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Human Cargo 0.97 CG Artwork Guide (SPOILERS)

Human Cargo
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android


With Human Cargo 0.97, a few CGs have been added to the gallery. Here's an updated CG Artwork Guide.


  1. Trailer - This will always be unlocked when a game isn't in progress
  2. Cygnus Colony
  3. Cargo Freighter BARAKAI
  4. BARAKAI Interior Diagram
  5. Yoshi Fantasizes
  6. The BARAKAI is Surrounded
  7. Holo Simulation – Sargas
  8. Border Station
  9. Phestur's Demise
  10. The BARAKAI arrives at Cygnus
  11. Kol Initiates a Ritual (NEW in 0.96)
  12. Kol Showers With Yoshi (NEW in 0.97)
  13. Kol and Yoshi in Bed
  14. Razix's Gift (NEW in 0.97)
  15. Razix and Yoshi in Bed #1
  16. Razix and Yoshi in Bed #2
  17. Zaurian Anatomy - Male
  18. Zed and Yoshi in Bed #1
  19. Zed and Yoshi's Big Day (NEW in 0.97)
  20. Zed and Yoshi in Bed #2
  21. Nasir and Yoshi in Bed (No Kink)
  22. Nasir and Yoshi in Bed (Kink)
  23. Doc and Yoshi in Bed #1
  24. Doc and Yoshi in Bed #2
  25. Yoshi In The Middle
  26. Yoshi is Phestur's Slave
  27. Yoshi's Untimely Demise
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