Elmer and the Bureaucrats. (M4GW)
I love these guys! h/t Lance
9.4 out of 10 based on 100 ratings
Elmer and the Bureaucrats. (M4GW) I love these guys! h/t Lance 9.4 out of 10 based on 100 ratings The full 2 hour 40 minute testimony of Ted Cruz and his invited guests. Don’t underestimate the importance of what is going on in this testimony to Congress. It captures why the USA is the best hope for defeating the religious climate meme. Which other western democracy comes close to this? As Mark Steyn says, the most important form of competition is the competition of ideas. Paris will not get a binding agreement mostly because the USA congress stands in the way. (Though that doesn’t mean they won’t get billions; more on that in the next post.) The landscape of the US presidential campaign has undergone a phase change. Watch this and think back to the bland weakness of Mitt Romney in 2012. In 2015 the top Republican candidates are competing to be the most skeptical, and to demonstrate how they don’t pander to political correctness. And Ted Cruz surely is the best informed on the climate topics. Judith Curry ” I can no longer get government grants….” Please copy your favorite quotes below so those who can’t watch the lot can pick up the gems. UPDATE: Best short parts are around 2:14 – 2:20 with Steyn and Curry. […] It used to be that musicians would protest at environmental damage. Now most of them support industry, banks, corporations. Making up for that, the very talented, Minnesotans for Global Warming (M4GW) Where have all the artists gone? Fooled by green poseurs, every one… — Jo h/t Lance 9.4 out of 10 based on 77 ratings It was 1977. Things looked ominous: “The argument that we face some long cold years is pretty convincing.” The story was that some professors at the largest meteorology center said so — we’d had a couple of really cold winters, temperatures are falling, and the armadillo is moving. “There’s a theory among climatologists that the last two years of battering by winter mean that an ice age is returning to the Earth and ice ages Glaciers Down to the Mason-Dixon Line.” “…the headlong retreat of the heat loving armadillo from Nebraska to the southwest and to Mexico…” Climate scientists have come so far in 40 years. They would never make a fuss over a few freak seasons and an armadillo. H/t to Tom Nelson (he’s back on twitter @tan123, thanks to skeptics) and Heartland. This is a great video originally reported by Julia Seymour at MRC Business report. See that link for the full commentary. 40 Years of Media Hype for Climate Alarmists | Heartlander Magazine“ “Warm periods like ours last only 10,000 years, but ours has already lasted 12,000. So if the rhythm is right, we are over-ready for a return […] Never ever take the thought police seriously. I’m not sexist, I’m not racist, I’m not ageist. We just hate old white men. Comedian: Neel Kolhatkar, Melbourne. | Youtube. UPDATE: I’m reminded of this Sydney Morning Herald article two weeks ago. “Seven words you didn’t know were racist”. (Kaffir Lime. Peanut Gallery. Barbarian. Paddy Wagon. Gyp. Bugger and Sold down the River.) We can always rely on the SMH. h/t warcroft 9.4 out of 10 based on 35 ratings The sole engineer meets project managers, designers, and marketers. Love it! H/t to Eric Worrall. 8.8 out of 10 based on 69 ratings Global panic — strictly for your weekend entertainment. Enjoy! … … The funny side of screaming for the climate.
h/t Geoff S : – ) 9.2 out of 10 based on 88 ratings RMR (Rick Mercer Report) sends up the long winter. Love that Canadian sense of humour. : – ) Pace, Paul Howard’s comment on youtube: here’s sending a group hug for our Canadian friends. h/t Richard 9.6 out of 10 based on 80 ratings [See our one-page version of this whole issue.] Thanks to Frank Brus, at least one camera is now on YouTube in full, with sound. 🙂 Many thanks to other skeptics who volunteered with other helpful suggestions and ideas: to J.J., Ruth, Jim, and Raymond. Thanks to Steve for info about bit-torrent (at least we don’t have to go there this time). An excellent talent pool out there. I didn’t even know some people had access to post Very Long Movies on Youtube (1 hour 56 mins.) Some of my favourite points are at the end. Check out the last 15 minutes. There were two cameras recording at the same time: View 2 (Front more distant camera) … OR (UPDATE) View 1 (Back camera view) closer. Thanks to Barry Corke for driving hundreds of kilometers with his high tech equipment to record this for no fee at all!
The original post has all the background and information on this video: ABC Doco “UnCut”: Evans, Nova, Minchin and Rose — the full unedited video. Look for the moment when Anna is surprised we agree with CO2 being a greenhouse gas: “How can you be skeptical?” Notice when she […] It’s good to know some people just can’t be bought and Chris Tangey is one of them. He refuses to allow any part of his work to be used to “decieve” people. Al Gore or someone in his team, really wanted the firestorm footage for his 24 hour televised special coming up this week (which Watts Up is matching hour for hour). One arm of his team (the Office of the Honorable Al Gore) asked Chris Tangey of Alice Springs Film & TV for permission to use the spectacular footage in late September, and Tangey said “No” it would be “deliberately deceptive”, which caused media stories around the world. Now another arm, The Climate Reality Project has quietly tried dressing up in their nonprofit-documentary-group-cloak and again offering money to secure the rights. The full recent email exchange is below. The Gore team mean “no disrespect” but their representative Andrea Smith was still happy to insult people with names, and was perplexed, writing that ” the US is the only country in the world that has an active Climate Denier movement – every other country in the world has accepted this as a fact.” We can see how well informed Al’s […] Last week we finished some YouTube versions explaining the skeptical case. These grew out of the interview we did with Nick Minchin and Anna Rose for the ABC documentary I Can Change Your Mind. They are what we would have said, if we’d been editing the documentary :). In the interview we were on a mission to show the evidence the ABC won’t show — and of course, true to form, the ABC did exactly that, and didn’t show it. As David often points out, the mainstream media have never shown this data anywhere in the world, ever, even though it is extremely relevant, from mankind’s best and latest instruments, from impeccable sources, and is publicly available. Not to mention that billions of dollars of public policies depend on getting this right either. This is a strictly no-budget approach to organize the message for those on the web who prefer to see video’s rather than read papers. Here are three YouTube’s by David Evans, thanks to Barry Corke (for the filming and editing). I hear that one I did will be ready sometime. A little background. When the documentary interview happened in our kitchen, we noticed something interesting. We felt […] This is what we have free speech for. This excellent video says it all. Ponder as you watch: could you imagine a production like this coming from anywhere else but the Land of The Free? (Think Spain, Sweden or France? Weep, that the land of the Magna Carta was not the obvious source or even a likely contender. Could we really see this video coming out of Berlin or Beijing, or more to the point, Sussex, or Liverpool? The tragedy…) Yes, this video is so good I’m posting it here even though every other libertarian, freedom loving, and just plain sane blogger will post it too and I hate being repetitive. Yes it’s that good. H/t To Catallaxy, Bolt, and to SPPI The creators FreeMarketAmerica.org are looking for donations. God forbid that I should admire the largest most successful collection of free people on Earth. 9.1 out of 10 based on 126 ratings […] It’s sad to watch the implosion of a Nobel Cause. Well it would be… But then DeSmog thinks providing fake documents “is in the public interest”. (Is there is a shortage of false and misleading articles around? Who knew?) This particular parody refers to Charles Johnson (who?). Hat tip: As Baa Humbug said in posting this in comments: This didn’t take long. 9.1 out of 10 based on 54 ratings What do skeptics have to do to break the spell of government appointed experts? Many journalists are apparently trapped in a fit of ideological blindness — they can’t acknowledge emails leaked from their favourite scientists. What do you do when your religious idol turns out to be a mere fallible human — caught deleting emails, hiding data and pretending that their models are accurate when they privately admit they’re “all wrong”? The “overwhelming evidence” for the prophecies of a coming man-made disaster are exposed in the emails as based on biased research, petty trickery, flawed assumptions and an all too human desire to “keep me employed”. The trance of big-government appointed prophets is so strong, skeptics such as Christopher Monckton and Craig Rucker (CFACT) are going to skydive into Durban to see if they can shake journalists out of their stupor. The big jump will happen at 11am Durban time (5pm Perth, 8pm Sydney, 9am London, and 4am New York time.) Right now! And if that doesn’t work, what next? Do they take off their clothes?! From Marc Morano and Climate Depot: Climategate 2.0 parachutes into COP17: – Skeptics […] The National Press Club Climate change debate between Lord Christopher Monckton and Richard Denniss. The ABC appear to have lost the debate for their 10pm Channel 24 slot. Somehow I don’t think they would have lost the footage if Christopher Monckton had made a mistake… Had he made a gaffe, it would have been on the 7pm news, and every hourly update after that. Watch it here instead. Who needs the ABC? Thank God for the internet. Hat tip to Keith. UPDATE: Keith writes that the youtube is popular today! Just looked at the video stats.. #2 – Top Rated (Today) – News & Politics – Australia #17 – Top Rated (This Week) – News & Politics – Australia #162 – Most Viewed (Today) – Australia #2 – Most Viewed (Today) – News & Politics – Australia My thought: We should all thank Monckton greatly for his brilliant performance (and climatesceptics for helping to make this happen). I am sure there are quite a few journalists in that room who came away from the debate with “less certainty” about the skill and knowledge of their environmental reporters. It won’t be reported widely in the press, but the […] This is a great turning point. I know this has been circulating for weeks, but if you haven’t seen this climate rap, do check it out. Good Friday night stuff. The warmers have been pretending for so long that they are the little guys fighting Big Oil, Big Industry, and Bad Government. The ruse worked so well, that the bubble is ripe for busting. They can’t “fight” the establishment — they are the Establishment. They have a $144 billion carbon trading scheme, a $243 billion renewables investment annually, not to mention a UN agency, and whole Western Government Departments spinning their dogma. What self respecting youth wants to be a useful idiot fighting for their profits? Enjoy… 9.3 out of 10 based on 15 ratings […] Share this with friends: What a great video. Enjoy. Skill and talent meet a roomful of science. Thanks to encounterbooks I like it! Hat tip to Christian K in Germany. 🙂 http://tinyurl.com/6howlvu
PS: I’m touring at the moment with Monckton, sorry for the gaps between posts. It’s much fun all round, especially as journalists try to trip him up and come unstuck, as did the ABC this morning, when Adam Spencer was so angry that Christopher had excellent answers to all the questions that he hung up mid-interview. Ouch for him. Monckton was nonplussed about this interview, so much so, he couldn’t remember who the interviewer was he told us the story this morning. Why don’t the interviewers do their homework and read the answers the Monckton has given to Abrahamson and others before they try to “enjoy” scoring points? These are the holes you might step in if you don’t read both sides of the story. When will the believers wake up and realize they’ve been living in a groupthink bubble? As I’ve said — Monckton puts on […] Check these out. There’s been an ongoing war of ideas, Hayek vs Keynes, for eight decades and counting — and these videos sum it up consummately. This ongoing academic fight has shaped lives and countries for decades: booms, busts, unemployment, and possibly even wars. Indeed it’s an ominous sign of the times that there is a resurgence of this debate. (The masses take no interest in monetary policy when times are booming.) (If you are in a tearing hurry, skip the first minute). I’m not a rap fan, but this is so good that, for the first time, I have to admit rap has its role. There’s a second in the series and it’s even better. … * * * There are parallels between climate and economics. Using global markets against “man made global warming” is a Keynesian solution to the weather. The big left-right divide is not about conservative versus progressive. The “progressives” want us slow down, and give up cars, flights and air conditioners, and the “conservatives” fight to keep development rolling. Ultimately the left right dichotomy boils down to the individual versus the collective. Thus Keynes (the big government solution) […] The Bunyip decided to take a closer look at the rap singing Climate Scientists (in that profane Hungry Beast rap video) and gives us an idea of what kind of rigorous science they pursue. He’s noticed, for example, that one of the rap-singer-scientists claims a 97.7% (!) certainty that the Murray has not had a worse drought than the most recent one in the last 1500 years. Snippets below from Insane Clown Posse — Part II All thanks for the eye-opener go to Melbourne University’s Ailie Gallant (below)… It is not Allie’s efforts to attract attention (which can also help with the funding), but her co-authored paper on water flows in the Murray Darling Basin which has brought so much re-assurance. In particular, it is the remarkably specific conclusion that there is precisely, and she is very exact about this, a 2.3% likelihood tht any of the many droughts over the past 1500 years were worse than the one just ended – the same dry spell during which the she began smokin’ dos’ stats in her climate crib. And her methods? Well, let’s just say that the Professor is — yo, lab bitches — down with […] Part II of Climate Change Gone Dutch. This is one of the best advertisements I’ve seen yet for The Skeptics Handbook. Seeing footage like this gives me a warm glow. Thanks atomkerman. Priceless! It’s 5 minutes and the fun starts at 2:00 mins. (Cue ominous soundtrack). Introducing… the dreaded skeptic — a faceless trench coated “mafia” man who surreptitiously leaves a copy of The Skeptics Handbook on the table for … (gasp)… anyone to read. How dangerous. Friends of the baseless theory do what they always do, try to hide the graphs from public view. But the insidious copies are out there… people are reading them… the clock ticks. 10 out of 10 based on 2 ratings […] |
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