Uhmm that was a very different game. Not sure if the input had lags or if there was some reload mechanism but often when I wanted to fire nothing happened. Managed to kill a few zombies and got some coins but was not sure what to do with it.
Thank you!
I like the wacky concept. I didn't managed to kill any zomibes though. I fired directly at them but nothing happened. Also what is the dollar sign on the upper right corner? Do you get monet as you shoot more zombies. I couldn't get any money either probably cuz i couldn't kill zombies
Fun concept! Controlling the airship felt good, but the shooting mechanics felt like they weren't always taking my inputs. I did like seeing the zombies run around the environment while I sailed around. Nice work overall!
Thank you so much!
I was a flying Dutchman for some time :)
I really liked the way you used the Kenney assets and created basically a helicopter attack game. I thought the scope/crosshairs view was really cool and made me want to shoot up lotsa zombies. I have to say the controls were pretty janky, though--especially firing the gun, which seemed to happen only part of the time I pressed the mouse button and I wasn't sure why. Could also have used a few instructions on how to play at the beginning, as it took me a while to figure out the keys.
Thank you so much!!!
good game
Really like the concept, and I'm a sucker for flying airships too. I found the gameplay very difficult though and I couldn't kill anything as far as I could tell so I have no idea what I was doing wrong since I would aim at them and fire. Still, neat idea!
Thank you very much!
very nice! also I'm trying to spread the word about my game! so it would be great if every body could check it out! (and maybe even rate it!)
Thank you!
The game is really fun and the idea is certainly good, I'd say it just needs some improvements, like either a more free camera angle constraint or more attack range, as it was pretty good to aim somewhere close enough to shoot. Bur overall, great entry!
Thank you so much!
interesting game! it would have been good to rotate the ship without moving forward but overall enjoyed sniping those zombies! nice job
Thank you very much!
Nice concept you got here! Definite room for improvement but for 48 hours this is good!
Thank you!
Dark souls of shooting games
Great concept! I've spent some time in this game, it was funny. However game needs to have some improvements. Hope you will make a really good game soon! In conclusion, you have made hard work, well done!
Thank you very much!
Hey, original idea haha. It could be cool to have a bit of inertia on the ship !
Cool concept. I wasn't expecting the sniper style scope. Well done!
Thank you so much)
I've never killed zombies on board a ship, very funny concept haha!
Interesting idea... Good effort!
Thank you
ХАХАХАХА я в шоці ігра реально ОСОБЛИВА взагалі LEVEL UP, що сказати ігра прикольна щось реально нове не тобі якийсь платформир замаханий, А ТОБІ ЦІЛИЙ ГОЛАНДЕЦЬ, на початку нерозумів як стріляти, але потицявше мешку поняв що тут є ПРИЦІЛ блін КРУТИЙ приціл це як я в ФРІ ФАЄР ПОГРАВ, сидів і дись 10 хв неміх ніодного, раба сестими вбити, коли не прийшла сестра і низказала що можна зажати кнопку вогонь і РОЗНОСИТИ чувачків, а то я думав що можна один раз стрильнути ну і поразу пулька думаючи, що колись попаду в чувачка, блін мені рілі було цікаво в це грати, але пограв макс 15 хв, небуло цілі як в наруто стати хокаге, кинули б тіп ціль захірачити 100 чувачків і там сцена, чувак ти виграв гру іде похвались мамі, і що скажу на останок САЧАН і МОРЯЧОК вам респект від ГІГАЧАДА ГЕЙМДЕВА
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