I mean, in a full version that could definigely be the case. Glad the quirky sounds were up to your tastes ~
One of our teammates was pushing hard for a kitchen escape scene but I felt like we didn't have time to implement it properly. I do think it would be a lot of fun!
Controls are pretty tight in this one! I got stuck between the knife and the wall in a couple of cases which drained my life haha, but other than that I had fun! Dashing into the chef felt good!
I have encountered the same while playing tje game, so fair enough. Even still, glad it was fun for you :3
Lovely graphics!
It was quite easy, though, because I could spam the dash. Maybe adding some delay or a stamina system would make it more interesting.
But overall, it was fun, and the controls felt great. Nice project!
Due to the dash-cooldown literally mysteriously breaking three separate times when we tried to implement it for whatever random reasons, due to time-constraints we had to cut it altogether since we weren't able to fix it in time
Glad you had fun, that's what we're all about ~
It's a fun mini-game! Besides, the name of the game is fucking hilarious. I managed to kill the damn chef on the third try.
To add some feedback, you should add a few tenths of invulnerability to the tomato so it can't kill you with a single slash, or change how that collision works. But overall, it's a very decent submission. Good job!
I personally know only very little coding (just your friendly neighbourhood game designer and a fantasy-writer ~ Not some programming-savant despite my background with a degeee in IT-Engineering and as someone who has also studied game-coding officially in school ), so I can't possibly tell you why there either were no invulnerability-frames at all or if there were, they weren't long enough. Also because I haven't seen this game's code personally
Glad you were able to find it appealing and worthwhile though, thank you! ^_^
Well, in the game I won, I lost and…both (because if the enemy attacks you, rolling can still do damage even if the tomato lost the battle). What can I say? It’s a good prototype, I would like to try a boss rush game about this tomato rolling his way for the freedom! Collisions are a bit unfair, because you can either do lots of damage to the enemy and be oneshotted. I liked your entry, congratulations! 3D games are hard to make, let alone good ones…and you did it!
Fair enough. If the rest of the guys would ever want to work on this game further, I'd love for us to fix all of the issues you had addressed
Thanks for playing, and I'm glad you were still able to find it enjoyable!
Yes, it was! Have a good day!
Likewise, dear old chap ~
I did build a fair amount of logic to prevent this scenario but it looks like you found an edge case. Congrats! Here's a cookie: 🍪 Seriously though, thanks for letting us know. :) Definitely a lot of room for improvement. I'd love to see this become a full-fledged game. If I can figure out my mental health maybe I could even spearhead the project. 🤷🤞🤌
The UI is not right and the game can be cheesed. Good job though!
The game's point is to be cheesed kinda. But it being "kinda not" the point at the same time is the fact that any time we tried to put a cooldown for the dash, it literally broke the code somehow. So due to time constraints, we had to cut that one out. And yes, we tried to fix it three separate times until we deemed it to not be worth the drag :'D
As for the UI, I couldn't tell you
Hope you still found this game enjoyable somehow
gameplay feels really smooth!! it's got a fun premise. Love how the tomato dash attack feels- not too spammable, but fast enough to reward the player for pulling off multiple between knife attacks. great job!
Glad you were able to enjoy the presentation as a whole! ^_^
I very cute game with a simple bit of gamplay to sell the experience.
The sfx & visuals really held a lot of charm.
Good job!
I'm glad my very intentional cute-direction and concept was still able to be conveyed through my god-awful placeholder intro-panels 😅
From the behalf of the whole team, we salute you! Thank you so much ❤️
Great concept and gameplay!
I like how you can gain so much momentum by bouncing everywhere haha
Glad you enjoyed our wacky little Tomata-Tale ~
Good concept, great gamplay, i liked your little funny game :)
Glad you found our game every bit as funny as we intended it to be! ^_^
Cute concept! I didn't know that the flat side of the blade would hurt me if I bounced on it, but I prevailed regardless! Good job!!
Glad my god-awful placeholder storypanels (can't you tell I'm a designer instead of an artist? :'DDD) were still able to sell the cute-concept I was aiming for
Every blade can be a double-edged sword. Do be careful with them sharpies ~
Very fun and creative, in my oppinion a couldown on the dash would have made the chef harder to kill. But again, it's a great game!
We were tinkering around with cooldowns, but each time we tried to balance it, it broke in the code. So we had to drop the cooldown altogether unfortunately
Glad you enjoyed our game anyway! ^_^
Very creative game! The controls are super responsive and the art is cute, great work!
I'm no artist (just a writer and a game-designer), but I still tried my best to give the story-panels the cute chibi-vibe that I had imagined in my head
Thank you so much for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed your time!
Noooooo poor Toma-tim :'( I can only think of all the toma-tas adn it makes me sad.
"Cute" game (well, in a way haha), nice references to Overcooked, and the introduction is priceless 👌 Good job team! Fits the theme!
The intro is terrible (you can blame me for that, and my inability to draw even to save my own life :D), and we didn't have time to replace those placeholders with actual real art
PS. Toma-Tim made his way back safely after knocking the chef unconscious >:3 This is canon to the lore!
Well the intro art gives the game an additionnal meme-ish layer, it's perfect
How memey it was was admittedly kinda half-intentional, now that I come to think of it. But for the most part I intended for it to be cute. Even if yeah, the UwU face and the chef picking up Toma-Tim with the OK-handsign . . . fair enough
lol super cute
Attack of killer tomatoes: the prequel
Cool ass game.
Ah, you've gotta love a game that can pull of this kind of goofy atmosphere and be fun enough for me to keep playing when I should be rating other games. And I always admire a game that is happy to just be a simple concept executed well.
Small nitpick, but the intro was a bit confusing to me at first, like, I didn't even realize there was an intro and thought I was frozen at a screen or something. I feel like the same little illustrations just filling the screen might have been more effective. But that's a very small issue.
Oh, and I'd die for my boy Toma-Tim. (Come to think of it, I did. Several times.)
Hai! Glad our charm managed to capture and allure you ~
The story-panels were added near the very end of the grace-period we got, so we didn't have time to implement them properly. They even use the placeholder storyboards I made myself (can you tell by the awful drawings? :'D )
very funny game, a great concept let down a little by the intro presentation. gameplay is really solid however limiting the amount of dashes you can do might make it a bit more challenging and fun. rolling around feels great. good work team!
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