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Do people only end sentences with ように after the -ます form?

Someone left a comment on the answer to this ending sentences with ように question saying that it only works with the -ます form. I tried looking up (どうか)~ように。sentences and all the ones I found were in ...
OtheJared's user avatar
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Is desu needed at the end of every single sentence? Also, can you add end particles at the end of every word/sentence?

When can desu be omitted? Is it needed for every single sentence? Also, can I add sentence ending particles to the end of any word? Such as, "学校ね?" as in "school, right?" Thanks. Edit: I'm still a ...
Shuu's user avatar
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"jan", "janai", "ne", "desu ne" -- the same more or less? [duplicate]

I'm trying to understand how to use "jan". "jan" is a short version of "ja nai", correct? And it also seems to be almost the same as "ne?" and "desu ne?". Is this correct as well? Can I use them ...
Johshi's user avatar
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Polite form of ~っけ

In my everyday conversations when trying to confirm an understanding or recall a piece of information I am sure I had heard before, I often use (そう)だっけ、だったっけ、and でしたっけ when speaking to equals or 目下の人。 ...
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