Papers by Kazeem Oladele Sanusi

Researchers are increasingly relying on computational technologies to help in simulation of prope... more Researchers are increasingly relying on computational technologies to help in simulation of properties of new materials and some areas in materials science has enjoyed some level of success which ranges from composites, to polymer science and to advanced ceramics. This review paper discuss certain developments in the area of computational Materials and how Africa can leverage on this technology to develop their emerging Industries, while dwelling more on application of computational material science in energy sector, since energy has been most pressing challenges in Africa which could be addressed by advanced materials. Also, we summarize part of our research work on galvanic corrosion of mild steel bolt in a magnesium alloy (AZ91D) plate simulation using comsol Multiphysics and 2k factorial experiments on factors that influence the recovery of gold during the upgrade of Ilesha-Itagunmodi, Nigeria gold ore through Froth flotation using Anova software. Attempt have been made to ident...
Applied Mechanics and Materials, Dec 1, 2012
The effects of pressure, concentration and feed temperature using a high pressure membrane filtra... more The effects of pressure, concentration and feed temperature using a high pressure membrane filtration test rig capable of handling nanofiltration and reverse osmosis separation was investigated. The experimental results indicated that the applied pressure across the membrane has a significant positive influence on the flux produced and increasing the pressure will rupture the membrane if excessive force or pressure is applied. The high concentrations of solutes/molecules inhibit the flow of fluid through the membrane consequently lower fluxes and improved separation is and subsequently all variables, including their interactions, examined was found to be significant.

Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, Feb 4, 2019
Purpose The nuclear battery technology depends on the spontaneous decay of the atomic nuclei of r... more Purpose The nuclear battery technology depends on the spontaneous decay of the atomic nuclei of radioactive isotopes to generate electricity. One of the merits of a nuclear battery is its high-energy density, which can be around ten times higher than that of hydrogen fuel cells and a thousand times more than that of an electrochemical battery. A nuclear battery has an extremely long life and low maintenance and running costs coupled with applications in remote and hostile environmental environments. The rise of silicon technology has intensified research activities in the area of nuclear batteries. The paper aims to present a general overview of a nuclear battery. Design/methodology/approach This paper presents a general overview of a nuclear battery and will significantly reduce reliance on non-renewable energy source. The requirement for long-lived power supplies have necessitated the pragmatic shift toward the realization of cleaner, safer and renewable energy sources. Findings Nuclear battery is a safe enabling technology for many applications including military and commercial applications. They have very long operating life under harsh environmental conditions. These cells demonstrate high potential for use in low power applications under a broad range of temperatures. Originality/value The nuclear battery technology has been receiving considerable in-depth research for applications that require long-life power sources.
In this paper, friction stir processing (FSP) was used to refine the microstructure of the copper... more In this paper, friction stir processing (FSP) was used to refine the microstructure of the copper alloy using various parameters. The influence of the tool rotation and traverse speeds on the microstructural and mechanical properties of the processed copper alloy was measured and analyzed. Micro-hardness measurements were used to evaluate the mechanical properties of the material. The results show that copper alloy processed by FSP has an enhanced micro-hardness property than the unprocessed copper alloy, this makes the materials processed by FSP appropriate for use in industrial applications.
In this paper, a commercial finite element software, ABAQUS was used to simulate the influence of... more In this paper, a commercial finite element software, ABAQUS was used to simulate the influence of friction coefficient on copper alloy process by Equal Channel Angular press technique. The geometry of the simulated samples is 7.3mm width by 50mm long. The die is analytical rigid, and the process was adiabatic at room temperature. The influence of friction was obtained with different friction coefficient. From the simulations results, the extent of inhomogeneous in the work-piece shows increase due to the frictional effects and this have a great influence on the deformation behaviour during ECAP process, the effect is particularly severe at the bottom of the work-piece. Finite element simulations will let us have a better understanding of heterogeneity, geometry, and help us in determining the best measurement regions regarding the deformation path.

Proceedings of SPIE, Mar 18, 2016
Laser Beam Forming (LBF) process is an emerging and new forming method that generally requires br... more Laser Beam Forming (LBF) process is an emerging and new forming method that generally requires brute force to forge the steel into the desired shape instead of using conventional methods. This study investigates the changes that occur in low carbon steel through the laser beam forming process. The parameters under investigation include variable scanning speed and number of scans at fixed laser intensity. The effect of these laser parameters on the chemical composition and properties of low carbon steel is assessed through characterisation of both the as received and LBF formed specimens. Characterizations of the laser formed steels were studied using microstructural analysis and micro hardness profiling. The results show that there is a significant increase in the mechanical properties of the LBF formed materials. Scanning power and the number of scans have a noticeable effect on the curvature achieved in the formed samples.The results obtained will contribute towards the further optimization of laser forming methods for steel for the optimization of the properties of steel using Laser Beam Forming process.
World Congress on Engineering, Jul 1, 2015
This paper reports the proposed model of the flow behaviors of nanocrystalline metals and alloys ... more This paper reports the proposed model of the flow behaviors of nanocrystalline metals and alloys deformed at different strains, strain rates and temperatures. It incorporated the effect of grain size, high internal stresses and lattice distortions existing near boundaries to the Hall-Petch relations. The developed model was compared to that of Khan-Huang-Liang and found to be more reliable in clarifying the inverse Hall-Petch relation. Using the new proposed constitutive model, the mechanical behaviour of materials at different grain sizes for ultrafine grained to nanostructure materials at different temperatures and strain rates can be obtained. The model is also useful in predicting the response of nanocrystalline metals and alloys during the forming process.

The International Journal of Multiphysics, Sep 1, 2011
This paper comprises an investigation using finite element analysis to study the behaviour of nan... more This paper comprises an investigation using finite element analysis to study the behaviour of nanocrystalline grain structures during Equal Channel Angular Press (ECAP) processing of metals. The effects of average grain size and misorientation angle on the deformation are examined in order to see how microstructural features might explain the observed increase in strength of nanocrsytalline metals. While this approach forms a convenient starting as it offers a simple way of including grain size effects and grain misorientation to which we could add additional phenomena through developing the material model used to describe the anisotropy and techniques that would automatically re-mesh the refined grain structure produced under severe plastic deformation. From this, it can be concluded that these additional techniques incorporated into the finite element model produced effects that correspond to observed behaviour in real polycrystals.
ABSTRACT Shape memory alloy is one of the materials classified as 'smart' materia... more ABSTRACT Shape memory alloy is one of the materials classified as 'smart' materials. Its anomalous behaviour has gained more attention in the field of engineering. There are numerous mathematical models that have been developed to analyze its behaviour. In this paper, a newly developed constitutive model for shape memory alloy is presented. The features of the newly developed model are presented and compared with some of the existing models.
Please help us populate SUNScholar with the post print version of this article. It can be e-maile... more Please help us populate SUNScholar with the post print version of this article. It can be e-mailed to: [email protected]

Applied Mechanics and Materials, Dec 1, 2012
In this study, investigations were carried out to find the best possible way of lowering the conc... more In this study, investigations were carried out to find the best possible way of lowering the concentration of suspended solids at the blast furnace gas scrubbing systems which have long been a problem in steel making industries. The analyses of the experimental results showed that the Bulab 5615 that is currently being used is the best possible chemical polymer. At very low concentration the chemical has shown its ability to reduce suspended solids to desired levels. The three other chemicals used required a much higher dosing rate. Experiment was also conducted on controlling the conductivity and to solve the issues of high COD, ammonia and phenols using a pilot bio-plant and reverse osmosis. This work will make the adhering to the policy implemented in 2006 of zero effluent discharge of the Department of Water and Forestry and contribution towards saving our water.
In order to predict the hinge-moments produced by smart material actuation as well as the strengt... more In order to predict the hinge-moments produced by smart material actuation as well as the strength of smart material components, a reliable material model needs to be developed for each smart material. This material model can then be used in the finite element analysis of structures containing smart actuators. These could either be embedded actuators or linkages made of smart material. In this paper we show a developed thermo-mechanical model that can be used for modeling NiTi Shape Memory Alloy material. The developed constitutive model can be utilized to analyze simple and complex structures/shapes. It was developed based on the approach by Liang and Rogers. The phase transformation occurring in the SMA microstructure and the temperature variation are treated as internal variables for this model. The simulation results are presented and analyzed. Copyright © 2011 MS&T'11®

In this study, Friction Stir Processing (FSP) technique was applied for the development of surfac... more In this study, Friction Stir Processing (FSP) technique was applied for the development of surface composites of 6082-T6 aluminum alloy reinforced with Titanium Carbide with the aim of investigating the possibility of enhancing the surface property of aluminium alloy by reinforcing it with Titanium Carbide to form metal matrix composites using one pass and three passes respectively. The groove with depth of 1.5 mm and width range from 0.5mm to 1.9mm were machined and filled with reinforcement powder using axial load of 20 kN. The rotational speed of the tools employed is 1000 rpm and the feed rate of 60 mm/min was used. The hardness properties to provide a sense of mechanical response and the surface morphology of the eroded samples were studied and characterised to reveal the microstructural features by using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used to analyse the specimens. This study would motivate future studies to further explore the viability of composites produced using FSP technique.
IOP conference series, Aug 1, 2017
In this research study, material characterization of dissimilar friction stir spot welded Alumini... more In this research study, material characterization of dissimilar friction stir spot welded Aluminium and Copper was evaluated. Rotational speeds of 800 rpm and transverse speeds of 50 mm/min, 150 mm/min and 250 mm/min were used. The total numbers of samples evaluated were nine altogether. The spot welds were characterised by microstructure characterization using optical microscope (OEM) and scanning electron microscopy technique (SEM) by observing the evolution of the microstructure across the weld's cross-section. lap-shear test of the of the spot weld specimens were also done. From the results, it shows that welding of metals and alloys using Friction stir spot welding is appropriate and can be use in industrial applications.

Materials Today: Proceedings, 2017
Friction stir spot welding (FSSW) is considered as a replacement technology of conventional resis... more Friction stir spot welding (FSSW) is considered as a replacement technology of conventional resistance spot welding for manufacturing lighter vehicles in the automotive industry. FSSW technique was applied to join pure copper for industrial uses. The welding was conducted on an Intelligent Stir Welding for Industry and Research (I-STIR) Process Development System (PDS). Rotational speeds of 1200, 1600 and 2000 rpm were employed. The spot welds were characterised through the evolving microstructure, microhardness, tensile and the fracture surfaces. The microhardness measurements were conducted using the Vickers microhardness indenter and the tensile shear test was used to determine the mechanical properties of the welds. Optical microscope and scanning electron microscopy technique (SEM) were used for the microstructure analysis while the Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used to analyse the debris observed in the specimens after welding. It was found that the microhardness profiles of the processed samples revealed a decrease in the hardness value at the joint interface of the weld, this results in the lower strength of the welds, this is attributed to the heat and the stirring process generated during the processing due to a large stir zone. The process was evaluated in order to make it an alternative welding technique and to produce a material with high strength for industrial application. Microstructure evolution and the mechanical characterization techniques were employed to evaluate the properties of the welded materials. It was deduced that the rotational speeds employed influenced the evolving properties of the welded specimens.
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2018
Abstract In this study, The Friction Stir Processing (FSP) technique was applied for the developm... more Abstract In this study, The Friction Stir Processing (FSP) technique was applied for the development of surface composites of AZ61 magnesium alloy surface plates locally treated with stainless steel powder where the microstructure and the frictional properties behavior magnesium material were observed to evaluate effects of stainless steel powder secondary phase on surface mechanical properties of AZ61 Magnesium alloy. Tool rotational speed and travel speeds which were 1200rpm and 20mm/min respectively. from the results using FSP has been proved to be an effective way to improve the surface properties of metals and alloy.
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2015
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the conference committee members of the 4th Int... more Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the conference committee members of the 4th International conference on Materials Processing and Characterization.

Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, Oct 9, 2009
PurposeSevere plastic deformation (SPD) has provided new opportunities in investigations of enhan... more PurposeSevere plastic deformation (SPD) has provided new opportunities in investigations of enhanced mechanical properties like high strength and ductility by permitting grain refinement to a nanometer level, especially ultra‐fine grained and nanocrystalline metals and alloys. These materials have been attracting more and more research interest during the past few decades due to scientific curiosity and their engineering potentials with a significant advancement in their understanding. The purpose of this paper is to find the relationship between processing, structures and properties of these novel materials with the ultimate goal of producing a model to account for the grain size changes at the nano‐scale.Design/methodology/approachIn this paper, specimens with various grain sizes from 23 to 80 μm are obtained via processing by SPD, using equal channel angular press (ECAP) technique. The effect of grain size on the hardness properties of nanostructured copper alloy has been investigated using micro‐hardness testing of the samples to test the mechanical properties of this material.FindingsThe results reveal that the copper alloys processed by SPD using ECAP technique after various passes differ in the grain size and mechanical properties. The hardness test exhibits grained size dependence according to Hall‐Petch relationship from room temperature. The increase in the hardness with number of passages suggest increasing in strain during deformation, as the passes increase the smaller grain size can be produced.Originality/valueThe paper usefully shows how nanostructured materials by SPD technique will offer a possible solution to the problem of using light metals for certain applications by increasing the strength of materials which could be used in structures where previously strength requirement in various industries, including such as, for example, transportation, medical devices and electronics. Understanding the relationship between processing, structures and properties will enhance the performance of metals and alloys in a target application which is important in improving the mechanical properties of engineering materials that are necessary fundamental for applications of lightweight materials and structures. The influences of structural parameters, such as grain size, grain shape on plastic deformation which is important parameters in study the mechanical properties of nanostructured materials.
Papers by Kazeem Oladele Sanusi