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Questions tagged [style]

The style in writing can be defined as the way a writer writes. It is the technique that an individual author uses in his writing.

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Using the verb ござんす ["to be"] in modern Japanese

If I use the verb ござんす As in しからばこの身を お疑いでござんすか So, do you doubt me? Will it be similar to English "Art thou doubting me" or will it give my speech a refined flavour or perhaps a ...
Japanese Learner's user avatar
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Why did 実在 retain its old form when the 促音 was introduced?

Furthermore, are there any other words that retained their larger, pronounced つ when this change occurred? Edit: 仏像 seems to be another one.
wanwandrew's user avatar
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Computer fonts - Small Hane Inkblot Thing

I noticed that some fonts have a small, stylized inkblot on the end of certain strokes in kanji. When I first realized this, I honestly thought that I, myself, was having a stroke! Regardless, I have ...
wanwandrew's user avatar
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Baka "strength"

Here in Germany I can call someone an idiot with included "grading": I can load it with surplus despise ("Sie Vollpfosten!"), or I can make it almost tender using dialect ("Du ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
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うん and ます form in the same sentence A Japanese artist recently tweeted うん、頑張ります What is the stylistic reason for combining the casual うん with the polite 頑張ります rather than はい?
SpikedHelmet's user avatar
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How to say 'finally' as in 'after waiting a long time'

How do I say 'finally' as in 'after waiting a long time' in a sentence? Do I use '最後に'? Hanako can finally buy the textbook. 花子さんは教科書を最後に買えます。 Or does 最後に only mean 'finally' as in 'last in ...
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Is this topical tangent really as abrupt/unconnected as it feels to me?

Okay, so I'm attempting to translate the text from an obscure Japanese Super Famicom game (for fun/general posterity). (This is not a translation or proof-read request of course - those are against ...
Micah Cowan's user avatar
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Saying ジャパニーズ instead of 日本の

I recently came across a sentence mentioning 'ジャパニーズデザイン'. What would be the difference between calling something 日本のデザイン verses ジャパニーズデザイン?
SpikedHelmet's user avatar
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Adding よor ね after つもりです

For sentences ending in つもりです, is it normal to also add よor ね at the end? For example, if you were talking about how fantastic Comiket would be this year, and I wanted to respond, "You're ...
SpikedHelmet's user avatar
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Should the furigana go above the whole word or individual kanji?

I've seen both styles used, basically: A = 家内{かない} B = 家{か}内{ない} I can see pros and cons for both styles. The rendering of A is probably better and there are words for which it may be difficult to ...
Edgar Derby's user avatar
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How common is this sentence pattern in Japanese?

Once in a while, I would encounter "reversed" sentences like this: お腹が痛くなったのは食べ過ぎたせいです。 In my head, I would translate this to English to That my stomach hurt is because I overate. Not ...
rebuuilt's user avatar
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修飾 and ending sentences in nouns

Reference: This article ("セブ市は引き続きECQか。首都圏が再びMECQになる可能性も") is written by 岡田薫さん from マニラ新聞: ドゥケ保健相は8日朝、セブ市について、現在の防疫区分が切れる16日以降も防疫強化地域(ECQ)に留めるとの意向を明らかにした。一方、アニョ内務自治相は8日、首都圏が修正防疫強化措置(MECQ)...
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