I like the humour and the art style, and the music is nice! Good job!
However, when the textbox opens, is that.. a 5th colour?? 🤯
Cats and Spooks Like
Crap, I never really realized that, thanks for pointing that out. Guess GBStudio pulled a stinker on me there.
This is comedy gold! That is all that can be said XD
Purga-Story Demo Like
I love how this game absolutely doesn't take itself seriously. I wish there was more! Great job!
Static Pie Like
Lol yeah, glad ya noticed.
Oh man, that was fun! Very well written, it really made me laugh. Good job!
Vampiro Like
Thanks, glad something there made you laugh.
I thought this was super silly and I loved it! I really wish I could've experienced more of the characters hoping you keep working on this in the future! SUPER AWESOME!
Trick-or-Treat Trials
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