I am still a universe away from being at all compitent at this game but it was really cool and enjoyable.
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This is so weird and I love it.
Really nicely designed levels.
This was a really fun and interesting concept. Great work!
Really interesting game! I played this for a bit just trying to get good at it.
Instructions unclear, was adopted by dog.
Thomas Letrain will forever haunt my dreams from this moment forwards.
I think the different controls really end up adding a lot, though. It was interesting enough to pull me back a few hours after first rating the game.
Really chaotic and fun. Great submission!
Cute frog go brrr. Nice game and art.
Love the art and general vibe.
Paid the $25 for the rar file. Looking forward to rating it again next month.
Really fun, intersting, and pretty game. I thought the controls were a bit difficult but there is a lot of depth with the movement.
Really fun, intersting, and pretty game. I thought the controls were a bit difficult but there is a lot of depth with the movement.
Fun game and nice attention to detail with the laser.
I would like you to know that I am very concerned about the well being of the fish.
Where am I? What is happening? This madlad made a non-euclidian game in a game jam.
Really fun concept! The game nicely built upon its mechanics.
You Introduced your concept really well. Great game.
I really enjoyed the concept and it was a fun puzzle! However, I found the darkness to be somewhat frustrating.
I really enjoyed playing this game!
Ghost go brr. Enjoyed the concept and the art. :)
Adorable skelly
Adorable skelly
Thank you!
Haha. Thanks!
Fun little game, but I thought the controls were very unresponsive without drift, and that using drift made you go out of control too easily. I like how you zoomed in the camera for race 2. I feel that was much more interesting than a second track would have been.
Loved the pencil drawings and the reviews! Nice story.
Perfect *cough* perfect combo!
Yup I'd have to agree.
Everyone knows aliens are Midieval.
Theres something very ejjoyable about a hedgehog with a camera flying through the air. I felt kind of bad when a wooden board got stuck in his neck though. Nice job with the game!
Absolutely love the art and this music. The animation was very appealing. However, I found it frustrating that I could not point up or down, and for some reason, there was nothing after level 1.