Papers by Wojciech M Marchwica
The article focus on the importance of promoting graduate pianists. It presents the key elements ... more The article focus on the importance of promoting graduate pianists. It presents the key elements for young artists to reach the level of true mastery on teh example of the Fryderyk Chopin Institute's activities and offers some additional components into the system of artists' training

Musical scenery: Utopia vs. Arcadia in The lord of the rings (dir. Peter Jackson) The importance ... more Musical scenery: Utopia vs. Arcadia in The lord of the rings (dir. Peter Jackson) The importance of the set in contemporary movies is obvious to anyone who deals with the art of the cinema. Numerous films-especially in the 'fantasy' or 'post-apocalyptic' genres-rely on building the scenery of an entire world to such an extent that the director forgets about a logical and interesting plot solution, and the actors are only an additional supplement to the vision created by the set designer. In the case of Lord of the rings, Peter Jackson's concern for and precision in creating and matching scenery details in micro-and macro-scale are well-known. Bernard Hill, who played King Théoden, has said in an interview that he did not act as the king-he became the king immediately upon feeling the royal sword, forged by sword smith Peter Lyon, in his hand. So great was the quality of this prop. Tolkien's scenery is one of the most impressive components of Middle Earth. The creation of a world with a full description of its geography, culture, language and art was a fantastic achievement in 20 th century literature. Musical scenery-added value Peter Jackson's meticulous recreation of this imaginative world is truly perfect. The importance of its deliberately-chosen landscapes, its perfectly-prepared fine clothing, its creative models of various structures and its special effects is
Musical art in the educological discourse, 2017
Globalization and the related popularization of artistic tastes is a process that cannot be taugh... more Globalization and the related popularization of artistic tastes is a process that cannot be taught directly. It is possible and necessary to shape higher aesthetic expectations than those provided by the commercialized entertainment market. An important role is played by artistic education — including music especially — and not by professional musicians, but by general education — reaching the majority of society. Art schools and music majors at art colleges should prepare their graduates for educational activities and provide them with tools for shaping common tastes. A separate issue is to educate decision-makers and parents how important music is for development of a child. Music is not an “entertainment for elites”, but an important element of shaping psycho-individuality and intellectual ability of children and teens.
The American journal of medicine, Jan 12, 2017

Problem with Definition Discussing the question of European heritage – at both national and pan‐n... more Problem with Definition Discussing the question of European heritage – at both national and pan‐national levels – we often concentrate on the material that remains, like bricks, trees, urban resources, design and art, etc. Very often, we forget about the results of spiritual or emotional results of human think‐ ing, about the intangible heritage, including music, instead paying at‐ tention mostly to visible artefacts. According to romantic aesthetics like Wilhelm Schlegel and others, music is the highest of the fine arts just because it does not need any kind of media to be perceived, and does not need any material form to transcribe an artist’s idea into any lis‐ tener’s mind. I am afraid that at the moment we have lost such an under‐ standing of art and – under the reign of “picture civilisation” – it is no longer valid. However, it is worth noticing that people most often associ‐ ate the term “heritage” with tangible and immovable heritage (mostly “monuments”). Recent research (c...
Journal of Applied Genetics, 2018
Chopin’s heart, generally enlarged, presented morphologic features pathognomonic for fibrinous pe... more Chopin’s heart, generally enlarged, presented morphologic features pathognomonic for fibrinous pericarditis presumably of tubercular origin: multiple nodular hyalinization foci—tuberculomas and fibrillary coating covering the whole surface of pericardium (“frosted heart”). We show that these features differ significantly from post mortem-formed inorganic crystalline deposits, mold colonies, or fat deposits known from various preserved anatomical objects stored for a long period of time. In our opinion, these pathologies fully justify the claim that chronic cavernous pulmonary, laryngeal, and intestinal tuberculosis presents itself as the most plausible diagnosis of Frederic Chopin and that rapidly progressing tubercular pericarditis became the immediate cause of his death.
Artykul w Ksiedze Pamiątkowej poświeconej prof. Zygmuntowi M. Szweykowskiemu w 70.rocznice urodzin.
Artykul na podstawie referatu wygloszonego podczas konferencji „Muzyczne dziedzictwo epoki Jagiel... more Artykul na podstawie referatu wygloszonego podczas konferencji „Muzyczne dziedzictwo epoki Jagiellonow” Biblioteka Narodowa, Warszawa
Wydawnictwo nutowe. Opis i komentarz w jezyku polskim i angielskim. Music score. Introduction and... more Wydawnictwo nutowe. Opis i komentarz w jezyku polskim i angielskim. Music score. Introduction and commentaries in Polish & English.

Globalization and the related popularization of artistic tastes is a process that cannot be taugh... more Globalization and the related popularization of artistic tastes is a process that cannot be taught directly. It is possible and necessary to shape higher aesthetic expectations than those provided by the commercialized entertainment market. An important role is played by artistic education — including music especially — and not by professional musicians, but by general education — reaching the majority of society. Art schools and music majors at art colleges should prepare their graduates for educational activities and provide them with tools for shaping common tastes. A separate issue is to educate decision-makers and parents how important music is for development of a child. Music is not an " entertainment for elites " , but an important element of shaping psycho-individuality and intellectual ability of children and teens. Key words: methods of the music popularization, global culture, music education. Марквіца Войцех Засоби популяризації музики серед молоді як важливий фактор протидії «макдональдизації» глобалізованої культури Популяризацію мистецьких смаків як процес нині не можна вивчати поза проблемами глобалі-зації. Враховуючи погляди сучасної молоді на так звану «класичну музику», видається необхід-ним формувати більш високі естетичні запити молодого покоління, ніж ті, що забезпечуються комерційним розважальним ринком. Важливої ролі у цьому процесі набуває мистецька освіта, зокрема музична, — не стільки виховання професійних музикантів, як загальна музична освіта у школі, що доступна більшості громадян. Дитячі школи мистецтв та музичні класи в мисте-цьких коледжах мають готувати випускників до навчальної діяльності, забезпечувати їх інстру-ментами подальшого формування суспільних мистецьких смаків. Не менш важливим є навчити батьків та відповідальних осіб того, наскільки важливим є музичне мистецтво для розвитку дитини. Такими, здавалося б, простими, але дієвими засобами можливо сформувати загальне усвідомлення того, що музика є не «елітарною розвагою», а важливим елементом формування індивідуальності та інтелектуальних здібностей сучасних дітей та підлітків. Ключові слова: засоби популяризації музики, глобальна культура, музична освіта. Марквица Войцех Средства популяризации музыки среди молодежи как важный фактор противодействия «макдональдизации» глобализированной культуры Популяризацию художественных вкусов как процесс сегодня нельзя рассматривать вне про-блем глобализации. Учитывая взгляды современной молодежи на так называемую «классическую музыку», представляется необходимым формировать более высокие эстетические запросы молодого поколения, нежели обеспечиваемые коммерческим развлекательным рынком. Особый вес в этом процессе приобретает художественное образование, в частности музыкальное, — не столько воспитание профессиональных музыкантов, как общее музыкальное образование в школе, доступное большинству граждан. Детские школы искусств и музыкальные классы в колледжах искусств должны готовить своих выпускников к дальнейшей учебной деятельно-сти, предоставляя им инструменты формирования общественных художественных вкусов. Не менее важно привить родителям и несущим ответственность взрослым понимание того,

Not forgetting the need to maintain the high level of technical merit for the pianist it seems, h... more Not forgetting the need to maintain the high level of technical merit for the pianist it seems, however, necessary to offer nowadays some additional components to the artistic studies system. Examples discussed above show that only a comprehensive care for the young artist offered by academies, based, on the one hand, on courses on the psychology of performance, aesthetics and artistic market rules, and, on the other, on supporting the young alumnus to access the world's renowned concert halls and professional instruments – can offer a positive effect. A huge competition among pianists – and more broadly amidst artists in general – makes the new situation. The artistic development can no longer rely on random engagement and anticipation for the ‘opportunity of a lifetime’. Today, it is necessary to support outstanding young artists by opening the door to the most famous concert halls, and by intensive promotion offered to competition winners.

Universities in Central Europe. 20 years after. Vol. 1: Transformations and stakes, 2011
Transformation triggered a revolutionary change in Polish higher education. Once rationed, access... more Transformation triggered a revolutionary change in Polish higher education. Once rationed, access to higher education became wide open. Private higher education institutions opened, and the number of students quadrupled reaching two million. With such abundance, there was little incentive to internationalize.
The situation has changed radically. With demographic downturn there are fewer students, additionally since Poland became a member of the European Union Polish students by the thousand decided to make British or German universities their educational destination of choice.
Polish universities want to be active players in the European education space but realizing that the government does not yet have a policy regarding internationalization of higher education turned to the Perspektywy Education Foundation a private, not-profit institution for help. The Perspektywy Foundation in collaboration with the Conference of Rectors (CRASP) have developed an ambitious multi-year “Study in Poland” program promoting Polish higher education abroad, and providing supporting internationalization.
Rola i wkład Polaków w kreację dziedzictwa kulturowego innych narodów, 2014
Wanda Landowska (1877-1959) była nie tylko wybitną, koncertującą klawesynistką i pedagogiem, ale ... more Wanda Landowska (1877-1959) była nie tylko wybitną, koncertującą klawesynistką i pedagogiem, ale także prekursorką w dziedzinie wykonawstwa historycznego i popularyzacji muzyki dawnej. Artykuł przedstawia podstawowe fakty biograficzne oraz główne poglądy estetyczne artystki dowodząc, że zmiana sposobu myślenia o muzyce epok minionych, która nastąpiła po 1960 roku, miała swoje korzenie zarówno w pracach Landowskiej, jak i w jej praktyce artystycznej.

Imponderabilia ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego.
Historia kolęd europejskich sięga IV wieku, a św. Hieronim potwierdza używanie kolęd już na począ... more Historia kolęd europejskich sięga IV wieku, a św. Hieronim potwierdza używanie kolęd już na początku V stulecia. Paradoksalnie jednak historia tego gatunku jest jeszcze starsza, bowiem śpiewy bożonarodzeniowe asymilowały zarówno w warstwie treściowej, jak obrzędowej czy formalnej różnorodne przedchrześcijańskie zwyczaje i śpiewy. Kolędy polskie wyróżniają się na tle europejskich różnorodnością tematów i wielością źródeł kulturowych. Stanowią też znakomity przykład absorpcji aktualnych tematów w pieśni religijnej. |
History of European carols dates back to the fourth century, and St. Jerome confirms the use of Christmas carols at the beginning of the fifth century Paradoxically, however, the history of this specific song is even older, because Christmas traditions assimilated (both in a matter of content or formal variety) different pre-Christian customs and songs. Polish Carols stand out against the background of Europe’s diversity of themes and cultural multiplicity of sources. They are also an excellent example of the absorption of current topics in the religious song.
Afetti Musicologici, 1999
Numerous Polish artists of the 19/20 cc break could not find their place in the country not becau... more Numerous Polish artists of the 19/20 cc break could not find their place in the country not because of political or economic reasons, but because of the reluctance of critics to embrace modern tendencies. Paderewski was one of them. His whole life was a struggle between “national” and “individual”. Maybe it is why Paderewski – composer transformed himself into Paderewski the philanthropist, Paderewski the politician and Paderewski the statesman. Playing those roles he worked hard to realize the boy’s dream “to help his country”.
Papers by Wojciech M Marchwica
The situation has changed radically. With demographic downturn there are fewer students, additionally since Poland became a member of the European Union Polish students by the thousand decided to make British or German universities their educational destination of choice.
Polish universities want to be active players in the European education space but realizing that the government does not yet have a policy regarding internationalization of higher education turned to the Perspektywy Education Foundation a private, not-profit institution for help. The Perspektywy Foundation in collaboration with the Conference of Rectors (CRASP) have developed an ambitious multi-year “Study in Poland” program promoting Polish higher education abroad, and providing supporting internationalization.
History of European carols dates back to the fourth century, and St. Jerome confirms the use of Christmas carols at the beginning of the fifth century Paradoxically, however, the history of this specific song is even older, because Christmas traditions assimilated (both in a matter of content or formal variety) different pre-Christian customs and songs. Polish Carols stand out against the background of Europe’s diversity of themes and cultural multiplicity of sources. They are also an excellent example of the absorption of current topics in the religious song.
The situation has changed radically. With demographic downturn there are fewer students, additionally since Poland became a member of the European Union Polish students by the thousand decided to make British or German universities their educational destination of choice.
Polish universities want to be active players in the European education space but realizing that the government does not yet have a policy regarding internationalization of higher education turned to the Perspektywy Education Foundation a private, not-profit institution for help. The Perspektywy Foundation in collaboration with the Conference of Rectors (CRASP) have developed an ambitious multi-year “Study in Poland” program promoting Polish higher education abroad, and providing supporting internationalization.
History of European carols dates back to the fourth century, and St. Jerome confirms the use of Christmas carols at the beginning of the fifth century Paradoxically, however, the history of this specific song is even older, because Christmas traditions assimilated (both in a matter of content or formal variety) different pre-Christian customs and songs. Polish Carols stand out against the background of Europe’s diversity of themes and cultural multiplicity of sources. They are also an excellent example of the absorption of current topics in the religious song.