Anonymous asked:
Ah shucks

Anonymous asked: uuuppppdaateeee uuurrrrr liiiffeeee plllzzzzzzzz!
I’ve been working on off as a character designer for Paramount animation since February of last year now (I think actually a year ago today), and have slipped into a more or less full time freelance position with them in the last few months. Which probably answers for my complete lack of updates. I think I’ve been drawing more now, than I ever have previously, and hopefully, a few years down, I can share some of the stuff I’ve been doing. The team is A++++… Like real.
So I guess that’s my update, and blog world death excuse. I can’t wait to doodle again though.
Just a dumb lunch time doodle, but Tommy Stubbins from my Dr. Dolittle Disney assignment has always been one of my favourite characters to draw.
I’m still kinda attached to my Dr. Dolittle project. Hope that’s ok
Anonymous asked: I love your work James! Are you seeing anyone? :3
Thank you so much!
I don’t usually answer personal questions on my blog, buttt yep
So, I guess this is some of the stuff I worked on at Disney last summer 2013. I had the awesome, Cory Loftis as a mentor. Check him out!
Thanks for having me:)!
Anonymous asked: Hi James! Love your work. What's next for you as far as animation goes??
Thanks so much!:)
Well, I just finished a pretty intensive year of interning, studying and working on my first productions, but right now I’m back in the UK trying to breath for a moment and figuring out my next steps :S. The ‘rest of your life’ is a scary thing to contemplate and right now, I have no idea where I’m heading next. I’d love to try and make a kids book though :).
Anonymous asked: are you going to be uploading more work you have done at Calarts? Or the work you've been working on at Disney. I'd love to see!
I don’t think the Disney work will be publish-able for a few years yet, but now Im back home in the UK, I’m gonna try and get back into my old blogging habits :)