CommentsthesquaregrootSubmitted2 years ago(+1)Got to 16,400 points after a couple plays! Not sure if that’s good but it felt like an accomplishment. Nicely polished, and ran well on Linux. Great job! SubmittedJackpot Hacker
Got to 16,400 points after a couple plays! Not sure if that’s good but it felt like an accomplishment.
Nicely polished, and ran well on Linux. Great job!
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Got to 16,400 points after a couple plays! Not sure if that’s good but it felt like an accomplishment.
Nicely polished, and ran well on Linux. Great job!
Thanks! At this point I think the fact that you played a couple of times and got better (and hopefully had fun) was the most important thing. The "end game", level 7+ is kind of lackluster at this point and something I'm working on for the next update. It's not super advanced, but I wanted the player to feel clever by first figuring out the basic mechanic using just visual hints, and then if they like it try to figure out more advanced strategies on how to get more points and get further in subsequent plays.
I did have fun! And yeah, that makes sense. Right now this strikes me as a kind of endless mode where the levels don’t really mean anything there’s just another indication of how far you got. Whereas I think I would really enjoy more of a puzzle mode. Kind of like Tetris Attack if you’ve ever played that. Just a thought!
This is so pleasant to play, really nicely polished! That difficulty curve gets out of hand fast, I can't decide whether I'd prefer a slower ramp up or if I really like how fast it gets out of control. While I picked up a couple of tactics along the way, I'm also keen to watch other playthroughs to see if other players come up with a different approach.
Thanks! The difficulty curve will likely change as I tweak the levels and I also plan to introduce at least one more mechanic in later levels. But I want the curve to be steep enough to have typical games end quite quickly. I'd rather have the player get a game over and try again than have them get bored before finishing a longer game due to it being too easy.