Papers by Andhyka Tyaz Nugraha

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri : Jurnal Keilmuan Teknik dan Manajemen Industri, May 6, 2024
Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menyelidiki pengaruh material kemasan, tampilan kemasan, b... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menyelidiki pengaruh material kemasan, tampilan kemasan, bentuk kemasan, dan informasi pada kemasan terhadap minat beli konsumen pada UMKM Asa Cipto Roso, UMKM Siger Keripik, dan UMKM Keripik Lampung. Metode yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode PLS-SEM dengan bantuan software berupa SmartPLS 3.0. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari 120 responden yang merupakan konsumen keripik pisang pada UMKM Asa Cipto Roso, UMKM Siger Keripik, dan UMKM Keripik Lampung yang dibagkian melalui google form secara online. Hasil temuan dari penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa unsur kemasan yang meliputi material kemasan, tampilan kemasan, bentuk kemasan, dan informasi pada kemasan dapat memicu minat beli konsumen pada UMKM Asa Cipto Roso, UMKM Siger Keripik, dan UMKM Keripik Lampung. Temuan dari penelitian ini dapat memberikan implikasi terhadap perancangan kemasan keripik pisang yang sesuai dengan selera konsumen sehingga dapat memicu minat beli konsumen pada UMKM Asa Cipto Roso, UMKM Siger Keripik, dan UMKM Keripik Lampung.

Jurnal Integrasi/Jurnal integrasi, Mar 27, 2024
PT Bukit Asam Unit Pelabuhan Tarahan memiliki mesin dan alat yang digunakan untuk membantu aktivi... more PT Bukit Asam Unit Pelabuhan Tarahan memiliki mesin dan alat yang digunakan untuk membantu aktivitasnya dan tentunya secara tidak langsung menunjang produktivitasnya, salah satu mesin tersebut yaitu Rotary Car Dumper (RCD) 3. Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) dapat mengidentifikasi kemacetan pada sebuah alat atau mesin yang digunakan di perusahaan. Penggunaan metode Six Big Losses pada penelitian ini dapat mengetahui faktor apa saja yang memberikan kontribusi terbesar yang mengakibatkan rendahnya efektivitas penggunaan mesin RCD 3 di PT Bukit Asam Tbk unit Pelabuhan Tarahan. Setelah nilai losses didapatkan selanjutnya akan dianalisis maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) yang diterapkan dan apakah MRO berpengaruh terhadap losses tersebut. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan nilai OEE dari mesin RCD 3 sebesar 6%, dengan nilai rata-rata availability sebesar 52%, performance sebesar 12% dan quality sebesar 100%. Nilai six big losses tertinggi diperoleh dari set up and adjusment losse dan reduced speed losses, dimana kedua losses tersebut diperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 46%. PT Bukit Asam Unit Pelabuhan Tarahan telah menerapkan planned maintenance seperti preventive maintenance dan corrective maintenance pada periode pengamatan dari bulan Januari 2021 sampai Desember 2021.

Deleted Journal, Jun 12, 2023
Kedai AA merupakan salah satu bisnis kuliner yang mengalami persaingan yang semakin erat, persain... more Kedai AA merupakan salah satu bisnis kuliner yang mengalami persaingan yang semakin erat, persaingan yang terjadi diakibatkan karena semakin banyaknya bisnis yang sejenis dengan Kedai AA. Dalam menghadapi persaingan tersebut, maka diperlukan adanya bauran pemasaran untuk mampu mendorong tingkat kepuasan pelanggan yang mampu mendorong peningkatan laba bagi setiap bisnis. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui serta melihat bagaimana hubungan yang dimiliki antara variabel bebas 7P terhadap kepuasan pelanggan pada Kedai AA. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan melakukan penyebaran kuesioner kepada pelanggan di Kedai AA dengan menggunakan skala likert. Pada penelitian ini populasi yang digunakan adalah seluruh pelanggan pada Kedai AA dengan sampel sebanyak 110 responden yang dipilih secara sengaja dan acak dengan kriteria yang merupakan pelanggan Kedai AA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengujian data melalui uji validitas dan reliabilitas, serta metode SEM adalah metode yang digunakan menganalisis data. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini adalah variabel produk tidak memiliki hubungan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, harga memiliki hubungan yang tidak signifikan, beberapa variabel lainnya memiliki hubungan secara signifikan, serta seluruh variabel secara bersama-sama memiliki hubungan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan.

Perbanas Journal of Islamic Economics and Business, Feb 1, 2024
Penelitian ini bertujuan menyelidiki pengaruh iklim organisasi, interaksi psikososial, dan karakt... more Penelitian ini bertujuan menyelidiki pengaruh iklim organisasi, interaksi psikososial, dan karakteristik individu terhadap Work Organization and Job Content pada lingkungan kerja Bank Syariah Indonesia area Lhokseumawe propinsi Aceh. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari 172 orang responden menggunakan instrumen kuesioner yang dibagikan secara online melalui google form. Metode PLS-SEM diterapkan pada penelitian ini dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Smart-PLS versi 3. Tahap analisis data penelitian terdiri dari dua langkah yaitu analisa model pengukuran dan model struktural. untuk mengolah data penelitian dan menguji hipotesis penelitian. Hasil analisa awal terhadap model pengukuran mengungkapkan bahwa seluruh jawaban responden pada masing-masing item pertanyaan untuk setiap dimensi pada model penelitian valid dan handal. Selanjutnya hasil analisa model struktural menunjukkan bahwa iklim organisasi, interaksi sosial dan karakteristik individu memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap organisasi kerja dan konten pekerjaan. Temuan ini menggambarkan bahwa iklim kerja organisasi yang menerapkan prinsip-prinsip syariah, interaksi sosial yang terbentuk dari sistem kerja berlandaskan hukum Islam, serta karakteristik individu yang konsisten dalam mengaplikasikan budaya perilaku sesuai syariat Islam memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap dinamika organisasi kerja dan konten pekerjaan pada Bank Syariah Indonesia area Lhokseumawe propinsi Aceh. Penelitian ini memberi implikasi terhadap pembentukan iklim organisasi yang sesuai kaidah dan prinsipprinsip Syariah, terciptanya interaksi sosial dalam lingkungan organisasi yang lebih harmonis, serta pengembangan karakteristik individu yang lebih kompeten dan profesional pada Bank Syariah Indonesia area Lhokseumawe propinsi Aceh.

Jurnal Pasti: Penelitian dan Aplikasi Sistem dan Teknik Industri, Aug 26, 2023
Faktor tenaga kerja, waktu kerja dan beban kerja berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas suatu perusah... more Faktor tenaga kerja, waktu kerja dan beban kerja berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas suatu perusahaan industri. Berdasarkan isu tersebut maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan waktu standar, beban kerja pekerja dan jumlah pekerja optimal pada bagian produksi Udang PCDTO-IQF di PT. Indo American Seafoods dengan menggunakan metode Stopwatch Time Study. Data penelitian diperoleh secara langsung dengan cara mengukur waktu kerja pada bagian produksi menggunakan instrumen stopwatch. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan total waktu standar yang dibutuhkan untuk produksi Udang PCDTO-IQF sebesar 17.089,83 detik atau 4,75 jam. Beban kerja untuk proses produksi memiliki 29 proses, terdapat 11 proses memiliki beban kerja lebih dari 100% atau beban kerja normal, selebihnya memiliki beban kerja normal. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut maka direkomendasikan agar perusahaan melakukan penambahan jumlah pekerja untuk beban kerja berlebih serta melakukan pengurangan ataupun pemindahan tenaga kerja pada bagian dengan beban kerja rendah ke bagian lainnya yang membutuhkan lebih banyak tenaga kerja.

PT XYZ, a company in the agribusiness sector, operates a chick hatching production line that yiel... more PT XYZ, a company in the agribusiness sector, operates a chick hatching production line that yields hatching eggs as its final product. Currently, the company's production process lacks standardized working hours across various crucial stations-namely, terminal, pullchick, vaccine, and packing stations. This absence of standardized hours poses a significant challenge, impacting labor productivity. Additionally, the work pace remains inconsistent among employees at these stations, resulting in unpredictable monthly fluctuations in hatching egg production, rendering it unstable. To address these challenges, the implementation of the stopwatch time study method becomes imperative. This research aims to ascertain cycle time, normal time, and establish standard working hours across the terminal, vaccine, pullchick, and packing stations. Furthermore, the goal is to standardize the work time specifically at pullchick and packing stations. The objective is to compare these standard times against the current practices to enhance worker productivity effectively. Following the research, notable improvements have been observed. The terminal station has experienced a 1train increase in output, rising from the prior 18 trains to 19 trains. Similarly, the vaccine station has shown remarkable progress, with an output surge of 6 boxes per hour, escalating from a previous rate of 25 boxes/hour to 31 boxes/hour. These findings underline the positive impact of implementing standardized work times, indicating enhanced productivity and efficiency across these stations within PT XYZ's production process.

Polish journal of management studies, Jun 1, 2019
With the growing momentum toward hospital quality measurement and reporting by public and private... more With the growing momentum toward hospital quality measurement and reporting by public and private health care payers, hospitals face increasing pressures to improve their medical record documentation and administrative data coding accuracy. This study explores the relationship between the organizational knowledge-sharing structure related to quality and hospital coding accuracy for quality measurement. Simultaneously, this study seeks to identify other leadership/management characteristics associated with coding for quality measurement. Theory and Methods: Drawing upon complexity theory, the literature on "professional complex systems" has put forth various strategies for managing change and turnaround in professional organizations. In so doing, it has emphasized the importance of knowledge creation and organizational learning through interdisciplinary networks. This study integrates complexity, network structure, and "subgoals" theories to develop a framework for knowledge-sharing network effectiveness in professional complex systems. This framework is used to design an exploratory and comparative research study. The sample consists of 4 hospitals, 2 showing "good coding" accuracy for quality measurement and 2 showing "poor coding" accuracy. Interviews and surveys are conducted with administrators and staff in the quality, medical staff, and coding subgroups in each facility. Findings and Implications: Findings of this study indicate that good coding performance is systematically associated with a knowledge-sharing network structure rich in brokerage and hierarchy (with leaders connecting different professional subgroups to each other and to the external environment), rather than in density (where everyone is directly connected to everyone else). It also implies that for the hospital organization to adapt to the changing environment of quality transparency, senior leaders must undertake proactive and unceasing efforts to coordinate knowledge exchange across physician and coding subgroups and connect these subgroups with the changing external environment.

Jurnal Economia, Oct 31, 2022
The aims of study are to analyze and evaluate the impact of COVID-19 outbreak on Indonesia Stock ... more The aims of study are to analyze and evaluate the impact of COVID-19 outbreak on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) performance before, during, and after the official announcement day on March 2 nd , 2020. Five industry sectors were observed, i.e agriculture, property, manufacture, consumer, and mining sector. Event study analysis method is used to value the short-term influence of the announcement day on the selected stock market performance in Indonesia. The findings of the study indicated that manufacturing and consumer sectors had better stock performance with positive results of their abnormal return, unlike the agriculture and property sectors which showed the opposite result of their stock performance. The stock performance in the mining sector remained stable even after the announcement day. Indonesian Government, particularly the companies' management, is expected to pay more attention to the aggrieved industries because of the negative effect of outbreaks, especially on the agriculture and property sector.

Journal of Business Management and Accounting
The aim of this study is to investigate the causal relationship between final energy consumption ... more The aim of this study is to investigate the causal relationship between final energy consumption and economic growth for three main development sectors in Indonesia. In this study, we consider final energy consumption as energy indicator and the value added of development sectors as economic indicator. We use annual data from 1971 to 2014 and collected data from international energy agency and the world development indicator. We use Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) technique for cointegration and granger causality approach to explore direction of causality between the variables. We found a bidirectional relationship between energy and economic growth in the industrial sector in the long-run and in services sector in the short-run. Furthermore, we found a unidirectional relationship from economic growth to energy consumption in the services sector in the long-term and in the agriculture sector in the short and long terms. Based on these results, we concluded that economic growth...

Our study investigates the role of Green human resource management (GHRM) practices on the indivi... more Our study investigates the role of Green human resource management (GHRM) practices on the individual environmental performance of employees (IEP) as well as the mediating role of perceived organizational support (POS) in the health sector in Indonesia. Data was collected using a questionnaire that was shared with 310 nurses working in Indonesian as respondents. SmartPLS 3 software is used to analyze data by adopting the PLS-SEM approach. The research findings reveal a strong and positive relationship between the dimensions of GHRM practices such as Green Employee Involvement (GEI), Green Management Performance (GMP), and Green Training (GT) on the individual environmental performance of employees in Indonesia's health sector. Furthermore, we also found an indirect effect of GHRM practices on employees' environmental performance through perceived environmental support from the organization company. Based on our study, we suggest Institutions and organizations in Indonesia&#...
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management

Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia
The prime objective of the present study is to examine the impact of Just in time production, int... more The prime objective of the present study is to examine the impact of Just in time production, internal environmental management, and eco-design on organizational performance. Furthermore, the moderating role of trust between internal environment management and organizational performance is examined as well. The data for the present study is collected from the customers of the textile industry through convenient sampling. The response rate was 74%. The collected data was analyzed through PLS-SEM. The findings of the study revealed that eco-design and internal environmental management significantly impact organizational performance. Whereas trust moderates positively the relationship between internal environment management and organizational performance. On the other hand, the impact of just-in-time production on organizational performance is not significant. The findings of the present study are helpful for practitioners and decision-makers of the textile industry dealing in the supp...

Agro Bali : Agricultural Journal
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terjadi efek cambuk (BE) pada produksi ... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terjadi efek cambuk (BE) pada produksi CPO di PTPN VII Unit Bekri, Lampung. Selain itu, kami melakukan peramalan permintaan Produk CPO menggunakan metode Double Moving Average (DMA) dan metode Double Exponential Smoothing (DES) serta membandingkan hasil peramalan dari kedua metode tersebut berdasarkan Mean Absolute Error (MSE) terendah dan nilai Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). Data bulanan produksi dan penjualan CPO periode 2019 – 2021 digunakan untuk peramalan permintaan produk CPO. Hasil penelitian kami menunjukkan bahwa nilai BE awal (1,08) lebih tinggi dari nilai parameter (1,04) dan hal ini mengindikasikan terjadinya BE pada produksi CPO di PTPN VII Unit Bekri, Lampung. Selanjutnya, temuan kami juga menemukan bahwa nilai MSE dan MAPE dari penggunaan metode DMA lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan metode DES. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini juga diharapkan dapat menyumbangkan referensi terkait dengan aplikasi metode p...

International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Oct 5, 2020
Ports as key of transportation network, the gate of economy activities, transportational mode tra... more Ports as key of transportation network, the gate of economy activities, transportational mode transition center, site of distribution, production, and consolidation of goods and services, and a place that highly related with routine industrial, agricultural, tourism, and commercial activities. Its important roles in commercial field are as chain of transportation (transportation system) which is a series of goods movement from sender to the receiver or customer that involves various of transportational mode transitions. Are the activities conducted related with supply and chain in ports are already in harmony from the perspective of regulations? Should these ports be re-serviced to improve its performance as a part of supply and chain management? The utilized method in this research is a normative method, with a descriptive analysis by utilizing secondary and primary data. The result of this research reveals that the implemented policy is not in harmony with the available resource in the field, and caused unoptimum output. Because of that, a cooperation between the available human resources in the policy implementation is vital to improve the sector's contribution towards the national economy, where ports are placed as an accelerator of physical and economical development. Port reservice is a requirement to improve the inconducive and unprofessional Indonesian ports that contribute on ineffective and inefficient service performance. Indonesian ports should organize its performance by improving their tools as supporting facilities and infrastructures. If the available funding is insufficient, port management is recommended to invite both domestic or foreign investors to provide capital investments.

The supply chain dynamics has been broadly examined and experienced by the academes, industrialis... more The supply chain dynamics has been broadly examined and experienced by the academes, industrialists as well as economists. However, still the literature is missing with the effect of economic indicators on supply chain practices, particularly in fishing industry. Therefore, the objective of the current study is to examine the role of economic indicators on supply chain in fishing industry of Indonesia. Fishing industry is one of the industries which is working from many centuries and now growing rapidly and considered to be the important element of economic growth in different countries like Indonesia. Six hypotheses were formulated with the help of previous studies, concerning the relationship between inflation rate, interest rate, human development index (HDI), gross domestic product (GDP) and supply chain. GDP was considered as the mediating variable. Managerial employees of fishing companies were selected as the respondents of this study. Primary data was collected by conducting...

Budgets are instruments that managers can use to help them in completing their business activitie... more Budgets are instruments that managers can use to help them in completing their business activities. Now various countries are focusing budget participation to boost supply chain activities. Objective of the current study is to examine the role of budget participation in supply chain operational performance among Indonesia textile industry. Moreover, moderating role of management control system was also examined. Interactive control system and boundary control system taken as moderating variable. For this purpose, data were gathered from textile companies of Indonesia. Employees of these companies were selected as respondents. Total 500 questionnaires were distributed to collect the data. Partial Least Square (PLS) were utilized as statistical tool to analyse the data. Results shows that budget participation increases the supply chain operational performance. Moreover, management control system also has significant role in supply chain operational performance.
Yolanda Masnitaa*, Andi Yakubb, Andhyka Tyaz Nugrahac, Sri Vandayuli Riorinid, a,dFaculty of Econ... more Yolanda Masnitaa*, Andi Yakubb, Andhyka Tyaz Nugrahac, Sri Vandayuli Riorinid, a,dFaculty of Economic and Business, Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia, bFaculty of Political Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia, cSchool of Technology Management and Logistics, College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Malaysia, Corresponding Author Email: a*[email protected]
Promoting Creative Tourism: Current Issues in Tourism Research, 2021

Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 2020
This paper is an informative approach to critically inspect the influence of financial sector dev... more This paper is an informative approach to critically inspect the influence of financial sector development's dimensions on the CO2 emission within the developing ASEAN states i.e. Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand over the period of 1990-2016. The major tested variables of this paper are the number of bank deposits, number of bank branches and ATMs who act as independent variables; CO2 emission act as a dependent variable, while population and gross capital formation act as controlling variables within this research. To justify the hypothesis, the Panel Unit Root Test, Pedroni's Cointegration Test, FMOLS Estimation, and Multicollinearity Test based statistical evaluation performed within this paper. According to the outcomes, it becomes concluded that there is no existence of any null hypothesis and cointegration among the tested variables. In addition, the significant coefficient values of the number of bank branches, number of bank deposits, population, and gross capital formation depicts that these factors directly enhanced the CO2 gas emission based situation within the selected states within the 1990-2016 era. This paper is an informative approach in front of the state's government, policymakers, business community and other related financial institutions to overcome their negative environmental influence by enhancing their work on the green marketing approach. In addition, there is a need to implement the coordination among stakeholders; capacity building and market share based effective controlling variables to enhance its authenticity.
Papers by Andhyka Tyaz Nugraha