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What is pitch accent for ではありません?

I hear it like: ではありません{HHLHHHL} Is it correct? Could not find answer in OJAD. PRAAT: Sound sample:
Newbie in Japanese's user avatar
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Accent pattern of ています

According to the rules of accent, a "flat" verb (平板式) keeps flat in its て-form, and a non-"flat" (起伏式) verb is accented in the antepenultimate position in the て-form: ア↑ビル(浴びる)→ ア↑...
Kotoba Trily Ngian's user avatar
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Pitch accent differences between Praat and OJAD

I am currently trying to get my head around the pitch accent based on the following dialog and especially the marked sentence: 遠足に来ています。合う絵はどれですか。 女 いいわね、広々としていて。気持ちまでゆったりするわ。遠くに一本だけ見える木がまたいい。 … I'...
Hellstorm's user avatar
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How can I find the pitch-accent pattern for 頭高型?

I don't mean the meaning of 頭高型, but the pitch-accent pattern of the actual word 「頭高型」. I've found several pitch-accent dictionaries including the two OJAD sites (here and here), but the first site ...
jrpear's user avatar
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What is the correct pitch accent for ううん?

For ううん to express negation, Weblio gives the pitch accent as 【2】, i.e. ううん 【LHL】 However, (to me) this doesn't sound like how people actually pronounce the word. I've always thought that it ...
kandyman's user avatar
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Pronunciation of す in です and the end of ます verbs

I've always been curious about the pronunciation of the す in です and at the end of 〜ます verbs. Most commonly the "u" sound is inaudible, but sometimes by some people it's more pronounced, and some ...
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