brazilian fan :3). Could you (or anyone else) reply to this whenever a community copy is available, please? 

XO, Carmilla.

By the way, Lady Blackbird is my favorite TTRPG of all time, and my game of choice to introduce new players to TTRPGs. I think I've GM'd LBB to a total of 20 newbies thus far. Huge huge fan of your work. <3

Hi Carmilla! There are new community copies available now.


Hi mr harper!

I've just created (here) a selection of scenarios for Agon, I hope they can help (or at least inspire) other players.

The only detail: it is in Spanish!

Cool! Thank you. :)


So I recently lost access to a account that I bought a few ttrpg on but still have the pdf on my PC so I'm try to see if it would be possible to get a copy connect to this account instead I understand if that's not possible 

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Hey Mr. Harper, can I translate the free players kit to PT-BR?


Yes, please do!


Thanks! I've did it, and attached the translation of the sample island, Kryos, if that's ok! You can check the file in this link.


That looks good! Thank you.


Hello, I already bought rulebook in other language(korean), so I only need additional islands. Can I buy it individually?


We're sending the additional islands to the Korean publisher, so hopefully they'll make them available soon.
Contact me at my email address (oneseven at gmail) if there's a delay and I can get them for you.

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DTRPG shows File Last Updated: December 29, 2020

What was the change?


Added bookmarks to the PDF.

I got it on DTRPG for the POD and... wow.
I have a question about divine favor. Does the honored god has 4maximum divine favor or it's just 2 like the others and I ignore the bottom box?


You can have 4 Divine Favor with your honored god.

Sorry, Any way to get the hardcover version in Europe? (for non kickstarter people)

A softcover POD is on DriveThru:

And you can get the hardcover from Leisure Games store in the UK. Or your local game store can order it through the usual distribution channels.

if you’re lucky the spährenmeister may have a copy in stock


Great game, really impressed. So much so that I bought an additional copy here to fund the Community Copies initiative - great work.

Thank you!


Hey I recently bought Agon and loved it! The Kickstarter (which i missed) got some extra Islands as Stretchgoals. Is there any way to buy or get these, even if i missed the Kickstarter?

Would absolutely love extra material!


Yeah, after all the islands are delivered to the backers, we'll probably make the collection available as a supplement pdf.


Hi John, I'm one of the fortunate ones to have claimed a community copy. It's a wonderful thing you did to let people such as myself get a PDF of your wonderful game, I wanted to say thank you for making such a kind gesture. The game looks spectacular and I hope it does well and gets the support it needs, and when Covid-19 is all over and done with and my mental health improves I hope to get some money together to buy a physical copy as repayment, and to let others know about the game as well as your other titles. Stay safe <3


Thanks for the kind words. You stay safe, too. <3


Back to say I just bought my physical copy! Cheers John <3

Awesome! Thank you!

Are any further community copies likely to available in the future?

Yep. Every time I hit 10 sales, I put up a new batch of community copies. Sales slowed way down after the initial surge so it's taking longer now to refill.

That makes total sense, I suspected it was something in that vein - thanks for the swift reply!

Hi! Is the sample island playable or is it just an example of what is inside the game book? I read it and it seems to me that is the latter, right? Looking forward for a community copy. 


I'm not John Harper, but I've run the game;  The sample island above is both.  It's what's in the book for that island and is completely playable.  The islands aren't "D&D adventures" with everything mapped out.  They're starting situations+threats+possible final battle assistance.   And as it turns out, they're pretty close to everything you need to run an Island. The rest of what you need is the GM procedure in the book, or something like it.

This game looks super interested. Hope to find a chance to get it and play with friends 


Just to make sure, this is 2nd edition Agon, right?

Yep! (see the Release Date section of the page)


Hello everyone. I would like to request one of the copies of this fantastic game. I have been following John Harper's work for a long time and I am part of the people who will not be able to pay the value of the game, as the dollar converted to the currency of my country, Brazil, is R $ 85.20. I understand if it is not possible to meet this request, but in the face of the pandemic that we are going through, that amount would be sorely missed. thanks for listening.

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Hello! I will add more community copies to this page in one hour at 12:00 Pacific time. Come back and grab one of you can. If that doesn't work out, let me know (send me an email: oneseven@gmail -- with your email address and I can provide a download key).

hello John Harper. thank you very much for your feedback. I will wait for the new free copies to be accessible. if not, I will proceed as directed. Thank you one more time.

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Hey John, sorry for bothering you, just wanted to know if there would be more community copies being added here. Thank you for your time


Yep! I add a batch of community copies when sales hit multiples of 10 (instead of doing one at a time). I'll try to do it at a regular time -- around noon Pacific.

Fantastic! Thanks John.