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も after the adverbial form of i-adjectives

Usually, the particle は or も after the adverbial form of i-adjectives is followed by ない, but I was reading a friend's text where she said: 寒くなってきました。早くも「着る毛布」をクローゼットから取り出し、着ています。 When I was writing ...
BIG-95's user avatar
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にて / で adverbializer?

にて is older form of で, and now has literary or archaic nuance. にて itself was created by adding suffix て to に, which is form of copular verb n-. Traditional interpretation (e.g. here) is that 2 main ...
Arfrever's user avatar
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Why are 副助詞 called "adverbial" particles?

For some context, according to wikipedia, the following serve as examples of 副助詞: Adverbial particles (副助詞, fuku-joshi) ばかり, まで, だけ, ほど, くらい, など, なり, やら Question: Why are adverbial particles (副助詞) ...
George's user avatar
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Are (Verb+べく) combos considered to be adverbial phrases?

In sentences that involve (Verb + べく) combinations, as in: 身近な人間は(なるべく)避けたほうがいいな… As for people close to me, (as much as possible) it's best to avoid them.. (勉強すべく)図書館に行った。 I went to the library (in ...
George's user avatar
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Verb in て-form before a noun

I came across this sentence: 「東京」は、京都から見て東の京(首都)という意味です。 I don't understand why there 見る is in て-form. I've never met uses of て-form before a noun. To me it looks like a typo. Do I miss something?
user144765's user avatar
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Is the に in 以上に mandatory in the following context?

I came across the following sentence in a text about 俳句 (emphasis, translation and words in square brackets mine): 携帯電話で俳句を送り合って遊ぶ若者もいますし、外国人が日本人以上にすばらしい俳句を表現することもあります。 There are youngsters who play ...
jarmanso7's user avatar
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Difference between 少し [sukoshi] and 少なく [sukunaku]?

Difference between 少し [sukoshi] and 少なく [sukunaku] ? There are tons of posts asking for the difference of 少し [sukoshi] and 少ない [sukunai]. I know that 少し [sukoshi] is an adverb and 少ない [sukunai] is an ...
Mia's user avatar
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Noun 片道 seemingly used as adverb

大阪までは片道五千円です。 (It is five thousand yen one-way to Osaka.) In the sentence above 片道 seems to be used adverbially (no particle, with a verb missing). According to 片道 is not an adverbial noun, ...
Beeblebrox's user avatar
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How does 的に work in this clause: 「よくなるしかない的にいいこと 」

I normally see 的に at the end of words and I understand them but I can't seem to understand this one よくなるしかない的にいいこと
user38996's user avatar
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How far can I go with adverbials?

How far can I go just piling them up before it becomes gibberish? 友達たちは、のびのび 話して 歩いて ビールを飲んで 物事を考えて 歩いた Is that something a Japanese person would actually say?
LonelyDriver's user avatar
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Is ばかり a noun or a な-adjective in ばかりなので?

According to this answer and taking into account the following rules (source) to use ので: [い-adjective]+ので [verb]+ので [な-adjective]+なので [noun]+なので I wonder whether ばかり is a な-adjective or not in ...
raruna's user avatar
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Is ちょっと待って。 grammatically correct? Since 待って is an adverbial and must be attached to another verb (as far as i heard/know) [duplicate]

Is ちょっと待って。 grammatically correct? Since 待って is an adverbial and must be attached to another verb (as far as i heard/know).
raruna's user avatar
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Is there a rule to determine whether or not 「に」 should be attached after 「まま 」?

In the example sentences of my textbook for the grammar 〜まま, it is used either with 「に」 (①) or without 「に」 (②,③): In the case of ②, I understand that 「に」 is not necessary as まま is not acting as an ...
jarmanso7's user avatar
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Logic behind ~く form in the negative form of i-adjectives

I'm trying to logically grasp why い-adjectives switch to the ~く form in order to form a negative. For example: 痛い   (is painful) 痛くない (is not painful) I understand ない to be an adjective. い ...
VeritasKhan's user avatar
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What is the meaning of adjectives ending in 〜く?

I understand that the following words are adjectives: 早{はや}い early/fast 近{ちか}い close/near すごい awesome/great However I’m unsure how to use the forms ending in 〜く such as: 早{はや}く 近{ちか}く すごく Do these ...
Tom Kelly ケリー・トム's user avatar
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What's the difference between an adjective's adverbial form and continuative form? <-also covers adjectives Following Tae Kim's guide, those two forms of 青黒い are ...
Hyperglyph's user avatar
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Translation of "社会に出るって、大変です。"? Same meaning as "社会に出るのが大変です。"?

In a video, with the importance of honorific language in Japanese society established as the topic, one person said to another: 社会に出るって、大変ですね。 Which of the following is a better translation: When ...
rather's user avatar
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What is the correct way to use 全部: Adverbially or Attributively?

Which of the following two versions is correct? Or are both of them incorrect? The one who ate all nuts was Squirrel. 木の実を全部に食べたのりすです。 全部な木の実を食べたのりすです。
Nutkin's user avatar
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Do the adverbial forms of verbs and nouns exist?

I know there are adverbial forms of: adjectives (Adj), 形容詞{けいようし} (連用形{れんようけい} - 早い→早く); adjectival nouns (AdjN), 形容動詞{けいようどうし} (連用形{れんようけい} - 上手だ→上手に). Are there adverbial forms of nouns (名詞{...
fill0llif's user avatar
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Can particle に be always interpreted as adverbial modifier marker?

In English there are 12 cases of adverbial modifier. Can all these 12 adverbial cases in English be expressed by Japanese particle に? Are there other grammatical functions expressed by particle に?
user1602's user avatar
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昼ご飯を食べた時、散歩する and 日本に行った時、写真をとります

I've been told that 昼ご飯を食べた時、散歩する isn't right because you can't have lunch while going for a walk. But in my textbook, there's the following sentence: 日本に行った時、写真をとります. The book explains that taking ...
Daniel's user avatar
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