I like what you're going for here. The controls and upgrading seemed a bit buggy.
It's a nice game to play but the controls are a lil buggy, i think you can fix them, because the way it moves is good for a mobile game but for keyboard controls its laggy
Interesting idea :) maybe a bit more feedback would be cool or indications as it took me some time to understand that I needed to eat the green balls, otherwise fun little game :)
Looks and controls very nice. Only thing is character length glitched sometimes for me. I would also suggest maybe speeding up the player some, but that's just me. Other than that, good job!
Nice game! I enjoyed drawing things with my trail. Good job!
Thanks for playing, we're glad you had fun :)
Really fun music! The background in the rocks glitched a little for me but good mechanics!
Thanks for playing, we're glad you liked it.
Yeah, we noticed that issue with the background glitching too. I didn't code it myself but from my knowledge, it's likely an issue with the shaders we used in the background that help them scale dynamically but also allow the worms and ants to dig tunnels. When I talked to the artist that coded it they told me it should be an easy fix as they encountered it before. The bug just didn't pop up for us till we expanded the level size and by then it was too late to fix.
Is one of the fixes that will be implemented asap!! Thanks for the feedback :)
A very good idea. And a very cute character)
Thanks for playing!! I'll make sure to tell the artist you liked the character :)
Sweet game! The ant is so cute and it was fun to dig around. Good work!
Thanks for playing the game, we're glad you liked it :3
This was a cute game! The burrowing effect and wall-changing at certain depths was cool, did the burrowing take a while to implement? Not to brag, or anything, but I ate quite a lot of green dots. Sorry if I didn't leave any for the rest of you.
I believe the burrowing effect was done by one of the artists using shaders in a couple days??? They did such a great job on it. Well done on eating all the green food but leave some for us :(
I was confuse to the game but great work and fun game! keep it up
Thanks for playing and for the feedback!!
I was confused by the rules as well. Sometimes I was able to kill the ants, other times not so much, I also couldn't figure out how much life I had and what would cause damage cause I didn't have a UI. All around though the game showed premise and the controls were really smooth. I'd love to see an update to the game.
Thanks for playing and the feedback!!
I totally agree with you about the UI and feedback to the player. Not having an indicator of when you were doing damage to the ant was a big oversight on my part, I should've coded one in but I just didn't get round to it before the jam submission period ended.
Thanks for the feedback anyway, it's really useful seeing the issues with the game as it gives us things to focus on since we are definitely planning to do an update when we have time to :)
I was confused at the rules. Do you have to eat ants from the side/back? I think that needed explaining.
Video playthrough: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1911963031
Thanks for playing, I watched your video playthrough and I see the confusion. Most of it comes down to we didn't add enough feedback to the player when things were happening. Whatever angle you come at the enemies from you do a bit of damage to them if your head goes into them..
We had planned to add animations, vfx and sfx to indicate you were damaging the enemy but we didn't manage to get those finished in time before the jam submission period ended. I should've coded a basic health bar to the ants as a basic indicator that you were hurting them even without having the vfx and sfx ready, that was an oversight on my part (the main coder on the team).
Thanks for all the feedback, it was really valuable to see how you played it on the video too as it gives quite a good insight into things we should improve upon in the update we're planning in the weeks following the jam voting period ending.
Interesting take on the theme! Liked the graphics (the worm was quite adorable).
Thanks for playing!! We're glad you like the worm and graphics, I'll make sure to pass that on to the artists on the team :)
Fun game, the boundaries seem a bit small though and I wasn't sure what was going on the first time I ran into them.
Definitely a good point, they were mainly added last minute but it probably would've been a good idea if we added visuals for when you hit the boundaries.
Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing!!
Look at me I'm a cute lil worm! I tried to eat some ants but couldn't :( Got some textures glitching it seemed, and the invisible boundaries were a bit sad, but love the mechanic!
Thanks for playing and for the feedback!!
We definitely had a few technical issues as well as gameplay related issues and we've noted them down and plan to fix them in an update in the weeks following the jam voting period ending :)
The core game works. but except eating the green dots I wasn't sure what to do. I just now read in the comments that I could have interacted with the ants? That for sure wasn't clear while playing. I never saw anything happen
You're supposed to be able to damage the ants going into them with the worms and then they drop more green food dots you can then eat to gain xp. Sorry for the confusion, the lack of feedback to the player with the ants is definitely the weakest point of our game.
Thank you for playing!
Cute game, but it was very unclear if I could eat the ants of if I was meant to avoid them, some indication of when you took damage and when you ate stuff would have been nice.
You're meant to be able to do both. I definitely agree we needed to add more indicators of when you're attacking the enemies and when they're attacking and doing damage to you. Is one of the areas what we managed to get done was weakest on.
Thanks for playing and for the feedback!!
The movement felt great. What a cute little game.
Thanks for playing, we're glad you enjoyed it!
Great game! The movement is clean and the graphics are good. However, I was very confused on a few of the mechanics. Dying seems wierd, when I first played I travelled straight down and found ants and lots of food, but then I died. I was confused but then I realised it must be the ants (I think). Then I played again, went to the ant area and I didn't die at all, I ate the food that the ants drop? And my worm got huge and I just left it. A tutorial would be nice. Still a great game though!
Thanks for playing and for the feedback!!
I get what you're saying. I think the biggest issue with the game is that we didn't add enough feedback to the player about what was going on. For instance ants can hurt you which is why you lose tale pieces. But you can also hurt them and when they die they drop food. However we had no indicator of the ants attacking or when you were doing damage to them. No sound or visual. And I really think that made the game suffered
We're glad you enjoyed the movement and graphics, that's the stuff we focussed the most on polishing towards the end!!
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