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は vs が when the subject is modified by a relative clause

Please note that the question is not whether the subject in a relative clause should be followed by は or が. (In that case I am aware that the thematic は cannot be used.) I was reading section II.2, Wa ...
LAMC's user avatar
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What is the exact difference between the particles が and は? [duplicate]

I understand that が is meant to mark the subject and that は is the particle placed after the topic, but still after a heck ton of research, I haven't been able to truly comprehend the meaning of both ...
amito135's user avatar
4 votes
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More complex sentences - When to use は? When to use が?

I know the basics about the difference in the usage between は and が. Nevertheless, when it comes to more complex sentences, I encounter difficulties that I want to explain on base of some examples. ...
Kenny's user avatar
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