omg the art style is so cute, i love the little animations for the turrets!
I liked the art style it was nicely made. Though I couldnt get a gist of what to do. The traps didnt work and the enemy has navigation problems. It is a really cool idea how you implemented it all, just with the issues fixed, but it has good potential. (I now realized that I failed to read the description more and the traps not working was really an issue on my end, other than that nicely done.)
I see what you were going for, but sadly i couldn't figure out how to use some of the crafted traps, like the turrets. Although i did figure out how to build an arrow turret and a spike trap.
Nonetheless, it's a cool concept with interesting mechanic and nice visuals, good job!
Not sure I get it? I'm trying to place the spikes down which don't seem to do anything?
You need to activate them by using the lever which you will get after the trap is created.
If you didn't get the lever, then you created only holes for the future spikes
Hard to understand but nice art
I couldn't figure out what to do exactly, but I enjoyed the art!
Tough to understand but I am a fan of the art style, great work!
Like others said, it's pretty hard to understand what to do, but I think I understood the basics... and I like it. Graphics are also beautiful!
Good concept, but very hard to understand (and thus, enjoy, unfortunately).
The graphics are pretty good! It's easy to understand what's on the the screen.
But on the other end, it's very difficult to understand what to do, and since it took a lot of retries to have an ennemy with the stone base to spawn, I missed out on the turret for nearly all my games, never knowing what to do with my evergrowing pile of bows... ^^'
(also, it might just be me being stupid, but I didn't understand you had to use the arrows to move around, I figured it might be a point and click game where you have to defend the goblin, and wondered why my mouse wasn't picking up items for 2 solid minutes)
Although, once I finally got it, it became a bit more fun! I liked the fact that you added two different levels, it shakes things up a bit and allows for different strategies.
Overall, interesting take on the dungeon defense genre, it just needs a bit more explanations.
Good job! =)
Thank you for detailed usability issues! I think I will add a real tutorial once the jam is finished. Unfortunately didn't have time for it during the 48 hours I had =(
You're welcome!
Yeah, I get that, same for me: I wanted an in-game interactive tutorial, and ended up writing it down in the description after the Jam =(
Hard to understand at the beginning but it was a nice game! My controls were not so ideal because i have the european keyboard layout. It did not cause much of a problem tho!
It was hard to really understand how to play the game proprely but anyway, it was a good play, well done.
Tough, but good game. This is a creative and well implemented take on the theme! However, it would have been nice to have a little bit of guidance for the tutorial. I was pretty confused until I scrolled down and saw the directions were in the game description on the page itself lol
Interesting art style and idea. I especially liked the combining mechanic to craft.
My feedback is at the end of a level, there should be some indication of it ending. I think I defeated the first level but nothing seemed to happen after that.
Could you give me feedback on my game as well?
Thank you! There should be a winning text after you killed all the waves of enemies (in any level except tutorial). There might be a bug when you double kill the last enemies of the round, the game doesn't count it as a win or round completion.
Checked your game as well :)
Interesting ides. Didn't really get the hang of it but cool concept. I'd would have liked the mechanic to be easier to understand (without needing to read the instructions). Good job nonetheless!
This was very nice, I like how it is challenging but definitely can be mastered.
Really creative Idea. The game is Very difficult but still highly enjoyable, and the sprite work looks superb. Overall a really good job, I would have enjoyed seeing more levels. Oh and there seems to be a bug in the tutorial, causing you to be unable to restart or quit after dying.
Thank you for your feedback!
Yes, there is this bug in every level. Basically if you got hit when you're dead, the game will throw an error making you unable to quit or restart. I hope it doesn't greatly affect the game-feel though.
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