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The meaning of んや

Here are two examples that I have encountered ん+や  ずっと変{へん}な夢{ゆめ}を見{み}とったような気{き}がするんやけど・・・ another example: なんか、体調{たいちょう}悪{わる}いんやない? I am still trying to have a better sense of the letters ...
Quince Blossom's user avatar
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What does 「例によって例のごとくや」 mean?

I have noticed that there is a definition for 「例によって例のごとし」 in a dictionary online but there is slightly difference in the sentence ending, 「くや」 and 「し」. I am not sure if they have the same meaning. ...
George's user avatar
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ですよ in Kansai-ben

What does the sentencing ending particle ですよ become in Kansai-ben?
language hacker's user avatar
19 votes
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わ usage at the end of sentences

What is the difference between the "わ" sentence ender used by women in general and the one that is used by both Males and females in the Kansai area? I've asked my Japanese co-workers about it ...
Mark Hosang's user avatar
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