Title: [Chinese Eastern Railway: Map of the Railroad from Manchuria to Pogranichnaya]
Place: People's Republic of China; Russian Federation
Part Of: Views of the Chinese Eastern Railway
Description: This photograph is part of an album, Views of the Chinese Eastern Railway, which contains 42 photographic prints. The Chinese Eastern Railway is the Trans-Manchurian line of the Trans-Siberian Railway that runs from the Transbaikal region to Vladivostok.
Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver, part of 1 volume (42 gelatin silver prints); 21 x 27 cm on 27 x 38 cm
File: ag1987_0662x_42_opt.jpg
Rights: Please cite Southern Methodist University, Central University Libraries, DeGolyer Library when using this image file. A high-quality version of this file may be obtained for a fee by contacting [email protected].
No known copyright restrictionsNo restrictionshttps://www.flickr.com/commons/usage/false
この画像は当初、SMU Central University LibrariesによってFlickrのhttps://www.flickr.com/photos/41131493@N06/14224494874に投稿されたものです。この画像がNo known copyright restrictionsのライセンスで提供されており、コモンズに適合していることは、FlickreviewRによって2014-06-01 14:53:00に確認されました。しかしながら、これはアップロード時に指定されたcc-by-sa-3.0のライセンスと同じものではなく、当該ライセンスがかつて有効であったか否かは不明です。